In my physical development, I've been focused mostly on fine motor skills lately. I love to manipulate my toys, and I've gotten pretty good at picking up puffs and mixed veggies at meal times. Fruit is slippery and still a little hard to figure out. I haven't started crawling yet, but I can roll and spin my way across the room in seconds. I also spent a couple days working on pulling my knees up under me, face down. And today momma caught me inching forward towards a toy by rolling from side to side and pushing just a little with my knees. So I'm not there yet, but I'm definitely working toward the goal of forward momentum, and will get it in no time. Daddy and momma did some baby-proofing since I'm pretty mobile anyway. Now the only thing in the living room I can get to that I shouldn't is the DVD's, which I like to do when no one's watching me.
Verbally I'm still having fun babbling, but I don't have too much interest in real words yet. Momma keeps practicing signs with me, but I don't do any of them on my own yet. I just let her know by my expressions if the words/signs she's using are what I want. I love to listen to Rylee-girl talk all day; she can be super loud, but she's also got a cute whisper voice momma wants me to imitate instead.
Things with Rylee are going well. We like to play together, and I love how she pulls toys off the shelves so I can reach them. Most days we nap at the same time in the mornings, which is nice for momma. One day silly mom tried to take us to the library for baby story time. Not only did she have her hands full at the library, but neither one of us could stay awake for the car ride home. So until we drop the morning nap, she gave up story time. We just read books at home every day.
The weather is starting to turn cooler, and so I've gotten to spend a little bit of time outside. Usually I'm in the stroller or the carrier, but one day we were at Mrs. Kari's house and I played in the grass. We don't have this nice green stuff in our yard, but mom & dad are hoping to get some put in next spring.