Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween & 30 weeks

 Monday being Halloween, my picture this week is of me in my "costume".  The pics aren't very flattering (Josh was sitting on the couch, which is never a good angle), but I had fun making my hat & name tag. I free-handed the foam cutouts from some pics online and drew/glued my heart out.  As the evening grew cooler, I threw on the hoodie that goes with the pants and looked even frumpier, but had a blast handing out candy all night.

30 weeks - Josh teases I should be saying "Welcome to Hippo Hamburger Hut, can I take your order?"

I AM PREGGOPOTAMUS! :) (and look short and stumpy from this angle, but I'm proud of my crafty costume)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 30 wks

Size of Baby : averages say 15.5" and 2.75 lbs.

Total Weight Gain : ~24 lbs

Maternity Clothes : it was my maternity clothes (in combo with Josh's nickname for me) that helped me figure out what I was going to wear this Halloween.  I've got nothing orange in my wardrobe and would have had a hard time looking very festive without a viable costume idea.

Best Moment This Week : 

Gender : boy

Movement : this week's movement highlights were me recognizing hiccups AND crazy Aliens belly twitching and writhing on its own.

Food Craving : still chocolate.

What I Miss Most : I know I keep saying it, but truly I miss being able to eat whatever I want.  I'm having a hard time finding foods that DON'T trigger my reflux.  I think this may be PART of the reason for the slowing in my weight gain, b/c I just don't feel like eating sometimes.  And water makes it worse, so I miss being able to chug all I want when I'm thirsty.

Sleep : I've started sleeping with my body pillow again, laying my head on an extra pillow to try to help the reflux.  But I'm still up at least twice a night and I've stayed up too late about half the nights this week, so I'm feeling a little tired.

What I Am Looking Forward To : November holds SO MANY exciting events!!  A couple awesome video game release dates, 2 four-day weekends, a service project, a tour of the hospital birth center, our first doula meeting and our first childbirth class, a visit from mom, a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends... I'm going to LOVE November... although I'm aware that all the busyness is going to make the month fly by and we'll be staring down a due date before I'm ready for it :)

Belly Button : still threatening to pop with no results.

Symptoms : the reflux is really atrocious.  I'm up to one pill in the morning and two at night, and some days I still have a sore throat in the morning (hence the extra pillow) and often feel the burn despite the meds.  And they say it's just supposed to get worse.  I told Josh this weekend that I don't know how I'm going to do 2 1/2 more months of this... ugh.

I've also been pretty sore lately, which I think is just mostly due to the fact that my belly is protruding farther and father, putting more strain on my back.  But it's been helping my posture to be so squished b/c I sit up straighter to give my stomach and lungs room to do their thing and to help minimize the rib-stretching.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

29 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 29 wks
Size of Baby : averages say 15+" and 2 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain : ~23 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been loving old favorites like knee socks and scarves that a big belly don't stop me from wearing.
Best Moment This Week : it's been a rough week with a lot of unexpected expenses (cell phone, car battery, etc) and emotional issues but the best part of my week has been getting some energy back. My theory is when my weight is moving up that Ash is growing and sucking all my energy, but I'm currently on a plateau.
Gender : boy
Movement : he's been getting big enough to occasionally identify which body part he's trying to poke through my belly. :-)
Food Craving : still chocolate. I asked Josh to get me a box as a reward for after labor.
What I Miss Most : my body pillow which is on hiatus till my arms are completely better.
Sleep : like I said, my energy has been amazing this past week, almost like I'm not even pregnant. Surprisingly that has little to do with sleep. I'm still waking multiple times to pee and missing my body pillow nest.
What I Am Looking Forward To : well, it has nothing to do with Ash, but I can't wait to watch Bridesmaids this weekend (our Netflix disc). I'm also looking forward to hitting the 30 wk milestone - 3/4 of the way there. And I booked our hospital tour for Nov; one more thing to add to my excitement about Nov. :-)
Belly Button : still the same.
Symptoms : my reflux is so bad I'm,going to talk to the Dr about moving from 75 to 150 twice a day.
My arms went nuts this week with a burning rash in the crooks of my elbows and forearms. Friday I saw the Dr b/c I could hardly function, and they guessed it might be fungal and prescribed a cream. Applications twice daily since then have it almost gone.
I've also been an emotional wreck, especially as it pertains to my relationship with Josh, poor guy. I've just been insecure and needy. Hopefully this is just hormonal and fades out quickly. I hate being irrational!!! >:-[
And I know I promised pics, but never remember when anyone's around to take one, so here's one I snapped today with my new phone. Our backyard is the backdrop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

28 weeks

So I'm 28 wks.  Which isn't so much of a milestone in itself, but somehow feels like one.   Maybe b/c I'm already starting to feel third trimester symptoms, and d-day is feeling closer and closer.  

