I turned 7 months old today. Momma tried to take my picture and I just laughed at her and stuck out my tongue. Okay, so eventually I cooperated, but she keeps talking about wanting to invest in an SLR so she can get shots even when I'm busy moving - which is most of the time!
Neener-neener |
I've recently had a growth spurt b/c when momma measured me at home, I'm up an inch and a pound. My height was 27.2" and my weight was 16.4 lbs, which means I'm still hanging out around 50% for height and 15-20% for weight. Consistent; that's my middle name. Okay, well really it's Logan, but you know what I mean :) I'm currently wearing mostly 9mo clothes with just a few 6mo and 12mo in the mix.
I've been eating more and more new things all the time. I've got quite a range of fruits and veggies, and I'm working on trying some new grains and meats too (quinoa and barley and chicken, oh my!). Some veggies I didn't like at first, but momma mixed them with some fruit and I started to learn to like them on their own eventually.
You know how last time I wrote, I wasn't sitting up yet? Well a few days later I decided it was time, and I haven't looked back since! I'm not kidding, one day I was tipping over and the very next day I was doing it all on my own.
Can you find the baby in this picture? |
I've also been very active in my physical development in other ways. I'm not crawling yet, but I roll and spin all over the floor, and work on my push ups and "superman" so I'll be strong enough to start crawling when I decide it's time. One day momma came in the room and I had pulled the liner out of my toy basket and gotten it flipped over on myself. I love to explore everything around me.
I like playing with the dogs' toys too |
I've gotten better with my hands too. I'm in the beginning stages of figuring out how to point my finger and use the elusive pincer grasp. Momma's been letting me have a few puffs after meals to practice. I also practice grabbing her hair or clothes or whatever she's got in her hands if she's holding me.
I've started to work on my verbal skills as well. I can be found talking to myself or my toys or anyone who will listen. I like to giggle at the dogs and the superheroes on the shelf in my room. You'd be surprised how loud a little guy like me can be!
One night while momma was finishing her shower, daddy decided to read me a bedtime story. But if you know my dad, you know he couldn't pick a typical bedtime story. He read me a couple stories out of his Scary Stories Treasury. But you know what? I loved it anyway, and I slept fine.
It's been an interesting month for sleep! I've had growth spurts and teething fits and developmental leaps that made momma fear my regular schedule was a thing of the past. But finally in the last week or so I've found my rhythm again, and I'm back to sleeping 7-10 hrs before waking just to nurse, making a grand total of 11-13 hrs/night. Momma finally finished my 2nd sleep sack. She messed up the zipper and had to redo it, so it took her a while to find the time to work on it, but it's super cozy and super cute, don't ya think?

Also this month, momma and I took an impromptu road trip to Farmington, NM to visit with her friend Cassandra and her family. It was a LOOOONG day in the car down there on a Tuesday and a LOOOONG day in the car back two days later on Thursday, but we made it. We stopped for lunch in Pagosa Springs where daddy and momma had their honeymoon, at the McDonald's that was near their timeshare. And let me tell you, I've never been so happy to see my home, my daddy, and my dogs! I just laughed and smiled the whole night when we got home.

And the biggest change happened this week. Momma got a job, which means I have a friend come to play 3-4 days a week. She's a cute girl that's two months older than me. She crawls and pulls up to standing already, and she's eating all sorts of finger foods. It's exciting to see what I have to look forward to. And I LOVE having someone to talk to during the day. I'll have to ask her momma if it's ok for us to take a picture together for next month's blog post. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a few pictures that Jordan took while she was here that didn't make it onto her blog. If you haven't already checked it out, you should do that when you're done here! http://www.jordanweilandphoto.com/
Me and Elijah |
Chewing momma's shirt |
We did a few pictures during my morning nursing session and Dexter decided to snuggle in too |
Giggling and laughing at momma-tickles on the changing table |