Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 29 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15+" and 2 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been loving old favorites like knee socks and scarves that a big belly don't stop me from wearing.
Best Moment This Week : it's been a rough week with a lot of unexpected expenses (cell phone, car battery, etc) and emotional issues but the best part of my week has been getting some energy back. My theory is when my weight is moving up that Ash is growing and sucking all my energy, but I'm currently on a plateau.
Gender : boy
Movement : he's been getting big enough to occasionally identify which body part he's trying to poke through my belly. :-)
Food Craving : still chocolate. I asked Josh to get me a box as a reward for after labor.
What I Miss Most : my body pillow which is on hiatus till my arms are completely better.
Sleep : like I said, my energy has been amazing this past week, almost like I'm not even pregnant. Surprisingly that has little to do with sleep. I'm still waking multiple times to pee and missing my body pillow nest.
What I Am Looking Forward To : well, it has nothing to do with Ash, but I can't wait to watch Bridesmaids this weekend (our Netflix disc). I'm also looking forward to hitting the 30 wk milestone - 3/4 of the way there. And I booked our hospital tour for Nov; one more thing to add to my excitement about Nov. :-)
Belly Button : still the same.
Symptoms : my reflux is so bad I'm,going to talk to the Dr about moving from 75 to 150 twice a day.
My arms went nuts this week with a burning rash in the crooks of my elbows and forearms. Friday I saw the Dr b/c I could hardly function, and they guessed it might be fungal and prescribed a cream. Applications twice daily since then have it almost gone.
I've also been an emotional wreck, especially as it pertains to my relationship with Josh, poor guy. I've just been insecure and needy. Hopefully this is just hormonal and fades out quickly. I hate being irrational!!! >:-[
And I know I promised pics, but never remember when anyone's around to take one, so here's one I snapped today with my new phone. Our backyard is the backdrop.

How Far Along : 29 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15+" and 2 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been loving old favorites like knee socks and scarves that a big belly don't stop me from wearing.
Best Moment This Week : it's been a rough week with a lot of unexpected expenses (cell phone, car battery, etc) and emotional issues but the best part of my week has been getting some energy back. My theory is when my weight is moving up that Ash is growing and sucking all my energy, but I'm currently on a plateau.
Gender : boy
Movement : he's been getting big enough to occasionally identify which body part he's trying to poke through my belly. :-)
Food Craving : still chocolate. I asked Josh to get me a box as a reward for after labor.
What I Miss Most : my body pillow which is on hiatus till my arms are completely better.
Sleep : like I said, my energy has been amazing this past week, almost like I'm not even pregnant. Surprisingly that has little to do with sleep. I'm still waking multiple times to pee and missing my body pillow nest.
What I Am Looking Forward To : well, it has nothing to do with Ash, but I can't wait to watch Bridesmaids this weekend (our Netflix disc). I'm also looking forward to hitting the 30 wk milestone - 3/4 of the way there. And I booked our hospital tour for Nov; one more thing to add to my excitement about Nov. :-)
Belly Button : still the same.
Symptoms : my reflux is so bad I'm,going to talk to the Dr about moving from 75 to 150 twice a day.
My arms went nuts this week with a burning rash in the crooks of my elbows and forearms. Friday I saw the Dr b/c I could hardly function, and they guessed it might be fungal and prescribed a cream. Applications twice daily since then have it almost gone.
I've also been an emotional wreck, especially as it pertains to my relationship with Josh, poor guy. I've just been insecure and needy. Hopefully this is just hormonal and fades out quickly. I hate being irrational!!! >:-[
And I know I promised pics, but never remember when anyone's around to take one, so here's one I snapped today with my new phone. Our backyard is the backdrop.
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