My apologies; I didn't snap a picture this week. We did a lot of being lazy this weekend and I wasn't even thinking about belly pics. You can just go back and look at my maternity pics again, and imagine me just a smidge bigger. Or check out the pics I posted yesterday of Ash's nursery with the curtains up and the glider cushions covered. It's really ready for him, and it's making me all the more eager for him to come.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 38 weeks. This is the beginning of the on-call period with my doula and the beginning of my maternity leave... dates that have been set for months and somehow crept up on my unexpectedly! :-O We're now in the month of "any day now", which is going to make me crazy!! :)
Size of Baby : averages say ~19-21" and 6-7 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~30 lbs
Maternity Clothes : Some of my maternity tops are getting too short to cover my whole belly. This thing is getting out of control!! :)
Best Moment This Week : getting to see Dan & Michelle & kids was such a treat! I wish we had more than an hour with them, but I'm looking forward to Michelle's visit in March. Christmas with friends was also a blessing, since otherwise Josh and I would have spent a slightly depressing day at home alone :) On a lesser note, crossing these off my to-do list felt pretty good too: getting the curtains up in Ash's room (thanks to my hubs), getting my birth plan printed out (to be discussed with my dr today), and getting the ingredients bought and organized for my make-and-freeze dinner-cooking-marathon this week.
Gender : boy
Movement : you know, I'll go a day where I don't feel him moving much and start to get a little concerned, and then the next day he's going nuts all day. But in general, the movement is still generally predictable. After breakfast and dinner are still his busiest times. And during contractions, I can feel his movements more sharply.
Food Craving : Chocolate of course. I have a couple C-mas chocolate goodies packed in my hospital bag to snack on after he's born.
What I Miss Most : the light, energetic feeling of not being pregnant. I'm getting SO heavy and sore and tired.
Sleep : I've taken Tylenol a couple nights, which helps some. A four day weekend threw off our sleep schedule a little bit, but I'm expecting to feel a little "thrown off" for the next few months, so I guess we just started early ;-D
What I Am Looking Forward To : I can't wait to meet this kid! I'm not overwhelmingly grumpy about still being pregnant (I've still got two weeks till my due date... I'll probably get grumpy after that!), but I'm just so ready to SEE him and start the face-to-face bonding process.
Those who don't have dogs might not get this, but I'm really excited to get the dogs groomed today. I haven't cut their hair in a couple months (due to being too round to get through the task) and they haven't had a bath in a couple weeks and they've been romping in the snow that still hasn't melted in our backyard, so they are scruffy and stinky and dirty. Today they go to get professionally groomed (I should be able to do them myself [aka FOR FREE] by the time they need it again), and they'll come home washed and cut and pedicured and slightly more lovable! :)
I'm also excited about being off work so I can truck through my to-do list, I'm eager to discuss a few more details of my birth plan with my dr, and I'm also glad that Josh only works three days this week so I get another 4 day weekend with him soon. :)
Belly Button : you know, I've been saying out b/c it does show under my clothes, but I feel like I need to clarify that it's just a little tiny nub of my belly button that doesn't even stick out very far. But for someone who's always had a neutral belly button, I'm still going with outtie.
Symptoms : reflux, general aches, fatigue...same old.
The new symptom is what I guess I'd describe as pain in my groin area, especially when I'm trying to move my legs certain ways. My educated guess is that relaxin is doing its job on my pelvis and it's just starting to get loose. My hips (outer thigh) have already been hurting (esp at night), but now it's in my inner thigh area as well. I'm not ~excited~ about it, per se, but I'm glad my body is doing its job. :) But it's just one more thing to slow me down b/c I have to be really careful about how I move.
Also, the contractions are getting stronger. They're not regular enough for me to start timing yet, and they're not ALL strong... but I have been having more that hurt, make me catch my breath and stop me in my tracks for a second, especially in the evenings. I "like" the practice, or maybe I should say I find the practice oddly comforting b/c I feel more prepared for an event you can't possibly be prepared for ahead of time. I'm learning to breathe through them and how to relax - by doing it with the big ones. I've also found that massaging my belly afterward along with a few deep breaths helps me recover pretty quickly. I'm still nervous about the real thing, but excited as they grow in intensity b/c it means that we're closer to d-day. It increases the feeling that it could be any day, which is both a relief and a frustration. Josh and I are such planners, this unpredictability is killing us! :-รพ
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
My labor verses
My doula asked me this weekend what verses she could use to encourage me during labor. At first I could only think of Jer 29:11-14 (a passage that spoke to me through my miscarriages) and Heb 12:1-2 (my favorite verse from Challenge - I wrote it on my bike helmet! - that also applied to my half marathons). Now I've expanded my list to include a few more. What about you? Do you have some verses/passages that bring you comfort and encouragement in times of trouble? Maybe I could add your verse to my list!
Ps 9:9-10
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Ps 139:13-18
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious concerning me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Jer 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will restore your fortunes."
Heb 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Heb 12:11-13
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
Ps 9:9-10
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Ps 139:13-18
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious concerning me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Jer 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will restore your fortunes."
Heb 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Heb 12:11-13
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
Monday, December 19, 2011
37 weeks
I know many of you clamor regularly for pics, so if you haven't already, check out the maternity pics that Amyssa Sherman posted on Facebook of our shoot on Saturday. She's tagging me in them as she posts them, so they show up on my wall/profile for all to see.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 37 wks - this makes us full-term. He could come anytime he wants, though I told him he has to wait till after Christmas! :) I'm not expecting him to at least January, though. BUT, if he chose to come tomorrow, there would be very little concern about his well-being. YAY
Size of Baby : averages say ~19-21" and 6-7 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~29 lbs
Maternity Clothes : Some of my maternity tops are getting too short to cover my whole belly. This thing is getting out of control!! :)
Best Moment This Week : There hasn't been just one. I'm so glad to have the last critical things on my to-do list taken care of : picked a pediatrician, pre-admitted at the hospital, finished our childbirth classes with our doula, solidifying our birth plan, and finished our C-mas shopping for the kids. It was also a fun Saturday taking pictures with Amyssa, and cheese & chocolate fondue with Mark & Melissa was also a blast (if regrettable when the reflux kicked in later)
Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :) I can't wait to see what he looks like and start to get to know him.
Movement : while he's definitely still on the move regularly, I'm getting a lot more squirming and a little less "kicking". He's starting to get cramped, and likes to spend a good part of the day pushing with his feet. I don't like as much as he does, since he's pushing my organs and my ribs and my tender belly.
Food Craving : CHOCOLATE! I want hot chocolate, I want a box of chocolates, I want chocolate cookies... I just want chocolate. I'm counting the days, even though I don't know how many there are :) And tomato based comfort foods like lasagna and chili, but not nearly as bad as chocolate.
What I Miss Most : breathing. And being able to eat "normal" foods without regretting it later.
Sleep : horrible! I've been waking up every 2 hrs almost without fail, and I'm SO tired. We're definitely getting closer to the end.
What I Am Looking Forward To : I only have 3 more days of work left... which makes me sad, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up. And I've been so tired that I'd love to be able to sleep in, take naps, and get some things done around here before Ash arrives. But REALLY what I'm looking forward to is FRIDAY... we're driving up to Denver to meet Dan & Michelle (& Emma & Caleb) for lunch. What a GREAT way to start my maternity leave :)
Belly Button : out
Symptoms : reflux as usual. I've also been pretty breathless lately, which is slowing me down significantly. And of course the expected aches - ribs, back, hips, boobs.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 37 wks - this makes us full-term. He could come anytime he wants, though I told him he has to wait till after Christmas! :) I'm not expecting him to at least January, though. BUT, if he chose to come tomorrow, there would be very little concern about his well-being. YAY
Size of Baby : averages say ~19-21" and 6-7 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~29 lbs
Maternity Clothes : Some of my maternity tops are getting too short to cover my whole belly. This thing is getting out of control!! :)
Best Moment This Week : There hasn't been just one. I'm so glad to have the last critical things on my to-do list taken care of : picked a pediatrician, pre-admitted at the hospital, finished our childbirth classes with our doula, solidifying our birth plan, and finished our C-mas shopping for the kids. It was also a fun Saturday taking pictures with Amyssa, and cheese & chocolate fondue with Mark & Melissa was also a blast (if regrettable when the reflux kicked in later)
Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :) I can't wait to see what he looks like and start to get to know him.
Movement : while he's definitely still on the move regularly, I'm getting a lot more squirming and a little less "kicking". He's starting to get cramped, and likes to spend a good part of the day pushing with his feet. I don't like as much as he does, since he's pushing my organs and my ribs and my tender belly.
Food Craving : CHOCOLATE! I want hot chocolate, I want a box of chocolates, I want chocolate cookies... I just want chocolate. I'm counting the days, even though I don't know how many there are :) And tomato based comfort foods like lasagna and chili, but not nearly as bad as chocolate.
What I Miss Most : breathing. And being able to eat "normal" foods without regretting it later.
Sleep : horrible! I've been waking up every 2 hrs almost without fail, and I'm SO tired. We're definitely getting closer to the end.
What I Am Looking Forward To : I only have 3 more days of work left... which makes me sad, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up. And I've been so tired that I'd love to be able to sleep in, take naps, and get some things done around here before Ash arrives. But REALLY what I'm looking forward to is FRIDAY... we're driving up to Denver to meet Dan & Michelle (& Emma & Caleb) for lunch. What a GREAT way to start my maternity leave :)
Belly Button : out
Symptoms : reflux as usual. I've also been pretty breathless lately, which is slowing me down significantly. And of course the expected aches - ribs, back, hips, boobs.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 36 weeks! How did we get here? I swear, I've been posting every week, so I shouldn't be so surprised. But 36 wks is only 4 wks left. Which immediately turns into 3 wks __ days. :-O It's less than a month. The "good" news this week was the discussion we were having about the correlation between the full moon and the spike in women going into labor, and so I looked it up. The full moon in January is the 9th. My EDD is the 10th. If the moon is any help, I might actually have this baby on time. We'll see :)
Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 6+ lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~28
Maternity Clothes : I'm trying to decide which clothes to wear for the photo shoot I've got tentatively scheduled for this weekend... I never thought I'd have so much trouble making this decision!! :)
Best Moment This Week : it's been a pretty stressful week... we've heard from multiple people that last week was just kinda crazy for them too. BUT, getting my thank you cards all written was quite an accomplishment. And we had a blast playing Settlers with Mark & Melissa and Sam & Jenna on Friday night. Plus I really enjoyed our time with Kari this weekend, sitting at our dining table going over childbirth class info.
Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)
Movement : he's been moving like a champ. I still haven't bothered with kick counts b/c he's active every day, and seems to even have a little routine. After breakfast and late evening seem to be some of his busiest times, though he generally squirms in the car too. The down side is that as he gets bigger and stronger, and he has less room for stretching out, this has become more painful for me. Sometimes he stretches his feet right into my ribs or organs, but even just stretching them into the wild blue yonder of my belly (usually just below my ribs in the right/upper quadrant of my belly) makes me feel tender in that area.
Food Craving : cookies. I've been BAD about sneaking Oreos even tho they're bad for my reflux. And I've eaten a few other cookies this week too. The holidays are atrocious for too many cookies around. And I'm getting ready to make puppy chow for small group Thursday, and know I'll eat way too much of that too...
What I Miss Most : my old body. I'm telling you, I really can't wait to do the things I used to do without even thinking about it. I'm so grateful for a healthy body in my "normal" life, and the ability to do almost anything I want... I can't wait to have it back :)
Sleep : I've been waking up every couple hours, but I've heard that's pretty common for this point. Overall I feel like I've been doing pretty well on the sleep front. My nightly dessert of Tums doesn't hurt either.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Friday I have an interview with another pediatrician. I'm pretty sure this is the one we'll end up with. My doc AND Molly both recommended the practice. And of the profiles I liked, I ended up picking the actual doctor that Molly takes her kids to. They also do in-office circumcisions, which was a relief after talking to the other doctor last week. Then Saturday is our last meeting with Kari, which means I should walk away from that with my birth plan solidified. Which I will cover with my doctor at my appt on Monday, and find out how close we'll be able to try to stick to my preferences. AND I do my pre-admission at the hospital that day too, which will be taking care of the last critical thing hanging over my head. I'm also supposed to get maternity shots done Saturday - fun!
Belly Button : out
Symptoms : the usual reflux (which seems to have good days and bad days), occasional fatigue and back aches, and sometimes hip pain, but again I'm grateful to not have too much to deal with overall.
How Far Along : 36 weeks! How did we get here? I swear, I've been posting every week, so I shouldn't be so surprised. But 36 wks is only 4 wks left. Which immediately turns into 3 wks __ days. :-O It's less than a month. The "good" news this week was the discussion we were having about the correlation between the full moon and the spike in women going into labor, and so I looked it up. The full moon in January is the 9th. My EDD is the 10th. If the moon is any help, I might actually have this baby on time. We'll see :)
Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 6+ lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~28
Maternity Clothes : I'm trying to decide which clothes to wear for the photo shoot I've got tentatively scheduled for this weekend... I never thought I'd have so much trouble making this decision!! :)
Best Moment This Week : it's been a pretty stressful week... we've heard from multiple people that last week was just kinda crazy for them too. BUT, getting my thank you cards all written was quite an accomplishment. And we had a blast playing Settlers with Mark & Melissa and Sam & Jenna on Friday night. Plus I really enjoyed our time with Kari this weekend, sitting at our dining table going over childbirth class info.
Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)
Movement : he's been moving like a champ. I still haven't bothered with kick counts b/c he's active every day, and seems to even have a little routine. After breakfast and late evening seem to be some of his busiest times, though he generally squirms in the car too. The down side is that as he gets bigger and stronger, and he has less room for stretching out, this has become more painful for me. Sometimes he stretches his feet right into my ribs or organs, but even just stretching them into the wild blue yonder of my belly (usually just below my ribs in the right/upper quadrant of my belly) makes me feel tender in that area.
Food Craving : cookies. I've been BAD about sneaking Oreos even tho they're bad for my reflux. And I've eaten a few other cookies this week too. The holidays are atrocious for too many cookies around. And I'm getting ready to make puppy chow for small group Thursday, and know I'll eat way too much of that too...
What I Miss Most : my old body. I'm telling you, I really can't wait to do the things I used to do without even thinking about it. I'm so grateful for a healthy body in my "normal" life, and the ability to do almost anything I want... I can't wait to have it back :)
Sleep : I've been waking up every couple hours, but I've heard that's pretty common for this point. Overall I feel like I've been doing pretty well on the sleep front. My nightly dessert of Tums doesn't hurt either.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Friday I have an interview with another pediatrician. I'm pretty sure this is the one we'll end up with. My doc AND Molly both recommended the practice. And of the profiles I liked, I ended up picking the actual doctor that Molly takes her kids to. They also do in-office circumcisions, which was a relief after talking to the other doctor last week. Then Saturday is our last meeting with Kari, which means I should walk away from that with my birth plan solidified. Which I will cover with my doctor at my appt on Monday, and find out how close we'll be able to try to stick to my preferences. AND I do my pre-admission at the hospital that day too, which will be taking care of the last critical thing hanging over my head. I'm also supposed to get maternity shots done Saturday - fun!
Belly Button : out
Symptoms : the usual reflux (which seems to have good days and bad days), occasional fatigue and back aches, and sometimes hip pain, but again I'm grateful to not have too much to deal with overall.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
35 weeks!
35 weeks (my belly is NOT square at the top... that's the toaster peaking out ;-D) |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 35 weeks. That's also known as 5 WEEKS LEFT! That's ridiculous. Saturday will be officially one month till EDD (the 10th).
Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 5-6 lbs. All his organ systems are in place and functional, so his odds if he came today (which he won't) are 99%. His main job between now and d-day is putting on fat (which he'll spend the next few years losing) and brain development (which he'll spend the next few years growing).
Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs... I lost a few lbs this weekend when I couldn't eat for a whole day and then spent the next half in the bathroom... and I haven't made it all back up yet, though I ate enough junk yesterday to close some of the gap. Mmm, Starbucks and McDonald's :)
Maternity Clothes : a lot of my favorite maternity shirts are getting too short... I never thought that would happen!! :-O I'm definitely reaching for all my longest shirts to make it to the bottom of my belly band nowadays.
Best Moment This Week : I think it's a toss up between my shopping spree at Target for all the miscellaneous stuff we still "needed" - I haven't bought that much stuff in a long time, though $10-20 items can add up fast - OR when Josh came home from work with a gift for me b/c I sent him a picture while I was shopping of a little temptation I passed up. He's such a sweet husband! :)
Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)
Movement : with so little between him and me, when he moves you can always see it from the outside now, even hiccups... as a matter of fact, I'm watching my belly dance as a I type. Friday when I was sick I thought I might cry every time he kicked me in the gut, but Saturday he was pretty chill most of the day... thanks, buddy. <3
Food Craving : this week it hasn't really been anything, especially with The Bug. Though since Josh came home with cookies, I have to admit I've been tempted by the Oreos... but knowing I have a month left to go, it's easier to just wait till they don't make me miserable. And go buy double stuffs just for me. Or mint ones. One a package of each :) Also, yesterday when I was out I grabbed McD's for lunch and was pleased to discover that happy meals now come with a baby sized fries AND apples... no more choosing. And it's JUST enough fries to satisfy the non-pregnant french fry cravings I get. Yippee.
What I Miss Most : being able to move and breathe. A lot of the girls on my message boards for Jan due dates have started posting about their babies dropping, but no such luck here. He's definitely way up in my ribs and stomach and lungs, even when he's not kicking me in them. Add to that the end-of-pregnancy hip issues, and I'm a clumsy lumbering waddler. It's not like I'm normally the most graceful person on earth, but I'm going to feel like it when this baby is out! :)
Sleep : well, I lost an entire night to The Bug when I woke up vurping Thursday midnight and spent the rest of the night dozing in an upright position on the couch. It has been so nice to get back to sleeping like a normal preggo after it passed.
What I Am Looking Forward To : since I was sick this weekend, we had to skip our childbirth class on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to having Kari over and her meeting the pups and showing off the nursery. I'm going to have Josh hang the curtains this weekend and put away the pack-n-play we've had out for friends' kids or days I brought E home, and then the nursery is as ready as it'll ever be. Minor changes, perhaps, but ready for anyday arrival. I'm also excited to get a couple minor things crossed off my to-do list like pack my bags and reorganize my pantry a little (very early baby-proofing). In longer-term, I'm looking forward to having a pediatrician chosen, being pre-admitted for the big day, and finishing work, which all happen in the next couple weeks. I love E and will miss her to death when I'm done, but it gets harder every day now and I can't wait to just be home resting and preparing the last minute details for Ash's arrival.
Belly Button : ladies and gents, we have definite OUTIE! I can't deny it anymore. It's funny looking and pokes out gently (it's not hard), but it is undeniably OUT.
Symptoms : the reflux is worse every day. I'm taking Zantac twice a day AND chewing Tums AT LEAST once a day, sometimes more. But I'm down to the countdown now, and I'm also grateful for the way it has kept my eating in check through the whole pregnancy. I haven't been able to indulge in craving-foods, and I haven't been able to pig out in general, so I haven't gained a lot of excess weight. Actually, after The Bug this weekend, I couldn't get my watch to stay on the right side of my wrist yesterday, so I'm ANYTHING but bloated. Yes, I can't wait to get rid of it, but it has at least served a purpose. We'll see in a month or so if it served the hair-growing purpose. :) Have I mentioned I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!?
The latest symptom to pop up is occasional sharp hip pains. Last night I could hardly get to the bathroom from the bed b/c one hip hurt all the way through to the back of the joint. Things are definitely preparing to loosen up and let him out.
I've also been experiencing the usual breath issues, occasional rib pain (which I have come to believe is a FOOT pushing on the inside of my ribs), seems surreal that all of this will be over in such a short time!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
34 wks - starting the countdown
Sorry, I didn't get any pictures yet, but I'll try to snap one or two this week so you can see the ever growing monstrosity that is Preggosaurus! :-D
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 34 wks - ONLY 6 WKS LEFT TILL MY EDD!! :-O I was booking my next few appts yesterday and was shocked to realize that I had booked right up to the week before my due date, SCARY. It made me realize how "urgent" some of the things on my to-do list are - like taking maternity pics and finding a pediatrician and pre-registering at the hospital. I've got some phone calls to make this week for sure.
Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and my ultrasound yesterday said he's 4 lbs 14oz, right on track.
