Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today is my birthday!  One year ago today @ 3:16pm MST I entered the world healthy and alert.  I weighed 7.5 lbs and was 19" tall.  Today I weigh 17 lbs and am 27.5" (2.5") tall.  I'm a little guy, but with my cloth diapers I'm filling out most of my smaller 12 mo clothes pretty well.  Unfortunately, I'm sick on my birthday, so this was the closest momma could get to a smile out of me this morning, even with a book to read and Superbear to play with.
Wow, was this a busy month!  We flew to visit grandparents for Christmas and New Years, and I had LOTS of firsts this month.  I didn't fuss much on the airplanes, but I did hear momma say to daddy "it's like trying to hold a tornado," whatever that means.  Here are some pictures of a couple of my firsts:
My first french fry at Dwarf House CFA & my first shrimp (yummy!)
My great-grandpa and great-grandma were staying at Lola & Paw-paw's, so I got to meet them.  Here's a picture of daddy (not smiling for the picture), Lola, and my great's at the table on Christmas dinner.  I loved playing with grand-grandpa and even learned how to say pa-pa (between grandpa, paw-paw, and pop-pop, I got lots of practice).

I didn't really get the point of opening gifts for Cmas.  I liked playing with the ribbons and bows, but daddy had to help me rip the paper to get my presents open.  I loved the books Lola got me, and made her read Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb to me about a million times.  Nobody does it like Lola!

The day after Christmas we spent the whole day in the car to take my great-grandparents back to their home in Mississippi, and then drove another 30 min to spend the night with my OTHER great-grandparents.  It was great to meet Nanny & Pop, but we only stayed there for the night and then we got back in the car and drove back to Lola & Paw-paw's.  It was exhausting to be in the car for so long, but we survived it and were glad to get to see everyone.
Me and Paw-paw napping on the road trip
When we got back to Georgia after our trip to MS, Nanoo and Pop-pop picked us up and took us to North Carolina to spend a week at the timeshare.  While we were there, momma took me to the pool and I swam for the first time.  I wasn't afraid of the water, but wasn't quite sure what I thought about the whole experience.  There were so many kids swimming & playing and so much noise, plus I got pretty cold after a few minutes, so then I just sat with Nanoo by the hot tub and dipped my feet in to get warm (until we got asked to stop by the management - boo!).
I also got to see my great-aunt Laura again b/c she came to spend a couple nights at the timeshare with us.  We had so much fun feeding bread and nuts (and other oddities) to the squirrels and birds on the deck outside the sliding glass door.  Momma didn't get her camera ready in time to get a picture of me and "Fatty Short-tail" - the bravest of the squirrels who would come right up and eat food out of your hand.  It was a fun experience since squirrels will never get close to my back door b/c I've got two yappy dogs to chase them away.  Anyway, after a week of being at the timeshare, we drove back to the airport and flew the rest of the way home.  Here's a picture of me taking a nap on momma's pillow on the flight home.
Developmentally I've been busy too.  I have been busy honing my furniture-cruising skills, and have learned how to crawl up the stairs AND back down safely.  Momma or daddy still always go with me to make sure I don't fall, but I'm already a pro.  I've also started to figure out language, waved bye-bye (night-night) for the first time on New Year's Eve, started using baby-signs for things, and am in the middle of a vocabulary explosion.  Here are some cute pictures of me just for fun:

I woke up still sleepy from a nap & mom couldn't resist the pathetic cuteness
playing with my phone, and enjoying blackberries & my new sippy cup

I've also put aside my clock obsession for a couple new ones.  For a few weeks I was crazy about balls.  All the Christmas ornaments on trees were "balls" and I've picked up a few new balls to add to my collection too.  I also LOVE airplanes and notify mom every time I hear one fly by our house (which is multiple times a day since we live near an AF base and an airport).  And I'm starting to love cars and trucks.  I do the "signs" for car and airplane (excitedly, so they're a little spastic) every day.  Here is a picture of me looking out the window b/c I just read about an airport fire truck and that made me think of airplanes:
Well, I'd better get going.  I've got to get some rest so I can shake this cold before my big party on Saturday.  Plus I've got plans for some fun this evening, including a mini-party with mom & dad and a cupcake with my name on it. (banana cake with peanut butter frosting, oooh!)  I'll try to make sure momma takes lots of pictures of my party so you can see all the fun.  Until next time!