It's fun to see people I haven't seen in a while and have them look at my belly, then at my face and tell me "you look good!!" in all sincerity.  It makes me feel like at least I've dodged some of the "uglifying" side effects of pregnancy.  I haven't started to bloat or discolor.  I've been told I've got the glow, but that's a nice one.  Maybe it's the old wives tale of baby girls steal your beauty but boys don't, but I'm glad that I can still feel cute with this growing bulge on the front of me. :)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 weeks

Size of Baby: ~15" long and according to our u/s he's 2 lbs 7 oz

Total Weight Gain: ~23 lbs

Maternity Clothes: exclusively

Best Moment this week: I really enjoyed my appointment with my doctor.  Because the u/s took care of heart rate and fetal growth, there was nothing for him to do but sit down in the other comfy chair and answer my questions.  And I really felt like I got good full answers from him, and walked out feeling very clear about when I should worry and when I shouldn't. 

Gender: BOY!  still.  Even though I had momentary and unfounded fears I'd go into my u/s and she'd say "it's a girl", nothing has changed.

Movement: as he gets bigger and stronger, I'm feeling him more and more often.  Sometimes (like yesterday) it feels like he's busy ALL DAY.  Also yesterday I got my first kick in the ribs.  Not cool, kiddo, not cool.  It was also fun to go in for my u/s and get answers to some of my questions like "what position is he in?" (head down. yay!!) and "does my right side look a little bigger b/c he's hanging out over there?" (yes, his torso is on the right with his limbs on the left).  And just fun to see him move.  And feel him kicking the u/s wand, that was funny.

Food Craving: everything reflux won't let me have.  Chocolate and cinnamon and french fries (NOT all together!!) were the biggest cravings this week.

What I Miss Most: still my old body.  I took E to the park that's 1 mile away and by the time I got there I had to collapse on the bench to recover after I took her out of the stroller.  Then going back home (uphill) I took about 25 min to get there... a 25 min mile is PATHETIC, even for walking.  I can't believe that 4 short months ago I was RUNNING 13 miles.  I can only hope that 4 months from now I'll be running again.

Sleep: I've been more likely to go to bed late than early lately, trying to stay up till Josh is ready for bed, and it's taking its toll.  Some of those nights I'm only up once to pee b/c I sleep so hard, but it's just not enough rest.  Finally last night I told Josh "I'm so sorry" and went to bed at 8:30.  My eyes were burning and I could hardly hold them open.  It's like 1st trimester all over again, except that I can't just fall asleep snuggling on the couch b/c I can't get comfy there.  So I actually have to go up and go to bed by myself.  I hate it.  But couldn't help it last night.

What I am looking forward to: there's nothing in my immediate future, but I'm looking at my November calendar with some excitement.  I have 2 dr appointments (one is also u/s), I start my prenatal doula visits/childbirth classes, there are some awesome video games coming out, Josh has TWO 4-day weekends, AND my mom is coming to visit over Thanksgiving weekend.  It's going to be busy and fun!! :)  

Belly Button: still just ~thinking~ about popping out.  But I'm ok w/that.  Honestly, I don't think I'd like having my b.b. show through my clothes.

Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, and return of exhaustion.  I've started taking my reflux meds twice a day regularly now.  Too many miserable mornings.  Someone said I should try aloe vera juice.  Not sure if I'm up for hunting it down (Whole Foods?) and taking shots every day. 

Okay, I'm going to go take a nap now even though I DID go to bed early last night.  It's pathetic, but true; I'm exhausted.  I'll try to get a couple u/s pics and a belly pic up today or tomorrow sometime.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

27 weeks and trimester ambiguity

So depending on where you read, I'm either entering the third trimester today or next week, or somewhere in the middle of this week.  Honestly, it's all a mess... you don't get an even # when you divide 40/3, so there's no clean weekly answer to when the trimester shifts.  If we assume I carry 2 weeks past due (mom's pattern and not unusual for a first), then we wait till the end of the week.  But either way you look at it, sometime in this week I'll be switching from second trimester to third trimester.  Things I like about that: his lungs and organs are developed enough that he could survive (with lots of medical help) if he were to be born now, so that takes a load off my mind.  Of course we want him to stay in till he's fully baked, but it's just nice to know in the back of my mind.  I also like that we're getting close to the end.  I'm still "enjoying" the process, but there are definite moments when I think "I can't wait to get this thing outta me" :)  I never understood all the 9 month mamas wishing for the day, but now I get it... which is rough b/c I'm only 6 months :-D  But really in generally you won't hear my complain.  A relatively uncomplicated and "easy" pregnancy so far, I'm still counting my blessings.  Still amazed at where I was a year ago and where I am today... and I'm reminded of Sara Groves' song : "from this one place I can't see very far, in this one moment I'm square in the dark, these are the things I will trust in my heart, you can see something else."  A year ago I couldn't see this far and was seriously struggling with the loss of blueberry and lack of conception since.  A year ago I hadn't begun Hearts Like Hannah's and the healing process that came with a support group.  A year ago I couldn't imagine being where I am today.  And I'm grateful to be where I am today, and will probably be marveling again in a year about how different things are then. :)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs

Total Weight Gain: ~22 lbs

Maternity Clothes: exclusively

Best Moment this week:  I loved my three day weekend with my hubs.  Low key and nerdy, with lots of reading and video game playing and puppy snuggling.  Just how we like it :)

Gender: BOY! 

