Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 28, 2014

20 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 20 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~6.5" (crown to rump) or 10" (head to toe) & ~10oz

Total Weight Gain : ~ 9 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  I'm starting to wear the over-the-belly pants, tho my belly still isn't the greatest at holding them up.

Best Moment This Week : Wakin up at 2am to Ash screaming b/c he was puking. Oh wait, that DEFINITELY wasn't it. Honesty, the whole week was fun. I had the week off b/c of spring break, so Ash and I got to have some mommy-son time. I did enjoy our day at the zoo, and our morning at the pool at the gym. 

Gender : It's a boy!

Movement : Movement is getting more regular, especially with play time when I'm trying to get to sleep at night. He is still small enough to mostly just tickle my insides so far. 

Food Craving : Treats. Pregnancy may have been the best and WORST time to give up treats for Lent! I want sweets and junk so bad. A milkshake would be fabulous, or some ice cream. Or cookies. Or brownies.... You get the point. 

What I Miss Most : Energy for the whole day and sleeping through the night. 

Sleep : I've been still waking up to roll over when things hurt, which is often most night, but since I brought up the pregnancy pillow I've been so cozy. I love my little nest. I miss snuggling with Josh and the pups, but I'm so comfortable snuggled in my pillow. 

What I Am Looking Forward To : I'm excited about Easter, but as much for the end of "fasting" as the celebrations. :) Also really looking forward to having family visit in Aug & Sept!

Belly Button : same. I can see now how it MIGHT pop out later; if I push my belly out using my muscles, a little bit of my belly button protrudes slightly. We'll see :)

Symptoms : Exhaustion. Aching back. Aching belly. Reflux & indigestion. Exhaustion. That one deserves double mention. 

Compared to last time : I think I'm more tired and sore than I was last time. Josh says I've seemed more "pregnant" this time. I feel that way. 

Sorry, no picture this time. Too busy and exhausted. Next time, which is only a few days away since this post is late. :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

19 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 19 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~6" (still using crown to rump) & 8 oz

Total Weight Gain : ~ 8 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  I'm starting to wear over-the-belly pants, tho my belly still isn't the greatest at holding them up. I often use a Bella band to help, but honestly I spend all day pulling my pants up :)

Best Moment This Week :  Of course seeing our healthy, growing SweetPea was the real highlight, but there was another high point to my week. I was in BodyPump doing endless lunges (after already completing countless squats earlier in the routine with more weight on my bar than usual) and feeling slightly discouraged that I still can't do lunges with any weight and make it thru them all. Then suddenly it dawned on me that 3-4 months ago I couldn't do ONE lunge without hurting my knees b/c I lacked the strength for proper form. This week I did almost every single one. I may not look impressive compared to others taking the class, but compared to myself (the only one that really matters) I've come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. I am significantly stronger than I was even at the beginning of this pregnancy. THAT is an accomplishment to be proud of!

Gender : It's a BOY!

Movement : Still just moments of flutter here and there. This has been a source of stress for me early in the week, trying not to let a lack of perceptible movement convince me something was wrong. Of course, a healthy ultrasound and lots of moving while we watched confirmed that there's no need for worry. 

Food Craving : Still crunchy. I even bought crunchy peanut butter!! Way outside my norm. Of course I'd love some chocolate and ice cream (or chocolate ice cream), but these will wait till Easter.  

What I Miss Most : Not feeling completely wiped every day. I take a nap most days, and can hardly keep my eyes open at bedtime. I'll find out from labs at my next appt if I should start taking iron, which may help. 

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, often with sore hips/shoulders, and occasionally have to pee.  I'm trying to drink most of my water during the day so I can make it thru the night w/o getting up. I was been sleeping in a modified runners pose, tilted toward my stomach with the little pillow at my chest or a foam pillow between my legs & against my belly to keep me from rolling too far onto my front. I kept forgetting to bring up the body pillow from the basement till crawling exhausted into bed at night, but one night I just made the trek down there at bedtime anyway. So now I sleep nestled into my little "nest", feeling snuggled all night long. 

