I'm getting better and better at tummy time and holding my head up. I'm pretty strong.
I've also started babbling more and more. Instead of just oohs and ahhs I've started adding consonants. My favorite is M, so I say "mem" and "mom" a lot. I also like "agoo" and "bbrr", but plan to up my repertoire significantly in the weeks to come.
I'm also working on getting my first teeth. My mom was at least 10 months old before her first ones, but daddy had his first at 3 months and a full set by a year old, so apparently I take after him. They haven't broken through yet, but I'm gnawing on anything I can get my hands on (or just my hands!) and fussy and drooling. We all can't wait till they break through and the pain eases up so we can get back to our regular routine of playing and napping and smiling.
Turns out Lola Shelia won't be able to come visit till May; but momma & daddy & I ended up taking an unexpected trip to Florida, so she and Papa Dave drove down to meet me. They watched me during the funeral service so my momma could say goodbye to her granny, and they took me shopping for some cute 6 month pj's and outfits. I was a good traveler and only fussed a little for momma and daddy on the airplanes. Mostly just at the beginning - giving a bad first impression - but I usually slept and nursed for most of the flight each time. I also got to spend a lot of time with Nanoo and Popoo, and met my uncles John and Joel as well as a LOT of extended family & family-friends. I took my first trip to the beach for a family dinner, and Nanoo and momma walked down to put our feet in the water. I didn't like it; it was too cold - but maybe when I'm older.

I've got no visitors for the next month, so my plans revolve around developing my verbal skills, working on sitting and rolling and tummy time activities, getting better and better at grabbing things (and sticking them in my mouth), and getting these teeth through the gums. I'll let you know how it goes!