Total Weight Gain : ~27 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I was so excited to get a package in the mail this week from Jordan full of nursing bras & nursing tanks. (There was more in there to be excited about, but those were the clothes for me) I had started thinking I might have to go buy a few of each, but now I've got about 5 tanks and 6 bras that ought to work pretty well for me through nursing months. YAY :)
Best Moment This Week : Thanksgiving was awesome!!! I also had a great time working on the glider cushion covers with mom. It was just a GREAT 5 day weekend of fun.
Gender : according to yesterday's ultrasound, he's STILL a boy :)
Movement : mom was excited to get to feel him move. At first he was trying to be a brat and as soon as mom got her hand on my belly he'd stop. But it didn't take long till she caught him squirming, and by the end of the weekend she'd seen the alien belly move by itself and even caught a few hiccups. He's been getting hiccups a lot lately, but from what I've heard that's good... it means he's practicing breathing. Also, since he's head down, I'll occasionally get a kick in the lungs or ribs or sides... whoo, that'll make you go whoa! :)
Food Craving : always chocolate, though six weeks is starting to feel bearable... I do month-long treats fasts, six weeks isn't much longer than that. The hardest part is that this will go through C-mas when all the sweet goodies are out there... *sigh* I did take a taste of mom's skinny peppermint mocha yesterday - mmmm.
What I Miss Most : I miss being able to breathe the most, I think, but a close second is definitely just being able to move freely. It's starting to get hard to get up off the floor and stuff, which is no good for my job.
Sleep : I realized that some of my worst back pain issues were from sleeping propped up on a couple pillows and rolling to my side, so I went back to just one (my preggo pillow). Which has been nice, except for the night I ended up sleeping sitting up against 4 pillows b/c I woke with vomit in my throat and nose twice. But otherwise it has definitely helped the back pain and is more comfortable. Though I can't wait to go back to sleeping like a normal person :)
What I Am Looking Forward To : besides the aforementioned being able to eat and breathe and sleep like a normal person, I'm starting to look forward to meeting this little guy. I mean, I've been happy about that for a while, but I'm really starting to feel it. I was playing "find the feet" today with him and thought how much fun it'll be to actually grab his feet instead of just poking them through layers of skin and muscle and fluid.
Belly Button : it's out enough to be occasionally visible through clothes, but still not what I'd call an outie... just that little nub is gently sticking out. But it's also getting "lower", almost out of sight for me if I stand up straight. HAHA, my body is SO misshapen :)
Symptoms : reflux, back ache, breathlessness and occasional fatigue... you know, the usual.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 34 wks - ONLY 6 WKS LEFT TILL MY EDD!! :-O I was booking my next few appts yesterday and was shocked to realize that I had booked right up to the week before my due date, SCARY. It made me realize how "urgent" some of the things on my to-do list are - like taking maternity pics and finding a pediatrician and pre-registering at the hospital. I've got some phone calls to make this week for sure.
Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and my ultrasound yesterday said he's 4 lbs 14oz, right on track.
Total Weight Gain : ~27 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I was so excited to get a package in the mail this week from Jordan full of nursing bras & nursing tanks. (There was more in there to be excited about, but those were the clothes for me) I had started thinking I might have to go buy a few of each, but now I've got about 5 tanks and 6 bras that ought to work pretty well for me through nursing months. YAY :)
Best Moment This Week : Thanksgiving was awesome!!! I also had a great time working on the glider cushion covers with mom. It was just a GREAT 5 day weekend of fun.
Gender : according to yesterday's ultrasound, he's STILL a boy :)
Movement : mom was excited to get to feel him move. At first he was trying to be a brat and as soon as mom got her hand on my belly he'd stop. But it didn't take long till she caught him squirming, and by the end of the weekend she'd seen the alien belly move by itself and even caught a few hiccups. He's been getting hiccups a lot lately, but from what I've heard that's good... it means he's practicing breathing. Also, since he's head down, I'll occasionally get a kick in the lungs or ribs or sides... whoo, that'll make you go whoa! :)
Food Craving : always chocolate, though six weeks is starting to feel bearable... I do month-long treats fasts, six weeks isn't much longer than that. The hardest part is that this will go through C-mas when all the sweet goodies are out there... *sigh* I did take a taste of mom's skinny peppermint mocha yesterday - mmmm.
What I Miss Most : I miss being able to breathe the most, I think, but a close second is definitely just being able to move freely. It's starting to get hard to get up off the floor and stuff, which is no good for my job.
Sleep : I realized that some of my worst back pain issues were from sleeping propped up on a couple pillows and rolling to my side, so I went back to just one (my preggo pillow). Which has been nice, except for the night I ended up sleeping sitting up against 4 pillows b/c I woke with vomit in my throat and nose twice. But otherwise it has definitely helped the back pain and is more comfortable. Though I can't wait to go back to sleeping like a normal person :)
What I Am Looking Forward To : besides the aforementioned being able to eat and breathe and sleep like a normal person, I'm starting to look forward to meeting this little guy. I mean, I've been happy about that for a while, but I'm really starting to feel it. I was playing "find the feet" today with him and thought how much fun it'll be to actually grab his feet instead of just poking them through layers of skin and muscle and fluid.
Belly Button : it's out enough to be occasionally visible through clothes, but still not what I'd call an outie... just that little nub is gently sticking out. But it's also getting "lower", almost out of sight for me if I stand up straight. HAHA, my body is SO misshapen :)
Symptoms : reflux, back ache, breathlessness and occasional fatigue... you know, the usual.
Monday, November 21, 2011
33 weeks and pics
Here are a few pics. If you want more, I'll be updating my albums on FB soon.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 33 wks
Size of Baby : averages say ~17-20" and 4-5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs
Maternity Clothes : nothing new this week...
Best Moment This Week : my Saturday was full of fun if a little exhausting. Our meeting w/Kari (our doula) went pretty well, though she had just assisted in a delivery overnight and only got 3 hrs of sleep, so she was a little out of it, poor thing. My shower was a blast!! It was so fun to see people I haven't seen in a while. And then topped the day off with one more shower for Josh's coworker. I was pooped when I got home, but it was so much fun.
Gender : boy
Movement : Well, it seems like he's finally switched sides and is hanging out on the left side mostly now. That whole insanity last week was apparently his efforts to get over there. Congrats, baby, you made it :)
Food Craving : always chocolate. I'd LOVE a peppermint mocha.
What I Miss Most : I talked to Jenna this weekend about running next year. I think we're going to sign up for a local fall half so we've got a goal to work toward, and plenty of time for me to get back in shape. I can't wait to start running again.
Sleep : I tried out a wedge pillow and after 1 1/2 nights I'm taking it back. We have a soft foam topper on our mattress and the pillow was so hard/stiff I just couldn't get comfortable. So it's back to just sleeping on an extra pillow. Oh well.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Mom comes Wednesday for almost a week. I'm really looking forward to the time together, Thanksgiving with her and Linds and M&M, finishing up the nursery, and maybe spending a little of my Target gift card money on things that I haven't gotten and still need.
Belly Button : still just poking out a little bit.
Symptoms : reflux, back pain, occasional breathlessness and fatigue... I mean, pretty much all the unavoidable third trimester symptoms. But overall I still tell people that I'm lucky that reflux has been the only consistent issue, and I've been relatively "comfortable" (for a preggo) this whole pregnancy.
This is my belly bump at 32.5 wks. After my shower, I was starting to droop a little. |
This is the book and toy shelf getting full. L-R top : "lovies", books, hard toys; bottom : board books, soft toys, stuffies. |
A pic Elijah took at the shower |
I have no idea what I was talking about but the way I'm sitting cracked me up. |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 33 wks
Size of Baby : averages say ~17-20" and 4-5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs
Maternity Clothes : nothing new this week...
Best Moment This Week : my Saturday was full of fun if a little exhausting. Our meeting w/Kari (our doula) went pretty well, though she had just assisted in a delivery overnight and only got 3 hrs of sleep, so she was a little out of it, poor thing. My shower was a blast!! It was so fun to see people I haven't seen in a while. And then topped the day off with one more shower for Josh's coworker. I was pooped when I got home, but it was so much fun.
Gender : boy
Movement : Well, it seems like he's finally switched sides and is hanging out on the left side mostly now. That whole insanity last week was apparently his efforts to get over there. Congrats, baby, you made it :)
Food Craving : always chocolate. I'd LOVE a peppermint mocha.
What I Miss Most : I talked to Jenna this weekend about running next year. I think we're going to sign up for a local fall half so we've got a goal to work toward, and plenty of time for me to get back in shape. I can't wait to start running again.
Sleep : I tried out a wedge pillow and after 1 1/2 nights I'm taking it back. We have a soft foam topper on our mattress and the pillow was so hard/stiff I just couldn't get comfortable. So it's back to just sleeping on an extra pillow. Oh well.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Mom comes Wednesday for almost a week. I'm really looking forward to the time together, Thanksgiving with her and Linds and M&M, finishing up the nursery, and maybe spending a little of my Target gift card money on things that I haven't gotten and still need.
Belly Button : still just poking out a little bit.
Symptoms : reflux, back pain, occasional breathlessness and fatigue... I mean, pretty much all the unavoidable third trimester symptoms. But overall I still tell people that I'm lucky that reflux has been the only consistent issue, and I've been relatively "comfortable" (for a preggo) this whole pregnancy.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
32 weeks and no pic yet
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 32 wks
Size of Baby : averages say ~17" and 4 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs
Maternity Clothes : nothing new this week...
Best Moment This Week : Josh had a four day weekend (I had a 3 1/2), and it was really nice to hang out together this weekend. We picked up a game he's been looking forward to (Skyrim) at the midnight launch on Thursday night, and he played a lot while I read and knitted. We also hung out with friends, toured the hospital, shopped for our small group Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, went out for lunch... it was just a fun, productive AND relaxing weekend.
Gender : boy
Movement : as he grows and the amt of amniotic fluid surrounding him decreases, I'm feeling more and more movement. Though he can't get enough space to get in a full kick, so most of the movements are more like squirming and more gentle kicks. He's done some strange things in the past day or two and I'm not fully sure what position he's in anymore. I THINK he's still head down. He also still spends most of his time on the right side, but when I wake up from sleeping on my left side, he's switched.
Food Craving : I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner! And we're having a mini-Thanksgiving with small group this week, so I get TWO :-D I'm just excited b/c it's a whole meal of things that shouldn't trigger my reflux, and that hardly ever happens.