What I Am Looking Forward To : Being able to feel strong movement & the peace of mind it brings. 

Belly Button : same. I can see now how it MIGHT pop out later. We'll see :)

Symptoms : I've been surprised by some serious leg cramps when I'm lying slightly curled up. I've also experienced more nausea this week than I'd expect. I thought I was past it, but it made a recurrence this week. Fortunately I still have some vitamin B on hand. Otherwise it's the usual : reflux (this one better come with hair too!), aches (esp in my lower back and round ligaments), exhaustion, etc. 

Compared to last time : Pretty similar, but more nausea still. No pics from 19 wks with Ash, so here's my pic from this weekend. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

18 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 18 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~5.5"  7oz

Total Weight Gain : ~ 7 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  I feel like I've gone through another growth spurt and only a few of my non-maternity tops are fitting over my big belly. I'm in that frustrating no-man's land where the under-belly pants dig in too much, but I don't have quite enough belly to hold up the over-belly pants. When I threatened to start wearing exclusively sweat pants, Josh looked horrified ;-) But it's fun to truly look pregnant now.  

Best Moment This Week :  Thursday Ash was looking forward to Jack coming to our house. He called him a friend, and said he wanted to play with him. When he finally came, Ash ran to give him a hug. This is a huge step for my little introvert, and made my momma heart smile to know he's building his first friendship. 

Gender : hopefully we'll find out at our ultrasound NEXT WEEK!

Movement : Still mostly the quickening at night, with just a couple noticeable movements during the day too. I can't wait to SEE the movements next week. 

Food Craving : Crunchy!! Apples, baby carrots, nuts, kettle's more about the texture than the flavor, though mostly salty. Even sprinkled salt on my apple slices. 

What I Miss Most : knowing what clothes will fit me at this stage without trying on three different shirts before finding one that flatters. 

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, often with sore hips/shouldersu, and occasionally have to pee.  I'm trying to drink most of my water during the day so I can make it thru the night w/o getting up. I have been sleeping in a modified runners pose, tilted toward my stomach with the little pillow at my chest to keep my from rolling too far onto my belly. I think it might be time for the body pillow. 

What I Am Looking Forward To : I'm SO excited about our ultrasound this week. I can't wait to see Sweet Pea again and probably find out what color paint & fabric to start looking for. 

Belly Button : same

Symptoms : I've hardly taken any B6, so I'm thinking the nausea is finally fading into the past. Though I usually feel a little sick after eating anything more than a small snack. It's counter productive b/c I often feel so hungry I want to eat a horse, but I get a few bites in and start to fill up! Then of course the usual - reflux, exhaustion, more easily winded, etc. I'm beginning to experience some mild back pain occasionally. And fairly regular occurrences of ligament aches. 

Compared to last time : seems pretty much just like where I was at 18 wks with Ash. I can't really complain since I had a great pregnancy with him except the reflux, which I've learned to manage.

Friday, March 7, 2014

17 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 17 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~5" 5oz

Total Weight Gain : ~6.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  Mostly maternity.  I've finally hit the point where a few strangers aren't afraid to ask how far along I am, the universal sign I've transitioned from ambiguous weight gain to preggo belly. :)  It really does seem to have popped this week.

Best Moment This Week :  Surviving my incredibly busy Tuesday and my first week of work this week was a big deal for me.  But the most enjoyable moments were probably when Ash begged me to lie down with him at nap time.  I usually doze off before he does, but it's just fun to have my busy boy ask for some snuggles.

Gender : hopefully we'll find out at our ultrasound in 1.5 weeks! Every time I think about it, time seems to slow down a little more. 

Movement : still just the quickening at night when I lie in bed.  I have felt occasional little flutters at brief moments during the day when I'm sitting a certain way or lying still.

Food Craving : Giving up treats for Lent has made me want them all the more.  Especially at like 3pm. 

What I Miss Most : feeling healthy.

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, often with sore hips, and sometimes have to pee.  I'm generally sleeping with a pillow between my knees.  Still vivid dreams; I think these will last throughout.