Movement:  He seems to be gradually settling into a schedule, or I'm just starting to notice.  There are certain times of the day I can almost be guaranteed he's going to be active... unfortunately two of those are when I go to bed and in the wee hours of the morning :)

Food Craving: crunchy!  I know, that's not necessarily a food.  But I've been thinking about Molly's kale salad for weeks... it's kale, which is crunchy to begin with, but it's got apples and nuts in it too.  I also almost bought crunchy peanut butter at the grocery store.  And I've been CRAVING veggies.  Like I did with meat my first trimester.  I just can't get enough.  Last night I made Josh a steak and I just had a bowl of veggies (love the Green Giant veggie medleys... Healthy Vision, Healthy Weight... they're delicious).

What I Miss Most:  my old body, which I'll never fully get back, but can have some of it back once I recover from this pregnancy... I can't wait to stretch and lay on my stomach and go running again!

Sleep: I've been sleeping fine when I sleep, but just not getting enough of it.  I mean, I can be in bed from 10pm-8am and still want to stay in bed b/c I wake 3x's a night to pee, and Ash keeps me up with his kicks and tickles.  I'm starting into the 3rd trimester fatigue a little already.

What I am looking forward to:  Monday is my ultrasound!! 
Belly Button: threatening to pop

Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel.  I've also experienced for the first time in the last week or two where I could feel a body part pushing out... once I think it was a foot, and the 2nd time it was bigger like a butt or a head (and it hurt).  I pushed back and it finally disappeared.  I have also experienced some significant rib pain, especially up near my sternum.  I told Josh it's ironic that everyone compares seeing the baby move to that scene in Alien, but no one talks about how those little guys are called chest bursters, and that's how I felt this weekend.  My mom said she distinctly remembers the rib pain when she had us... short and small framed doesn't make much room for baby, so baby makes his own room.  But some tylenol did the trick and it hasn't been continuing constantly, thank God.  I also think I may be having Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally.  Reading descriptions of what they feel like, I realized I may have been experiencing them for a while and just didn't realize that's what they were.  But it's starting to be more distinct. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Belly pics and test results

Good news!!  I got the call this evening that my glucose test results were normal.  Hooray for not having to cut carbs and sugar from my diet.  It was a week of worrying and thinking about what I eat, but good to think about how I could fit more protein and veggies into my diet.  Also, did you notice that my countdown timer has dropped below 100 days??  Woohoo! :)  And here's my pictures for the week:

The shadow in the background outlines my crazy bump.  Also, this is post-dinner (and dessert), so my stomach is full on top of my baby belly.  When I see it from this angle I guess maybe I am getting bigger since last pic.

A top-down view of my belly button threatening to pop like the turkey timer :)

26 weeks and a glucose test

I know I owe you a pic... I'll get Josh to take one this evening.  I don't feel like I'm sticking out much more, but I swear I'm starting to carry lower.  I've gone from soccer ball sized to basket ball sized (according to my pregnancy apps).

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 26 weeks

Size of Baby: 14-15" long, ~2 lbs

Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs

Maternity Clothes: exclusively

Best Moment this week: I don't even know.  There are winners in different categories.  It was fun hanging out with Joel and Stephanie.  It was triumph mowing the lawn and clipping the low hanging branches from the trees/shrubs.  It was relief finishing my fasting glucose test.

Gender: BOY! 

Movement: He was practicing his drums during the drum solo at church Sunday, and he threw a whole party Monday morning when that glucose hit my system.  It seemed like that wore him out and he had a sugar crash just like me, though, b/c he was quiet most of the day until bedtime.

Food Craving: ice cream.  After my glucose test and lunch and errands I stopped at Baskin Robbins for a small scoop.  And an unexpected conversation with a pregnant lady who happened to be there with 2 of her kids; it was nice.

What I Miss Most: life without reflux.  And NOT being a regular at Walgreens

Sleep: Friday Molly gave me her old pregnancy body pillow.  I washed the cover over the weekend, and Febreezed the pillow (just cause), and started using it a couple nights ago.  Between a week of having Josh back in bed with me and a couple nights with the pillow, I'm starting to feel like a normal person again!! :)

What I am looking forward to:  I should get my glucose test results in a day or so.  And Melissa & Eric come visit Wed night-Fri morning, and I'm excited to spend some time with them.  But honestly I'm most looking forward to my ultrasound in two weeks, b/c I can't wait to SEE him again. :) 
Belly Button: threatening to pop, but not there yet.

Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back.