What I Miss Most : life without reflux and the ability to exercise... this week I didn't even have the energy for a walk most days.
Sleep : waking up lots at night to pee; I really do feel like breast feeding through the night will hardly be different. The VERY worst experience of pregnancy sleeping so far was this weekend, though. I snuggled up to Josh instead of my preggo-pillow and ended up falling asleep with him for the first hour Sunday night. Then after about 80-90 min of lying almost flat (instead of propped up on pillows), he moved and I started awake and realized my throat was full of food and acid. I don't know if I vurped when he moved and I started awake, or if it had been sitting there for a while. I DO know that the horror, the taste in my mouth, and the burning sensation were atrocious; and after getting up for a drink of water and some Tums, and of course settling back into bed with extra pillows under me, it took forever to get back to sleep, and my throat still burned when I woke up Monday morning. Josh says maybe it's time to get a heartburn wedge; I think he's right. I wake up every morning with a little burn in my throat. :-รพ
What I Am Looking Forward To : this weekend is super busy but fun. Saturday is our first appt with our doula @ 9:30, my baby shower @ 12, and a shower for one of Josh's coworkers @ 3. Sunday is church, groceries, and a pampered chef party. Monday is last minute prep for mom's visit. Woohoo!! :)
Belly Button : Just barely poking out, and only one little part of it... as small as the tip of your pinky finger. Nothing visible through my daily clothes b/c I always have 2+ layers on my belly, but you can see it when I only wear 1 layer.
Symptoms : they seem to come and go, so one day I'll be saying how great I feel and the next I'm miserable. The reflux is still bad from time to time even with the med increase, though worst in bed or after eating a know trigger. I can only eat tiny frequent meals most of the time now too b/c my stomach is squished and gets backed up quickly.
I've started getting really shaky if it's been a couple hours since I last ate as opposed to getting hunger pangs which only happens maybe once a day. I'm taking the shaky, lightheaded feeling as a cue to eat.
I'm noticing Braxton Hicks pretty much every day at least at some point. They're definitely worse if I am active - either going for a walk or just being too busy with errands or chores. But doc says keep walking even if it triggers them, so weeks when I'm feeling okay and the weather cooperates I'm trying to get out every day. Exhausted days sometimes I choose naps over walking. :)
How Far Along : 32 wks
Size of Baby : averages say ~17" and 4 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs
Maternity Clothes : nothing new this week...
Best Moment This Week : Josh had a four day weekend (I had a 3 1/2), and it was really nice to hang out together this weekend. We picked up a game he's been looking forward to (Skyrim) at the midnight launch on Thursday night, and he played a lot while I read and knitted. We also hung out with friends, toured the hospital, shopped for our small group Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, went out for lunch... it was just a fun, productive AND relaxing weekend.
Gender : boy
Movement : as he grows and the amt of amniotic fluid surrounding him decreases, I'm feeling more and more movement. Though he can't get enough space to get in a full kick, so most of the movements are more like squirming and more gentle kicks. He's done some strange things in the past day or two and I'm not fully sure what position he's in anymore. I THINK he's still head down. He also still spends most of his time on the right side, but when I wake up from sleeping on my left side, he's switched.
Food Craving : I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner! And we're having a mini-Thanksgiving with small group this week, so I get TWO :-D I'm just excited b/c it's a whole meal of things that shouldn't trigger my reflux, and that hardly ever happens.
What I Miss Most : life without reflux and the ability to exercise... this week I didn't even have the energy for a walk most days.
Sleep : waking up lots at night to pee; I really do feel like breast feeding through the night will hardly be different. The VERY worst experience of pregnancy sleeping so far was this weekend, though. I snuggled up to Josh instead of my preggo-pillow and ended up falling asleep with him for the first hour Sunday night. Then after about 80-90 min of lying almost flat (instead of propped up on pillows), he moved and I started awake and realized my throat was full of food and acid. I don't know if I vurped when he moved and I started awake, or if it had been sitting there for a while. I DO know that the horror, the taste in my mouth, and the burning sensation were atrocious; and after getting up for a drink of water and some Tums, and of course settling back into bed with extra pillows under me, it took forever to get back to sleep, and my throat still burned when I woke up Monday morning. Josh says maybe it's time to get a heartburn wedge; I think he's right. I wake up every morning with a little burn in my throat. :-รพ
What I Am Looking Forward To : this weekend is super busy but fun. Saturday is our first appt with our doula @ 9:30, my baby shower @ 12, and a shower for one of Josh's coworkers @ 3. Sunday is church, groceries, and a pampered chef party. Monday is last minute prep for mom's visit. Woohoo!! :)
Belly Button : Just barely poking out, and only one little part of it... as small as the tip of your pinky finger. Nothing visible through my daily clothes b/c I always have 2+ layers on my belly, but you can see it when I only wear 1 layer.
Symptoms : they seem to come and go, so one day I'll be saying how great I feel and the next I'm miserable. The reflux is still bad from time to time even with the med increase, though worst in bed or after eating a know trigger. I can only eat tiny frequent meals most of the time now too b/c my stomach is squished and gets backed up quickly.
I've started getting really shaky if it's been a couple hours since I last ate as opposed to getting hunger pangs which only happens maybe once a day. I'm taking the shaky, lightheaded feeling as a cue to eat.
I'm noticing Braxton Hicks pretty much every day at least at some point. They're definitely worse if I am active - either going for a walk or just being too busy with errands or chores. But doc says keep walking even if it triggers them, so weeks when I'm feeling okay and the weather cooperates I'm trying to get out every day. Exhausted days sometimes I choose naps over walking. :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
31 weeks... wasn't 30 just yesterday?
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 31 wks
Size of Baby : averages say ~16" and 3+ lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~24 lbs
Maternity Clothes : Yesterday I hung out with Lindsey and got a TON of hand-me-down clothes for Ash, but also borrowed her mid-calf boots, so I can finally wear my leggings again! It's been too cold for me to get away with my little flimsy flats and exposed skin, but at last I can keep my legs/feet warm and look cute at the same time :)
Best Moment This Week : All of yesterday. I had a dr appt which went really well. Everything is healthy and normal and on track. I got some reassuring answers to a couple of my questions, had a hilarious conversation about circumcision (I think that's the first time I've seen my doc blush!), and can't wait to come back in 3 weeks with mom. Then off to the AF base to say hi to Josh, drop off my shower invites to my friends at the CDC (and it's always fun to hear "you're looking GREAT" and "you don't look pregnant in your face, it's all in your belly"), then lunch with my dear hubs. Then across town to Lindsey's to hang out with my favorite red-head and his mommy for the afternoon. I scored more baby clothes than Ash will ever be able to wear, the aforementioned boots, and some really good sister-bonding. Then home to hang out with hubs and pups, with a conscious effort to squeeze in a little couch snuggling before I retired to my preggo-chair. All-in-all it was a great day.
Gender : boy
Movement : So the couple of times I've made Josh feel my belly in the past, he's said "it just feels like your stomach is gurgling" or "it's just like a muffled version of laying next to the dogs when they're dreaming", but finally this week a couple times he's felt what he'd consider real movement. First time I was snuggled up to him in bed and Ash was kicking him in the hip :) Then a couple times I've done the more traditional putting his hand on my belly when Ash is being active. He didn't really get to feel a kick, per se, but could feel definite squirming that was undeniable to him as something inside moving around. It's fun to finally have him experience it, and no matter how unattached you might feel otherwise, you can't help but reacting with at least a little surprise and wonder when you feel the baby moving... which was fun to hear in his voice.
Food Craving : still chocolate. And also I bought some flavored creamers now that the weather is cold enough to want a hot drink most days - and my favorite is amaretto, but it makes me want REAL amaretto.
What I Miss Most : I'm leaving this b/c it's still truly what I miss most : I know I keep saying it, but truly I miss being able to eat whatever I want. I'm having a hard time finding foods that DON'T trigger my reflux. I think this may be PART of the reason for the slowing in my weight gain, b/c I just don't feel like eating sometimes. And water makes it worse, so I miss being able to chug all I want when I'm thirsty.
Sleep : This past week I've mostly been only waking up to pee once a night (b/c I'm drinking less water probably), but sometimes I wake up and can't get back to sleep again. This morning I barely slept after I got up to pee at 3am. It was a long couple hours till Josh's alarm went off. Then of course I fell fast asleep, so getting up when it was time for me to get up was hard. :)
What I Am Looking Forward To : Still to come in November : a 3 1/2 day weekend with Josh, tour of the hospital, meetings/classes with our doula, baby shower for me, baby shower for Josh's coworker, mom visiting, 4 day weekend with Josh (and mom), Thanksgiving dinner with family & friends, and another ultrasound/appt that mom gets to be here for.
Belly Button : Just barely poking out, and only one little part of it... as small as the tip of your pinky finger. Nothing visible through my daily clothes b/c I always have 2+ layers on my belly, but you can see it through my pj's b/c I just wear 1 layer - a shirt with under-belly pants.
Symptoms : I talked to my doc about max dose of Zantac, so I'm upping my dose a little (and still well within prescription max) to make life a little less miserable. I'm still avoiding anything with any tomatoes or chocolate in it b/c even on meds those will make me miserable. And when I think about 2 more months of this sometimes I want to cry... but I know that these two months are going to fly by, so I try not to let it get me down :)
I haven't been sleeping with my wrist brace since the arm-burning rash incident, but might start again b/c my thumb is starting to ache/tingle. But in general it's nowhere near as bad as it was. I also think that trying to make sure to drink more water (hopefully the meds will counter the increase in reflux I often get from water) will help me retain less fluids and therefore experience less carpal tunnel.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween & 30 weeks
Monday being Halloween, my picture this week is of me in my "costume". The pics aren't very flattering (Josh was sitting on the couch, which is never a good angle), but I had fun making my hat & name tag. I free-handed the foam cutouts from some pics online and drew/glued my heart out. As the evening grew cooler, I threw on the hoodie that goes with the pants and looked even frumpier, but had a blast handing out candy all night.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 30 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15.5" and 2.75 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~24 lbs
Maternity Clothes : it was my maternity clothes (in combo with Josh's nickname for me) that helped me figure out what I was going to wear this Halloween. I've got nothing orange in my wardrobe and would have had a hard time looking very festive without a viable costume idea.
Best Moment This Week :
Gender : boy
Movement : this week's movement highlights were me recognizing hiccups AND crazy Aliens belly twitching and writhing on its own.