What I Am Looking Forward To : I'm holding my breath in anticipation of our ultrasound in a couple weeks.  I'm also starting to get excited about having the family come visit after the baby comes.  My parents booked their tickets this week, and Shelia and I are pinning down the dates for her visit. 

Belly Button : normal has been my go-to answer, but I realized that this is not completely true.  Since my belly started to expand, I've been noticing a divot above my belly button, like something got stretched out funny last time and never fully recovered.  I even took a picture, b/c it's hard to describe.

Symptoms : My ligaments are feeling the pull.  I have a general ache on a regular basis, and then the sharp pinch when I move to fast or cough/sneeze/laugh without warning.  I'm having to eat smaller portions b/c my stomach doesn't have enough room.  Nausea still comes and goes, but I'm only taking the B6 as needed now instead of regularly 3 x's a day.  Reflux is mostly managed with my two Zantac, plus a few Tums if I eat an offending food. And I have to be careful when I exercise b/c I get winded and light-headed.  Even doing the low-intensity options, my heart rate peaks, and it takes me a long time to recover afterward. 

Compared to last time : reading back through my post from 17 wks last time, things seem to be pretty much the same. I'm so glad I did these posts, b/c my memory is so poor, I'll swear it's way worse/different until I go back and read it and realize how similar it was last time.  It's just not so new and fascinating as the first time, but still exciting.  I really can't hardly stand the wait till our ultrasound!! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

16 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 16 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~4.5" 3.5oz

Total Weight Gain : ~6.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes :   I've been wearing maternity pants exclusively for a couple weeks now. A few of my tops are still fitting for a few more weeks, but the majority are maternity.  The black shirt I'm wearing in the photo for this week is one of the few non-maternity I still have in my closet.  I also had to borrow a hoodie from my sister b/c mine wouldn't zip comfortably anymore.  I only wear it to the gym, but don't have any looser.  Thanks, Lindsey!

Best Moment This Week :  It was definitely NOT getting Josh's cold!  I guess I'd have to say I'm thrilled to be employed again.  I've taken on a little boy just a month younger than Ash who is at least as verbal as he is.  Two little talkers in my life now.  It's only my first day, but already I love him.  He's so laid back and fun.

Gender : hopefully we'll find out at our ultrasound in 2.5 weeks!

Movement : at night as I lay quietly (and attentively) in bed, I can feel the first flutters and pops they call quickening.  During the day I haven't really noticed; it's definitely something I have to concentrate on to feel.  I can't wait till the movements get big and fun.  I can't wait to share the movements with Ash once they get that big.

Food Craving : Having yet another cold on top of the pregnancy symptoms, I've been craving comfort foods... which primarily seem to be cheese related.  Pizza, mac-n-cheese, quesadillas, etc.

What I Miss Most : not feeling like I look fat.  And being healthy.  My 4th illness in 3 months is getting on my nerves.  I'm never this sick this often.

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, often with sore hips, and sometimes have to pee.  I'm generally sleeping with a pillow between my knees.  Still vivid dreams; I think these will last throughout.

What I Am Looking Forward To : I'm holding my breath in anticipation of our ultrasound in a couple weeks.

Belly Button : normal

Symptoms : I'm still struggling with nausea.  I did end up going back for a new box of B6 lozenges.  Hopefully this is my last box.  As long as I don't drink coffee or eat too much chocolate or tomato based, it seems that two zantac a day are plenty.  Though the mornings I forget it and head to the gym, I definitely regret it.

Compared to last time : Looking at the pictures, I'm generally bigger than I was before, but I've still gained less weight than I had at this point last time.  I'm trying hard to keep my gain lower this time, since I started this pregnancy heavier.  Of course, that's been a little hard since I've been sick and craving so much junk, but I'm working hard to rectify this, and giving up treats again for Lent.  I have been sick more often this pregnancy, on my fourth illness in three months, possibly in correlation with the junk I've been eating?  I also seem to be fighting nausea just a little longer than last time; I had been off the B6 for a couple weeks by now with Ash.  I can't recall if I struggled this early with stomach size, but I'm already having to eat smaller portions at mealtime.  My stomach is losing its real estate! :)