Size: I decided that when mommy was busy having a baby would be a good time to have a growth spurt. She hasn't had time to measure me, but a couple months ago I moved to size 4 after almost a year in size 3. Now I'm ready to move to 5's. also my 18 mo pj's are hilariously small on me now, barely covering my belly or reaching my ankles.
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Daddy helped me build an AT-AT like the one he built with his legos |
Physical development: I'm still enjoying building things, but lately I've been having a blast playing outside in the back yard (especially since PopPop came to visit and keeps me company out there). We also went to a place called Little Monkey Bizness this week and I climbed on just about everything there. I'll probably never be a star athlete, but I'm surefooted enough to have lots of fun. Also I've decided since Cole was born to start being a big boy. This includes wanting to cut my own (soft) food with a (butter) knife and going potty in the toilet. I haven't learned to hold it for the potty, and mom's not ready to focus on training right now, but at diaper changes and before/after sleep I run and go. I even sat on a grown up toilet without a training seat at a restaurant and peed while mommy kept me from falling in. I haven't figured out pooping on the toilet yet, but it's just a matter of time!
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Writing with sidewalk chalk |
Verbal development: This is where I've been really busy over the past couple months. I've learned all my letters (upper case at least) and all their sounds and I can sound out words. Daddy will spell a 3-4 letter word for me to sound out and I get most of them right on the first try. I've also fallen in love with numbers. I can count to 100 if my attention span lasts that long. I can also count by 2's to 10, by 10's to 100 and by 50's to 1000. I love to use my foam bath letters and numbers to make words and numbers, and I'm crazy for reading the digital clock. Some days I'll run back to the kitchen every minute to see the next one.
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Playing mechanic with the broken wagon at mommy's dr's office |
Routines: Our routines have been a little off for the past couple months. In August daddy was home for three weeks, so I got to spend a lot of time with him. In September, PopPop has been here to help mommy take care of things while she was busy recovering and taking care of the baby. Mommy is slowly trying to get us back into the swing of things like going to the gym and MOPS, but it'll take some time to really get into a real routine, especially as Cole gets older and more predictable.
A new baby brother; what an adjustment! |
Special events: Obviously the biggest even in my life over the past couple months has been the birth of my little brother. So far he doesn't really play into my life much except that mommy is often busy nursing him or tending to his needs. But this hasn't really been too bad so far b/c PopPop is here till the end of the month. October is going to be a rough adjustment period, learning to live without all the attention I'm used to.
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Playing at the park with PopPop |
My favorites: I love to play outside all morning or afternoon while PopPop works in the yard. I'm also CRAZY about numbers, and even asked mommy to get me number books at the library.
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Tired & slouchy, watching a show on )TV |
Daddy's favorites: Since we've been off our usual schedule and evenings are especially chaotic with dinner and shower and a fussy baby to deal with, daddy has been letting me watch a show every night. We finished all the Chuck & Friends episodes, and one day I decided I wanted to watch a Dinosaur Train and fell in love with it. I love all the singing in it, and daddy loves dinosaurs, so everyone is happy.
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Block shoes and a sweet smile |
Mommy's favorites: Although she's often busy with Cole, I've been taking advantage of the moments when she's not holding him to give her lots of hugs and kisses and affection. I've been especially sweet to her the past month.
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Driving the car at CFA |
Upcoming: In October we'll get back into the swing of things. Mommy won't have PopPop around to help with me & Cole and around the house. She'll be figuring out how to keep everyone fed all day, and maybe even get out to the gym a couple times a week and MOPS a couple times a month. :) Then when we start to get ourselves sorted out, we'll start having Jack with us again. I miss my buddy, and it'll probably be nice to have a playmate after losing PopPop. Otherwise it's just life as usual. I'll keep working on my math and reading skills, and check back in with you in November for my last update as a 2 yr old! :-D