Food Craving : still chocolate.
What I Miss Most : I know I keep saying it, but truly I miss being able to eat whatever I want. I'm having a hard time finding foods that DON'T trigger my reflux. I think this may be PART of the reason for the slowing in my weight gain, b/c I just don't feel like eating sometimes. And water makes it worse, so I miss being able to chug all I want when I'm thirsty.
Sleep : I've started sleeping with my body pillow again, laying my head on an extra pillow to try to help the reflux. But I'm still up at least twice a night and I've stayed up too late about half the nights this week, so I'm feeling a little tired.
What I Am Looking Forward To : November holds SO MANY exciting events!! A couple awesome video game release dates, 2 four-day weekends, a service project, a tour of the hospital birth center, our first doula meeting and our first childbirth class, a visit from mom, a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends... I'm going to LOVE November... although I'm aware that all the busyness is going to make the month fly by and we'll be staring down a due date before I'm ready for it :)
Belly Button : still threatening to pop with no results.
Symptoms : the reflux is really atrocious. I'm up to one pill in the morning and two at night, and some days I still have a sore throat in the morning (hence the extra pillow) and often feel the burn despite the meds. And they say it's just supposed to get worse. I told Josh this weekend that I don't know how I'm going to do 2 1/2 more months of this... ugh.
I've also been pretty sore lately, which I think is just mostly due to the fact that my belly is protruding farther and father, putting more strain on my back. But it's been helping my posture to be so squished b/c I sit up straighter to give my stomach and lungs room to do their thing and to help minimize the rib-stretching.
30 weeks - Josh teases I should be saying "Welcome to Hippo Hamburger Hut, can I take your order?" |
I AM PREGGOPOTAMUS! :) (and look short and stumpy from this angle, but I'm proud of my crafty costume) |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 30 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15.5" and 2.75 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~24 lbs
Maternity Clothes : it was my maternity clothes (in combo with Josh's nickname for me) that helped me figure out what I was going to wear this Halloween. I've got nothing orange in my wardrobe and would have had a hard time looking very festive without a viable costume idea.
Best Moment This Week :
Gender : boy
Movement : this week's movement highlights were me recognizing hiccups AND crazy Aliens belly twitching and writhing on its own.
Food Craving : still chocolate.
What I Miss Most : I know I keep saying it, but truly I miss being able to eat whatever I want. I'm having a hard time finding foods that DON'T trigger my reflux. I think this may be PART of the reason for the slowing in my weight gain, b/c I just don't feel like eating sometimes. And water makes it worse, so I miss being able to chug all I want when I'm thirsty.
Sleep : I've started sleeping with my body pillow again, laying my head on an extra pillow to try to help the reflux. But I'm still up at least twice a night and I've stayed up too late about half the nights this week, so I'm feeling a little tired.
What I Am Looking Forward To : November holds SO MANY exciting events!! A couple awesome video game release dates, 2 four-day weekends, a service project, a tour of the hospital birth center, our first doula meeting and our first childbirth class, a visit from mom, a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends... I'm going to LOVE November... although I'm aware that all the busyness is going to make the month fly by and we'll be staring down a due date before I'm ready for it :)
Belly Button : still threatening to pop with no results.
Symptoms : the reflux is really atrocious. I'm up to one pill in the morning and two at night, and some days I still have a sore throat in the morning (hence the extra pillow) and often feel the burn despite the meds. And they say it's just supposed to get worse. I told Josh this weekend that I don't know how I'm going to do 2 1/2 more months of this... ugh.
I've also been pretty sore lately, which I think is just mostly due to the fact that my belly is protruding farther and father, putting more strain on my back. But it's been helping my posture to be so squished b/c I sit up straighter to give my stomach and lungs room to do their thing and to help minimize the rib-stretching.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
29 weeks
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 29 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15+" and 2 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been loving old favorites like knee socks and scarves that a big belly don't stop me from wearing.
Best Moment This Week : it's been a rough week with a lot of unexpected expenses (cell phone, car battery, etc) and emotional issues but the best part of my week has been getting some energy back. My theory is when my weight is moving up that Ash is growing and sucking all my energy, but I'm currently on a plateau.
Gender : boy
Movement : he's been getting big enough to occasionally identify which body part he's trying to poke through my belly. :-)
Food Craving : still chocolate. I asked Josh to get me a box as a reward for after labor.
What I Miss Most : my body pillow which is on hiatus till my arms are completely better.
Sleep : like I said, my energy has been amazing this past week, almost like I'm not even pregnant. Surprisingly that has little to do with sleep. I'm still waking multiple times to pee and missing my body pillow nest.
What I Am Looking Forward To : well, it has nothing to do with Ash, but I can't wait to watch Bridesmaids this weekend (our Netflix disc). I'm also looking forward to hitting the 30 wk milestone - 3/4 of the way there. And I booked our hospital tour for Nov; one more thing to add to my excitement about Nov. :-)
Belly Button : still the same.
Symptoms : my reflux is so bad I'm,going to talk to the Dr about moving from 75 to 150 twice a day.
My arms went nuts this week with a burning rash in the crooks of my elbows and forearms. Friday I saw the Dr b/c I could hardly function, and they guessed it might be fungal and prescribed a cream. Applications twice daily since then have it almost gone.
I've also been an emotional wreck, especially as it pertains to my relationship with Josh, poor guy. I've just been insecure and needy. Hopefully this is just hormonal and fades out quickly. I hate being irrational!!! >:-[
And I know I promised pics, but never remember when anyone's around to take one, so here's one I snapped today with my new phone. Our backyard is the backdrop.

How Far Along : 29 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15+" and 2 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been loving old favorites like knee socks and scarves that a big belly don't stop me from wearing.
Best Moment This Week : it's been a rough week with a lot of unexpected expenses (cell phone, car battery, etc) and emotional issues but the best part of my week has been getting some energy back. My theory is when my weight is moving up that Ash is growing and sucking all my energy, but I'm currently on a plateau.
Gender : boy
Movement : he's been getting big enough to occasionally identify which body part he's trying to poke through my belly. :-)
Food Craving : still chocolate. I asked Josh to get me a box as a reward for after labor.
What I Miss Most : my body pillow which is on hiatus till my arms are completely better.
Sleep : like I said, my energy has been amazing this past week, almost like I'm not even pregnant. Surprisingly that has little to do with sleep. I'm still waking multiple times to pee and missing my body pillow nest.
What I Am Looking Forward To : well, it has nothing to do with Ash, but I can't wait to watch Bridesmaids this weekend (our Netflix disc). I'm also looking forward to hitting the 30 wk milestone - 3/4 of the way there. And I booked our hospital tour for Nov; one more thing to add to my excitement about Nov. :-)
Belly Button : still the same.
Symptoms : my reflux is so bad I'm,going to talk to the Dr about moving from 75 to 150 twice a day.
My arms went nuts this week with a burning rash in the crooks of my elbows and forearms. Friday I saw the Dr b/c I could hardly function, and they guessed it might be fungal and prescribed a cream. Applications twice daily since then have it almost gone.
I've also been an emotional wreck, especially as it pertains to my relationship with Josh, poor guy. I've just been insecure and needy. Hopefully this is just hormonal and fades out quickly. I hate being irrational!!! >:-[
And I know I promised pics, but never remember when anyone's around to take one, so here's one I snapped today with my new phone. Our backyard is the backdrop.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
28 weeks
So I'm 28 wks. Which isn't so much of a milestone in itself, but somehow feels like one. Maybe b/c I'm already starting to feel third trimester symptoms, and d-day is feeling closer and closer.
It's fun to see people I haven't seen in a while and have them look at my belly, then at my face and tell me "you look good!!" in all sincerity. It makes me feel like at least I've dodged some of the "uglifying" side effects of pregnancy. I haven't started to bloat or discolor. I've been told I've got the glow, but that's a nice one. Maybe it's the old wives tale of baby girls steal your beauty but boys don't, but I'm glad that I can still feel cute with this growing bulge on the front of me. :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Size of Baby: ~15" long and according to our u/s he's 2 lbs 7 oz
Total Weight Gain: ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I really enjoyed my appointment with my doctor. Because the u/s took care of heart rate and fetal growth, there was nothing for him to do but sit down in the other comfy chair and answer my questions. And I really felt like I got good full answers from him, and walked out feeling very clear about when I should worry and when I shouldn't.
Gender: BOY! still. Even though I had momentary and unfounded fears I'd go into my u/s and she'd say "it's a girl", nothing has changed.
Movement: as he gets bigger and stronger, I'm feeling him more and more often. Sometimes (like yesterday) it feels like he's busy ALL DAY. Also yesterday I got my first kick in the ribs. Not cool, kiddo, not cool. It was also fun to go in for my u/s and get answers to some of my questions like "what position is he in?" (head down. yay!!) and "does my right side look a little bigger b/c he's hanging out over there?" (yes, his torso is on the right with his limbs on the left). And just fun to see him move. And feel him kicking the u/s wand, that was funny.
Food Craving: everything reflux won't let me have. Chocolate and cinnamon and french fries (NOT all together!!) were the biggest cravings this week.
What I Miss Most: still my old body. I took E to the park that's 1 mile away and by the time I got there I had to collapse on the bench to recover after I took her out of the stroller. Then going back home (uphill) I took about 25 min to get there... a 25 min mile is PATHETIC, even for walking. I can't believe that 4 short months ago I was RUNNING 13 miles. I can only hope that 4 months from now I'll be running again.
Sleep: I've been more likely to go to bed late than early lately, trying to stay up till Josh is ready for bed, and it's taking its toll. Some of those nights I'm only up once to pee b/c I sleep so hard, but it's just not enough rest. Finally last night I told Josh "I'm so sorry" and went to bed at 8:30. My eyes were burning and I could hardly hold them open. It's like 1st trimester all over again, except that I can't just fall asleep snuggling on the couch b/c I can't get comfy there. So I actually have to go up and go to bed by myself. I hate it. But couldn't help it last night.
What I am looking forward to: there's nothing in my immediate future, but I'm looking at my November calendar with some excitement. I have 2 dr appointments (one is also u/s), I start my prenatal doula visits/childbirth classes, there are some awesome video games coming out, Josh has TWO 4-day weekends, AND my mom is coming to visit over Thanksgiving weekend. It's going to be busy and fun!! :)
Belly Button: still just ~thinking~ about popping out. But I'm ok w/that. Honestly, I don't think I'd like having my b.b. show through my clothes.
