Jennifer and I went to Garden of the Gods and had fun snapping some more maternity pics. I posted a few on FB, but thought I'd include some here too. These are unedited... she's going to go home and play with some of them. It's like a free photo shoot :)
We just thought this was funny... especially the part about how the rocks could fall at any time. :) |
Colorado is SO beautiful! |
I can't believe how big this shirt makes my belly look! |
Look, I match the curve in the rocks :) |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 40 weeks
Size of Baby : averages say ~20-21" and 7-7.5 lbs... the same avg #'s for babies at birth, since we're at that point now
Total Weight Gain : ~31 lbs... that may have something to do with the treats I've been sneaking despite my reflux b/c I just can't hold out any longer :)
Maternity Clothes : Now that I'm not working and not NECESSARILY getting my clothes dirty every time I wear them (I'm still pretty clumsy tho), I'm wearing pretty much just two or three of my most comfy pairs of pants over and over again. Nothing seems to want to stay up since my belly is SO round and pushing them down all the time. My leggings are my most comfy but I only have maybe 2 tops that will cover my belly AND butt and I feel exposed if those two aren't completely covered. But I spend all my evenings in my pj's, so comfort isn't often an issue :)
Best Moment This Week : having Jennifer here was such a blast!! We had a perfect balance of out & about time and couch time. Two trips to Garden of the Gods and some good walking. Two chick flicks - The Help and Crazy, Stupid, Love. It was a short trip (really just 3 days) but really fun. And I was pleased to have enough energy to keep up, even at 9 mos pregnant.
Gender : boy
Movement : still his usual, though I'd like him to start moving DOWN! :) Honestly, I'm not surprised he's in no hurry... I was always a
little late in making big life changes; why shouldn't my baby be the
same way. :-D I just keep encouraging him that he's going to love all the room he has to move out here!! :)
Food Craving : well, I did a stupid thing and went and bought mint oreos... which I've been snacking on consistently despite the reflux issues they can cause. On the upside, I also bought blueberries (BOGO, even for organic!) and have been enjoying them with cereal or bananas or on their own.
What I Miss Most : same old - my pre-preg body. I can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach or move like I'm not a beached whale!!!
Sleep : I haven't been getting enough of it between company in town (aka staying up too late) and waking up so often. I count myself lucky if I can make it 3 hrs straight w/o waking at any point in the night. Now that I'm not working I can sleep in after Josh goes to work, but that doesn't seem to be making much of a difference in how rested I feel.
What I Am Looking Forward To : meeting this little joker! I can't wait to HOLD him! And at this point I can almost guarantee for certain that I'll be seeing him in 2 wks or less, and that's SO exciting! (Less is better, buddy!!) I also have an appt tomorrow, and I'm interested to lay out a plan for the next couple weeks... since I like to have ducks in a row and I can't do anything with my L&D ducks, at least I can know where my dr's ducks are :-D
Belly Button : outtie
Symptoms : all the same old ones. Contractions continue to grow in intensity and frequency, but still nothing worth tracking. I had one REALLY strong on the other day - stopped me in my tracks completely and hurt for real... but it was just ONE and one doesn't mean anything. I can't wait to actually go into labor b/c that means we're getting somewhere more quickly. I'm trying to be patient, and be grateful that I really do feel pretty good considering I'm 40 wks pregnant now, but I just can't wait to have this kid!! :) So honestly, the biggest symptom I have now is impatience :-D haha