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I'm starting to get used to taking monthly pics w/Superbear |
Can you believe I've been alive for a year and a half? In some ways it seems like I was just born yesterday, and in other ways it seems like so long ago.
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Look how tall I've gotten! |
Size: Mommy didn't bother measuring me since I have my checkup in two days, but I stepped on the scales myself this morning and weighed about 20 lbs; we'll get the official stats from the doctor and add them in an editor's note. I'm wearing mostly 18 mo tops and 12 mo bottoms. My cloth diapers make me long enough to completely fill out the 18 mo onesies, but even with the bulk from my diaper some of my 12 mo shorts barely stay on. Unfortunately, I'm getting taller, so my pants are getting too short; good thing I'm going through this transition in summer when I can wear shorts and not worry about length.
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Practicing climbing in and out of the tub |
Physical development: I'm getting more and more confident in my walking and have started making attempts to run. Pop-pop loved to help me walk up and down the stairs while holding his hand, so I'm getting pretty good at walking instead of crawling on the stairs (with help). And daddy and mommy help me climb up on the couch, so I'm getting better at that every day. I'm enjoying my puzzles and shape ball, and get better every time at getting the pieces into the right spots. Mommy has been trying to let me paint and draw more, and even got me an AquaDoodle so I can draw sometimes while she's busy cooking in the kitchen. I love to go outside in the backyard and dig with my new shovel set. Of course, my favorite physical activity is driving my cars and trucks around.
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Sidewalk chalk |
Verbal development: As usual, I'm taking verbal development seriously. Pop-pop is a funny guy and says a lot of funny things, so I've expanded my sense of humor and word-play since they visited. I'm enjoying putting words together and changing the first letter in a word to make rhyming sounds. I've also started to be very independent verbally; for example, one day mommy told me, "say: daddy, read to me, please," and after a quick moment to think I asked, "daddy, read
I'm Dirty, please." It seems like a small difference, but shows I'm thinking about words and intentional about expressing myself.
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I wouldn't tell mommy why I insisted in chewing on my hat strap, LOL! |
Routines: My sleep routines got thrown all out of whack with family visiting - staying up past my bedtime and missing naps - but it was so much fun and completely worth it. Then after they left, I got sick and have been sick off and on since then (as have mommy and daddy). I've had a fever, I've puked and had the runs, and I've got a little bit of a cough. Currently mom has me on a pretty strict BRAT diet, and I've gotten all sorts of treats like honey and baby rice puffs and ginger ale and "fruit drink" (pedialyte). Also, daddy now has Friday's off for a few months (mommy says it's something called furlough, but all I care about is that daddy's home with us an extra day), so I get to spend a lot more time with him.
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Feeding the giraffe at the zoo |
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Riding in the wagon with Elijah |
Special events: While Nanoo & Pop-pop were here, we got to do all sorts of fun stuff. We went to the zoo; it was my first time. I LOVED feeding the giraffes and riding in the wagon with Elijah. We also went to the children's museum in Denver and I loved that too. My favorites were the fire truck, the balls, and the trains - but mostly the fire truck! I can't wait to go back again someday. We went out to eat at quite a few restaurants and I had fun trying new things everywhere we went. I can't wait till they come back at Christmas!
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I love the fire truck! |
We also got to spend some time with Jordan & Jason and meet their daughter Autumn on Cow Appreciation Day. They recently moved to Denver, so we're all excited about being able to hang out with each other more often.
My new friend Autumn and I at Chick-fil-A |
My favorites: Since I've been sick, mommy's been letting me watch some shows on the TV and my favorite is the Cars movie. I have Mater & Lightning "Machine" (McQueen) on my sippy cups, so I was excited to watch them on the TV. I also just got some new cars from a friend and Mater & Lightning were in those. Mater's my favorite, and if you push the button on his engine he talks. I also love to sit in the "reading chair" in the living room and read stacks of books.
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Watching the movie cars with Lightning & Mater |
Daddy's favorites: Daddy's getting a kick out of reading Fox in Socks to me each night and challenging his tongue. He's also enjoying the transition we've made from rocking in the cradle position to snuggling on his chest at bedtime.
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Reading w/daddy |
Mommy's favorites: Mommy loves that I've gotten more affectionate this month. I'm always more snuggly when I'm feeling sick, but even when I started feeling better I continued to enjoy lots of hugs and snuggles and give kisses freely.
Practicing affection on Superbear
Upcoming: We've got no big plans for most of the upcoming month, but we're hoping to get everyone in the house healthy and stay that way for a while. Then we'll be able to do the usual library story time, small group, church, and play dates without worrying about sharing germs. I'm looking forward to it; I'm starting to get a little stir crazy stuck in the house since I've been sick for so long. Tomorrow is storytime and a picnic at the park with my buddy Nathan, and mommy's friend Miss Cassandra is coming to visit mid-August.
My buddy Nathan & I watching daddy play video games
Editor's Note : At my 18 mo appointment on Friday, I weighed in at 19.8 lbs (just shy of the 20 lbs mommy was hoping for) and I'm 32.5" tall. That means I continue to be in the 1st % for weight, and I'm holding steady in the 57th % for height (not bad considering my genes ;-D). I'm also currently having a growth spurt, so I'll probably add to that in the upcoming week.