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, and return of exhaustion. I've started taking my reflux meds twice a day regularly now. Too many miserable mornings. Someone said I should try aloe vera juice. Not sure if I'm up for hunting it down (Whole Foods?) and taking shots every day.
Okay, I'm going to go take a nap now even though I DID go to bed early last night. It's pathetic, but true; I'm exhausted. I'll try to get a couple u/s pics and a belly pic up today or tomorrow sometime.
It's fun to see people I haven't seen in a while and have them look at my belly, then at my face and tell me "you look good!!" in all sincerity. It makes me feel like at least I've dodged some of the "uglifying" side effects of pregnancy. I haven't started to bloat or discolor. I've been told I've got the glow, but that's a nice one. Maybe it's the old wives tale of baby girls steal your beauty but boys don't, but I'm glad that I can still feel cute with this growing bulge on the front of me. :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Size of Baby: ~15" long and according to our u/s he's 2 lbs 7 oz
Total Weight Gain: ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I really enjoyed my appointment with my doctor. Because the u/s took care of heart rate and fetal growth, there was nothing for him to do but sit down in the other comfy chair and answer my questions. And I really felt like I got good full answers from him, and walked out feeling very clear about when I should worry and when I shouldn't.
Gender: BOY! still. Even though I had momentary and unfounded fears I'd go into my u/s and she'd say "it's a girl", nothing has changed.
Movement: as he gets bigger and stronger, I'm feeling him more and more often. Sometimes (like yesterday) it feels like he's busy ALL DAY. Also yesterday I got my first kick in the ribs. Not cool, kiddo, not cool. It was also fun to go in for my u/s and get answers to some of my questions like "what position is he in?" (head down. yay!!) and "does my right side look a little bigger b/c he's hanging out over there?" (yes, his torso is on the right with his limbs on the left). And just fun to see him move. And feel him kicking the u/s wand, that was funny.
Food Craving: everything reflux won't let me have. Chocolate and cinnamon and french fries (NOT all together!!) were the biggest cravings this week.
What I Miss Most: still my old body. I took E to the park that's 1 mile away and by the time I got there I had to collapse on the bench to recover after I took her out of the stroller. Then going back home (uphill) I took about 25 min to get there... a 25 min mile is PATHETIC, even for walking. I can't believe that 4 short months ago I was RUNNING 13 miles. I can only hope that 4 months from now I'll be running again.
Sleep: I've been more likely to go to bed late than early lately, trying to stay up till Josh is ready for bed, and it's taking its toll. Some of those nights I'm only up once to pee b/c I sleep so hard, but it's just not enough rest. Finally last night I told Josh "I'm so sorry" and went to bed at 8:30. My eyes were burning and I could hardly hold them open. It's like 1st trimester all over again, except that I can't just fall asleep snuggling on the couch b/c I can't get comfy there. So I actually have to go up and go to bed by myself. I hate it. But couldn't help it last night.
What I am looking forward to: there's nothing in my immediate future, but I'm looking at my November calendar with some excitement. I have 2 dr appointments (one is also u/s), I start my prenatal doula visits/childbirth classes, there are some awesome video games coming out, Josh has TWO 4-day weekends, AND my mom is coming to visit over Thanksgiving weekend. It's going to be busy and fun!! :)
Belly Button: still just ~thinking~ about popping out. But I'm ok w/that. Honestly, I don't think I'd like having my b.b. show through my clothes.
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, and return of exhaustion. I've started taking my reflux meds twice a day regularly now. Too many miserable mornings. Someone said I should try aloe vera juice. Not sure if I'm up for hunting it down (Whole Foods?) and taking shots every day.
Okay, I'm going to go take a nap now even though I DID go to bed early last night. It's pathetic, but true; I'm exhausted. I'll try to get a couple u/s pics and a belly pic up today or tomorrow sometime.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
27 weeks and trimester ambiguity
So depending on where you read, I'm either entering the third trimester today or next week, or somewhere in the middle of this week. Honestly, it's all a mess... you don't get an even # when you divide 40/3, so there's no clean weekly answer to when the trimester shifts. If we assume I carry 2 weeks past due (mom's pattern and not unusual for a first), then we wait till the end of the week. But either way you look at it, sometime in this week I'll be switching from second trimester to third trimester. Things I like about that: his lungs and organs are developed enough that he could survive (with lots of medical help) if he were to be born now, so that takes a load off my mind. Of course we want him to stay in till he's fully baked, but it's just nice to know in the back of my mind. I also like that we're getting close to the end. I'm still "enjoying" the process, but there are definite moments when I think "I can't wait to get this thing outta me" :) I never understood all the 9 month mamas wishing for the day, but now I get it... which is rough b/c I'm only 6 months :-D But really in generally you won't hear my complain. A relatively uncomplicated and "easy" pregnancy so far, I'm still counting my blessings. Still amazed at where I was a year ago and where I am today... and I'm reminded of Sara Groves' song : "from this one place I can't see very far, in this one moment I'm square in the dark, these are the things I will trust in my heart, you can see something else." A year ago I couldn't see this far and was seriously struggling with the loss of blueberry and lack of conception since. A year ago I hadn't begun Hearts Like Hannah's and the healing process that came with a support group. A year ago I couldn't imagine being where I am today. And I'm grateful to be where I am today, and will probably be marveling again in a year about how different things are then. :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~22 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I loved my three day weekend with my hubs. Low key and nerdy, with lots of reading and video game playing and puppy snuggling. Just how we like it :)
Gender: BOY!
Movement: He seems to be gradually settling into a schedule, or I'm just starting to notice. There are certain times of the day I can almost be guaranteed he's going to be active... unfortunately two of those are when I go to bed and in the wee hours of the morning :)
Food Craving: crunchy! I know, that's not necessarily a food. But I've been thinking about Molly's kale salad for weeks... it's kale, which is crunchy to begin with, but it's got apples and nuts in it too. I also almost bought crunchy peanut butter at the grocery store. And I've been CRAVING veggies. Like I did with meat my first trimester. I just can't get enough. Last night I made Josh a steak and I just had a bowl of veggies (love the Green Giant veggie medleys... Healthy Vision, Healthy Weight... they're delicious).
What I Miss Most: my old body, which I'll never fully get back, but can have some of it back once I recover from this pregnancy... I can't wait to stretch and lay on my stomach and go running again!
Sleep: I've been sleeping fine when I sleep, but just not getting enough of it. I mean, I can be in bed from 10pm-8am and still want to stay in bed b/c I wake 3x's a night to pee, and Ash keeps me up with his kicks and tickles. I'm starting into the 3rd trimester fatigue a little already.
What I am looking forward to: Monday is my ultrasound!!
Belly Button: threatening to pop
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel. I've also experienced for the first time in the last week or two where I could feel a body part pushing out... once I think it was a foot, and the 2nd time it was bigger like a butt or a head (and it hurt). I pushed back and it finally disappeared. I have also experienced some significant rib pain, especially up near my sternum. I told Josh it's ironic that everyone compares seeing the baby move to that scene in Alien, but no one talks about how those little guys are called chest bursters, and that's how I felt this weekend. My mom said she distinctly remembers the rib pain when she had us... short and small framed doesn't make much room for baby, so baby makes his own room. But some tylenol did the trick and it hasn't been continuing constantly, thank God. I also think I may be having Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally. Reading descriptions of what they feel like, I realized I may have been experiencing them for a while and just didn't realize that's what they were. But it's starting to be more distinct.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~22 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I loved my three day weekend with my hubs. Low key and nerdy, with lots of reading and video game playing and puppy snuggling. Just how we like it :)
Gender: BOY!
Movement: He seems to be gradually settling into a schedule, or I'm just starting to notice. There are certain times of the day I can almost be guaranteed he's going to be active... unfortunately two of those are when I go to bed and in the wee hours of the morning :)
Food Craving: crunchy! I know, that's not necessarily a food. But I've been thinking about Molly's kale salad for weeks... it's kale, which is crunchy to begin with, but it's got apples and nuts in it too. I also almost bought crunchy peanut butter at the grocery store. And I've been CRAVING veggies. Like I did with meat my first trimester. I just can't get enough. Last night I made Josh a steak and I just had a bowl of veggies (love the Green Giant veggie medleys... Healthy Vision, Healthy Weight... they're delicious).
What I Miss Most: my old body, which I'll never fully get back, but can have some of it back once I recover from this pregnancy... I can't wait to stretch and lay on my stomach and go running again!
Sleep: I've been sleeping fine when I sleep, but just not getting enough of it. I mean, I can be in bed from 10pm-8am and still want to stay in bed b/c I wake 3x's a night to pee, and Ash keeps me up with his kicks and tickles. I'm starting into the 3rd trimester fatigue a little already.
What I am looking forward to: Monday is my ultrasound!!
Belly Button: threatening to pop
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel. I've also experienced for the first time in the last week or two where I could feel a body part pushing out... once I think it was a foot, and the 2nd time it was bigger like a butt or a head (and it hurt). I pushed back and it finally disappeared. I have also experienced some significant rib pain, especially up near my sternum. I told Josh it's ironic that everyone compares seeing the baby move to that scene in Alien, but no one talks about how those little guys are called chest bursters, and that's how I felt this weekend. My mom said she distinctly remembers the rib pain when she had us... short and small framed doesn't make much room for baby, so baby makes his own room. But some tylenol did the trick and it hasn't been continuing constantly, thank God. I also think I may be having Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally. Reading descriptions of what they feel like, I realized I may have been experiencing them for a while and just didn't realize that's what they were. But it's starting to be more distinct.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Belly pics and test results
Good news!! I got the call this evening that my glucose test results were normal. Hooray for not having to cut carbs and sugar from my diet. It was a week of worrying and thinking about what I eat, but good to think about how I could fit more protein and veggies into my diet. Also, did you notice that my countdown timer has dropped below 100 days?? Woohoo! :) And here's my pictures for the week:
A top-down view of my belly button threatening to pop like the turkey timer :) |
26 weeks and a glucose test
I know I owe you a pic... I'll get Josh to take one this evening. I don't feel like I'm sticking out much more, but I swear I'm starting to carry lower. I've gone from soccer ball sized to basket ball sized (according to my pregnancy apps).
