Reading to Superbear :) |
Finding Goldbug in Cars & Trucks & Things That Go |
Physical development: I've gotten quite good at climbing up on the furniture and usually don't need any help getting up anymore (unless I'm particularly tired). I've been spending a lot of my time the past few weeks playing outside with my construction toys. I'll spend 30+ minutes outside by myself just focused on digging and scooping and dumping the dirt. Mommy says she wants to get me a sandbox to dig in instead of the spots where the grass isn't growing. Unfortunately the time change means that the sun goes down earlier, so it gets pretty cold in the evenings, but I still want to go out and play.
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Playing in the dirt till my hands turned red from the cold |
Verbal development: I continue to excel at expressing myself. Right now I'm loving reading Richard Scarry's
Cars & Trucks & Things That Go every day. We just checked it out from the library, but I heard daddy telling mommy we should probably buy it b/c I can spend an hour a day looking at it. I love to find Goldbug on each page and name all the vehicles I see. I've started singing songs, especially the ones I hear every day as part of my bedtime routine. The other day I sang "You Are My Sunshine" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep" for mommy in the car. I'm also developing strong opinions about things. I picked out a very cute hat when we went shopping for cold-weather gear, don't you think?
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After we finally got hat and gloves so I won't freeze when I play outside |
Other developments: I've also started to get really affectionate. I like to initiate snuggles and hugs and kisses every day, and mommy & daddy are loving it!
Playing outside with Ryker |
Routines: I don't remember if I told you about climbing out of my crib or not, but
this month we've spent a lot of time getting me settled and used to my
"toddler bed" with the rail off the front. I have new Cars2 sheets and a
dump truck blanket that has to be snuggled with me in bed too. Mommy
& daddy are patiently teaching me to stay in bed when it's time to
sleep and even helping me to drift off at naptime so I'll get my rest. Also, though we've fallen into a comfortable normal with Ryker, his mommy got a promotion and they're going to be moving to Boulder at the end of the year, so we're trying to enjoy our last month with him before he moves.
Snuggling with Aunt Chellie |
Special events: Halloween was awesome! Mommy made me a backhoe costume; with a shirt she found in my closet, jeans, my brown "boots", and a hard hat (with one of my hats taped inside to make it fit my head), I looked just like a construction worker. I had so much fun trick-or-treating in our neighborhood; everyone said how cute I was, and I had great manners saying "thank you" to everyone who put candy in my bucket. Then it got too cold and my hands started to hurt so we went home and I got to eat some SweeTarts. Yummy! Then after I went to bed, mommy went to pick Aunt Chellie up at the airport and we got to spend a couple days with her. She brought me some awesome presents (including a new Truck book!!) and I enjoyed snuggling and reading with her. I think mommy might have enjoyed her visit even more than I did! :)
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Wearing my backhoe costume, ready to go trick-or-treating |
My favorites: I ask mommy and daddy to play me
What Does The Fox Say at least once a day. I'd listen to it all day long if I had a choice. It's definitely my favorite thing right now. And like I said, I'm loving
Cars & Trucks & Things That Go lately too.
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Enjoying the "fruits" of my labor on Halloween |
Upcoming: On Saturday we're having Thanksgiving dinner with Aunt Lindsey & Elijah & baby Isaiah. I can't wait for all the good food mommy & Aunt Lindsey have planned. Then on Sunday evening, Papa & Lola fly in for a short visit. They were supposed to come longer, and we're all bummed they had to cut their trip short, but we're going to pack all the fun and lovin' into 4 days that we can. We're going to decorate the house and tree for Christmas and have our own little early Christmas celebration before they leave. I can't wait to give them lots of hugs and kisses!
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Crazy morning hair! |