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I don't even know. There are winners in different categories. It was fun hanging out with Joel and Stephanie. It was triumph mowing the lawn and clipping the low hanging branches from the trees/shrubs. It was relief finishing my fasting glucose test.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: He was practicing his drums during the drum solo at church Sunday, and he threw a whole party Monday morning when that glucose hit my system. It seemed like that wore him out and he had a sugar crash just like me, though, b/c he was quiet most of the day until bedtime.
Food Craving: ice cream. After my glucose test and lunch and errands I stopped at Baskin Robbins for a small scoop. And an unexpected conversation with a pregnant lady who happened to be there with 2 of her kids; it was nice.
What I Miss Most: life without reflux. And NOT being a regular at Walgreens
Sleep: Friday Molly gave me her old pregnancy body pillow. I washed the cover over the weekend, and Febreezed the pillow (just cause), and started using it a couple nights ago. Between a week of having Josh back in bed with me and a couple nights with the pillow, I'm starting to feel like a normal person again!! :)
What I am looking forward to: I should get my glucose test results in a day or so. And Melissa & Eric come visit Wed night-Fri morning, and I'm excited to spend some time with them. But honestly I'm most looking forward to my ultrasound in two weeks, b/c I can't wait to SEE him again. :)
Belly Button: threatening to pop, but not there yet.
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: I don't even know. There are winners in different categories. It was fun hanging out with Joel and Stephanie. It was triumph mowing the lawn and clipping the low hanging branches from the trees/shrubs. It was relief finishing my fasting glucose test.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: He was practicing his drums during the drum solo at church Sunday, and he threw a whole party Monday morning when that glucose hit my system. It seemed like that wore him out and he had a sugar crash just like me, though, b/c he was quiet most of the day until bedtime.
Food Craving: ice cream. After my glucose test and lunch and errands I stopped at Baskin Robbins for a small scoop. And an unexpected conversation with a pregnant lady who happened to be there with 2 of her kids; it was nice.
What I Miss Most: life without reflux. And NOT being a regular at Walgreens
Sleep: Friday Molly gave me her old pregnancy body pillow. I washed the cover over the weekend, and Febreezed the pillow (just cause), and started using it a couple nights ago. Between a week of having Josh back in bed with me and a couple nights with the pillow, I'm starting to feel like a normal person again!! :)
What I am looking forward to: I should get my glucose test results in a day or so. And Melissa & Eric come visit Wed night-Fri morning, and I'm excited to spend some time with them. But honestly I'm most looking forward to my ultrasound in two weeks, b/c I can't wait to SEE him again. :)
Belly Button: threatening to pop, but not there yet.
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
25 weeks and visits of all sorts
This time the company is Joel and his girlfriend Stephanie who are visiting. And thankfully they're staying with Lindsey. Not that I don't love my brother and wouldn't love having him around, but Josh has been sick for a week and the timing just wouldn't have been good at all. Last week he had a cold and cough that wouldn't get better. He went to the doctor and got on antibiotics and after a few days he perked up a little. BUT he would cough every time he laid down and his throat was hurting worse and worse.... which eventually led us to the conclusion that all the irritation had probably led to a throat ulcer. So, another visit to the doc yesterday to get prednisone for the ulcer. He's getting better, but not enough to lay down yet. Plus the meds are making him shaky all the time. Here's hoping he'll be able to get a good night's sleep soon and we can get back to our usual schedule.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby: 13-14" long, ~1.5-2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: It's been a rough week with Josh sick and very little sleep. I've missed him at night as he's spent most nights on the couch, and day-times aren't much better for connecting since he has had very little voice (and recently dr ordered vocal rest). Yesterday after the dr put him on vocal rest he started scribbling (usually jokes) on note pads or typing notes on his phone. Last night I was "complaining" about getting kicked when he picked up his phone and started typing. With a sweet kiss he handed me the phone and walked away while I read : "I'm glad I could give you a baby. I know how happy it makes you. I love you." This may be my favorite pregnancy memory ever, seriously :) I love my hubs, and he knows he totally made my day with that note.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: I keep forgetting to mention that Ash loves church. I am guessing it's the combination of me singing (since he can hear my voice more than anyone else's) and the bass and drums (the lower frequencies are the ones that get through the amniotic fluid the best). He always dances while I sing on Sundays. I love him :-)
Food Craving: again, not at all pregnancy related, but I went and bought some Einstein Bros pumpkin cream cheese (and grabbed some bagel thins and cinnamon bread at the grocery store to put it on). What I've really been craving is chocolate (in all its forms... mocha, ice cream, cookies, candy), but it gives me HORRIBLE reflux. So reflux is keeping me relatively healthy... :)
What I Miss Most: being able to eat whatever sounds good without thinking of what it'll do to my reflux. There is so much I can't eat. A lot of it is unhealthy (greasy fatty foods), so it's nice to have innate discouragement to eat those things... but some of it is good for me or neutral (like Italian or Mexican or non-skim dairy) and I can't wait to eat what sounds good again.
Sleep: ATROCIOUS! It's been such a rough week. With Josh sleeping on the couch b/c of his cough, I've been pretty restless in bed. I just don't sleep well with him elsewhere. I miss my hubs.
What I am looking forward to: spending some time with my little brother and his girlfriend this week while they're visiting. What I'm NOT looking forward to is my 3 hr glucose test on Monday morning. Fasting for 12 hrs, going in and drinking a drink with twice the glucose, and three blood draws (1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr). Not to mention the anxiety I have over failing and having to eat a GD diet. I don't know if I can live without sugar AND carbs :)
Belly Button: we have pretty much shifted from cinnamon bun to crescent moon
Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back. I've started wearing the brace for carpal tunnel when I sleep at night and when I'm relaxing during the day/evening. It doesn't cure the problem, but days when I don't wear it much my tingling is closer to pain, so I'm going to keep wearing it.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby: 13-14" long, ~1.5-2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: It's been a rough week with Josh sick and very little sleep. I've missed him at night as he's spent most nights on the couch, and day-times aren't much better for connecting since he has had very little voice (and recently dr ordered vocal rest). Yesterday after the dr put him on vocal rest he started scribbling (usually jokes) on note pads or typing notes on his phone. Last night I was "complaining" about getting kicked when he picked up his phone and started typing. With a sweet kiss he handed me the phone and walked away while I read : "I'm glad I could give you a baby. I know how happy it makes you. I love you." This may be my favorite pregnancy memory ever, seriously :) I love my hubs, and he knows he totally made my day with that note.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: I keep forgetting to mention that Ash loves church. I am guessing it's the combination of me singing (since he can hear my voice more than anyone else's) and the bass and drums (the lower frequencies are the ones that get through the amniotic fluid the best). He always dances while I sing on Sundays. I love him :-)
Food Craving: again, not at all pregnancy related, but I went and bought some Einstein Bros pumpkin cream cheese (and grabbed some bagel thins and cinnamon bread at the grocery store to put it on). What I've really been craving is chocolate (in all its forms... mocha, ice cream, cookies, candy), but it gives me HORRIBLE reflux. So reflux is keeping me relatively healthy... :)
What I Miss Most: being able to eat whatever sounds good without thinking of what it'll do to my reflux. There is so much I can't eat. A lot of it is unhealthy (greasy fatty foods), so it's nice to have innate discouragement to eat those things... but some of it is good for me or neutral (like Italian or Mexican or non-skim dairy) and I can't wait to eat what sounds good again.
Sleep: ATROCIOUS! It's been such a rough week. With Josh sleeping on the couch b/c of his cough, I've been pretty restless in bed. I just don't sleep well with him elsewhere. I miss my hubs.
What I am looking forward to: spending some time with my little brother and his girlfriend this week while they're visiting. What I'm NOT looking forward to is my 3 hr glucose test on Monday morning. Fasting for 12 hrs, going in and drinking a drink with twice the glucose, and three blood draws (1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr). Not to mention the anxiety I have over failing and having to eat a GD diet. I don't know if I can live without sugar AND carbs :)

Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back. I've started wearing the brace for carpal tunnel when I sleep at night and when I'm relaxing during the day/evening. It doesn't cure the problem, but days when I don't wear it much my tingling is closer to pain, so I'm going to keep wearing it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
24 weeks? Impossible!
I seriously didn't believe it when I read that this morning. I thought for sure I was at 23 weeks. Time has just flown for the past month or two. I remember when I was laboriously counting DAYS till 20 wks, and somehow we've already flown 4 weeks past that without realizing it. Anyway, here's my update sans pics b/c I'm not home to upload them. Maybe later this week.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby: 1 foot long!, 1.5 lb
Total Weight Gain: ~18 lbs
Maternity Clothes: this week I put on one of my pre-preg button-up shirts and buttoned the two buttons at the bottom of my boobs and the top of my belly, and they were tight. Cute, but I'll only be able to pull that off a few more weeks.
Best Moment this week: again impossible to say b/c having Dave & Shelia here was so awesome!
Gender: BOY! I love to stop and look in the door at his nursery... without any decorations, just paint and furniture, it's so cute! I'm so excited about finishing touches! :)
Movement: he always dances around mealtimes. If I'm hungry but too busy to stop and eat yet he kicks me as if to say "we need food, mom!" and if I eat at a normal time he waits till I finish and relax and then he starts moving. This week I think I'm feeling him in two places at once, as if he's trying to stretch himself to both sides of my abdomen at once. Like a kick and a punch, or maybe he's doing the YMCA in there :) I wish I had a window to see in and tell what he's doing. 4 more weeks till my next (and maybe last?) ultrasound; I can't wait!! :)
Food Craving: nothing specific, though after weeks of "vacation" eating, I've been enjoying lots of veggies and lighter meals like BLT's and vegetarian tacos and PB&J's. And the cooler days of fall have me craving more hot drinks and soups and hearty dishes too. Looking forward to the squash season as well.
What I Miss Most: Dave & Shelia. They were SUCH good company. The two weeks flew by and I would have had them stay longer if I could.
Sleep: ATROCIOUS! Okay, well, you caught me after two particularly bad nights, so maybe I'm exaggerating :) Josh has been sick and the dogs have been cold since I buzzed them almost bald this weekend so between them trying to burrow deeper into the covers or snuggle closer, and Josh coughing through the night, and me trying to get comfortable with my giant belly and my hurting ears (this has always been a problem for me which is why I'm picky about my pillow), it's been a rough couple days. In general, though, a "good night's sleep" has become a thing of the past.
What I am looking forward to: is not so much the glucose test, but the doctor's appointment that goes along with it on Thursday. I've got a few questions to ask and I'm really eager for the answers, plus looking forward to see how the appts start to change now that I'm more than halfway. You know, besides having to leave a urine sample! :-D
Belly Button: flat and starting to lose the top half of the cinnamon bun swirl I've always had, but still pretty deep on the bottom half of the swirl. I realized this week that I should probably start making sure some of my cocoa butter gets in there when I moisturize my belly every day.
Speaking of cocoa butter, I have to mention, I stopped using it for two days to try out this BioOil that everyone on my message boards has been raving about b/c Josh hates the sweet smell of the butter. TWO DAYS and I started getting stretch marks. I was so upset. I mean, it was probably inevitable but apparently the butter was helping keep them at bay till absolutely necessary. Fortunately they were VERY shallow (and almost weblike) when I found them, so back on the butter they faded quite a bit and are holding steady. But you'd better believe I will be using that stuff daily (or twice daily) till this baby has come and gone! :)
Symptoms: reflux and carpal tunnel and sore back are all still kicking. I'm going to ask the doc if there's anything I can do to help the carpal tunnel. Some days I've got almost no sensation in my right forefinger and thumb. Heat sensitivity is almost always null with those two too. And some days it tingles so bad it hurts to turn the steering wheel. I've also invested in a heating pad for my aching back. After a couple nights of filling up the hot water bottle, I decided that electric (and bigger) was the way to go for me. So now I spend my evenings watching TV on the chair (b/c it's firmer and more comfy than the couch now) with my feet on the ottoman and low heat on my back. But I feel better when I go to bed.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby: 1 foot long!, 1.5 lb
Total Weight Gain: ~18 lbs
Maternity Clothes: this week I put on one of my pre-preg button-up shirts and buttoned the two buttons at the bottom of my boobs and the top of my belly, and they were tight. Cute, but I'll only be able to pull that off a few more weeks.
Best Moment this week: again impossible to say b/c having Dave & Shelia here was so awesome!
Gender: BOY! I love to stop and look in the door at his nursery... without any decorations, just paint and furniture, it's so cute! I'm so excited about finishing touches! :)
Movement: he always dances around mealtimes. If I'm hungry but too busy to stop and eat yet he kicks me as if to say "we need food, mom!" and if I eat at a normal time he waits till I finish and relax and then he starts moving. This week I think I'm feeling him in two places at once, as if he's trying to stretch himself to both sides of my abdomen at once. Like a kick and a punch, or maybe he's doing the YMCA in there :) I wish I had a window to see in and tell what he's doing. 4 more weeks till my next (and maybe last?) ultrasound; I can't wait!! :)
Food Craving: nothing specific, though after weeks of "vacation" eating, I've been enjoying lots of veggies and lighter meals like BLT's and vegetarian tacos and PB&J's. And the cooler days of fall have me craving more hot drinks and soups and hearty dishes too. Looking forward to the squash season as well.
What I Miss Most: Dave & Shelia. They were SUCH good company. The two weeks flew by and I would have had them stay longer if I could.
Sleep: ATROCIOUS! Okay, well, you caught me after two particularly bad nights, so maybe I'm exaggerating :) Josh has been sick and the dogs have been cold since I buzzed them almost bald this weekend so between them trying to burrow deeper into the covers or snuggle closer, and Josh coughing through the night, and me trying to get comfortable with my giant belly and my hurting ears (this has always been a problem for me which is why I'm picky about my pillow), it's been a rough couple days. In general, though, a "good night's sleep" has become a thing of the past.
What I am looking forward to: is not so much the glucose test, but the doctor's appointment that goes along with it on Thursday. I've got a few questions to ask and I'm really eager for the answers, plus looking forward to see how the appts start to change now that I'm more than halfway. You know, besides having to leave a urine sample! :-D
Belly Button: flat and starting to lose the top half of the cinnamon bun swirl I've always had, but still pretty deep on the bottom half of the swirl. I realized this week that I should probably start making sure some of my cocoa butter gets in there when I moisturize my belly every day.
Speaking of cocoa butter, I have to mention, I stopped using it for two days to try out this BioOil that everyone on my message boards has been raving about b/c Josh hates the sweet smell of the butter. TWO DAYS and I started getting stretch marks. I was so upset. I mean, it was probably inevitable but apparently the butter was helping keep them at bay till absolutely necessary. Fortunately they were VERY shallow (and almost weblike) when I found them, so back on the butter they faded quite a bit and are holding steady. But you'd better believe I will be using that stuff daily (or twice daily) till this baby has come and gone! :)
Symptoms: reflux and carpal tunnel and sore back are all still kicking. I'm going to ask the doc if there's anything I can do to help the carpal tunnel. Some days I've got almost no sensation in my right forefinger and thumb. Heat sensitivity is almost always null with those two too. And some days it tingles so bad it hurts to turn the steering wheel. I've also invested in a heating pad for my aching back. After a couple nights of filling up the hot water bottle, I decided that electric (and bigger) was the way to go for me. So now I spend my evenings watching TV on the chair (b/c it's firmer and more comfy than the couch now) with my feet on the ottoman and low heat on my back. But I feel better when I go to bed.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
23 weeks
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of Baby: 11+", 1+ lb
Total Weight Gain: ~17 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I went this week and bought a pair of pajama bottoms (optional capris) b/c every night Josh is complaining about being cold while I'm complaining about being hot. Hopefully we'll find a comfortable medium :-)
Best Moment this week: impossible to say. I have had so much fun hanging out with Josh and Dave and Shelia! The zoo was a blast, walking around Garden of the Gods was fun, the two art festivals we happened upon were entertaining, my girls' day with Shelia was awesome. And frankly just sitting around the house in pj's watching Mad Men has been fun too. Although, as always, I'd say my massage was definitely a high among highs...I wasn't exaggerating the awesomeness in my reminiscence. Unfortunately, a day later I'm as sore as I was before getting it. :-P
Gender: BOY! The nursery is coming along and it's so cute!!
Movement: He's getting stronger and more active as time goes on. Most of the movement is low in my abdomen still. I've been able to tell the difference between kicks and rolls, and a few times he's kicked hard and sudden enough to take my breath away. :-)
Food Craving: This has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I can't get enough pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. This is a dangerous time of year for me. :)
What I Miss Most: being comfortable. And my old body.
Sleep: Same old, waking up every 2 hrs or so. And with company I've been getting to bed late more often and am starting to run out of juice. Thank goodness for having a job that allows for naps during my day!!
What I am looking forward to: our crib should be in tomorrow or Thursday, then I'll have all the furniture in the room. Also can't wait to get the curtains sewn. The fabric we picked is perfect!! We need to go shopping for coordinating fabric for the cushions on the glider and that'll be a more complicated sewing project that'll probably wait till the break in company during mid Oct-mid Nov.
Belly Button: same old same old, although it's at the verge of threatening to pop!!
Symptoms: the reflux as usual. I don't know if I've mentioned the carpal tunnel. My fingers on my right hand have been tingling for about 3 weeks straight. It's worse when I am driving or pushing the stroller or leaning on that arm, but it's pretty bad all the time. Sometimes they go numb. it's driving me crazy, but from all I've read there's not much I can do. I'm going to ask the dr next week if he has any suggestions, but I'm not hopeful. Also, I've had almost a constant backache lately. All the walking we've done has not helped, but even just sitting around it aches. I'm thinking a bath may start to become part of my daily routine soon as the weather gets cooler.
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of Baby: 11+", 1+ lb
Total Weight Gain: ~17 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I went this week and bought a pair of pajama bottoms (optional capris) b/c every night Josh is complaining about being cold while I'm complaining about being hot. Hopefully we'll find a comfortable medium :-)
Best Moment this week: impossible to say. I have had so much fun hanging out with Josh and Dave and Shelia! The zoo was a blast, walking around Garden of the Gods was fun, the two art festivals we happened upon were entertaining, my girls' day with Shelia was awesome. And frankly just sitting around the house in pj's watching Mad Men has been fun too. Although, as always, I'd say my massage was definitely a high among highs...I wasn't exaggerating the awesomeness in my reminiscence. Unfortunately, a day later I'm as sore as I was before getting it. :-P
Gender: BOY! The nursery is coming along and it's so cute!!
Movement: He's getting stronger and more active as time goes on. Most of the movement is low in my abdomen still. I've been able to tell the difference between kicks and rolls, and a few times he's kicked hard and sudden enough to take my breath away. :-)
Food Craving: This has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I can't get enough pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. This is a dangerous time of year for me. :)
What I Miss Most: being comfortable. And my old body.
Sleep: Same old, waking up every 2 hrs or so. And with company I've been getting to bed late more often and am starting to run out of juice. Thank goodness for having a job that allows for naps during my day!!
What I am looking forward to: our crib should be in tomorrow or Thursday, then I'll have all the furniture in the room. Also can't wait to get the curtains sewn. The fabric we picked is perfect!! We need to go shopping for coordinating fabric for the cushions on the glider and that'll be a more complicated sewing project that'll probably wait till the break in company during mid Oct-mid Nov.
Belly Button: same old same old, although it's at the verge of threatening to pop!!
Symptoms: the reflux as usual. I don't know if I've mentioned the carpal tunnel. My fingers on my right hand have been tingling for about 3 weeks straight. It's worse when I am driving or pushing the stroller or leaning on that arm, but it's pretty bad all the time. Sometimes they go numb. it's driving me crazy, but from all I've read there's not much I can do. I'm going to ask the dr next week if he has any suggestions, but I'm not hopeful. Also, I've had almost a constant backache lately. All the walking we've done has not helped, but even just sitting around it aches. I'm thinking a bath may start to become part of my daily routine soon as the weather gets cooler.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Here are some pictures of me, my belly, and family. Also a few of Ash's developing nursery; I'll post more when we get the crib and glider in. It's coming together!! :)
Looking cute at 22 weeks walking around Garden of the Gods |
Taking a quick rest break at Garden of the Gods |
22 1/2 weeks at Cheyenne Mtn Zoo |
Dave primed and painted the dresser. Josh and I painted the red drawers. Dave & Josh hung the shelves. I think Hobbes will live right above where he is when we get him framed. |
We made a Target run this weekend too, and got the shelves under the window and hamper. Can't wait to go fabric shopping tomorrow with Shelia to pick out fabric for curtains and accents. |
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