Now at 21 months and one year ago at 9 months
Physical development: I've been working hard at climbing up on things this month. I love to pull myself onto the couch or a bench, or anything low enough for me to get onto. Mommy keeps reminding me to sit (not stand) so that I'm safe, and I've had very few spills. I've also enjoyed going to the park and being able to do more than just run around the mulch.
Playing with daddy at the slide park |
Verbal development: I am constantly talking up a storm. I still haven't figured out my pronouns yet. I think mommy is I/me/my and that I'm you/your. I generally refer to myself in the third person b/c that's easier for now.
A playdate with Ryker and Nathan |
Other developments: My canines are mostly out, but they still push and cause discomfort from time to time. I love to chew on my burpie some days to relieve the pressure.
Parallel play with Ryker |
Routines: We have settled into our routine with Ryker, and I'm getting pretty good at playing and sharing. I'm learning to wait my turn and trade toys.
"Driving" a tractor at Miller Farms |
Special events: This month I got to do the most exciting thing! We took a long drive to Miller Farms and got to see antique tractors, monster trucks, and all kinds of machines. We took a trailer ride out into the fields and got to harvest our own vegetables. I helped mommy & daddy gather onions, potatoes, and carrots. I ate a (dirty) carrot, a sweet chili pepper, and a whole ear of corn on the ride; I was hungry! It was such a fun time, I asked to go back before we even got home. I love to go back and look at the pictures from the trip.
Standing on the excavator tracks at Miller Farms |
My favorites: I've been enjoying reading books a lot this month. I love getting a new batch of books from the library and picking new favorites. Right now I'm enjoying an old favorite, Pete & Pillar, and a new Seuss book called Scrambled Eggs Super. I've also borrowed a truck from my friend Nathan, and I take it everywhere.
Reading Yummy Yucky to Nathan's blue tow truck |
Daddy's favorites: On the weekends daddy gets
me up and dressed, and we go downstairs to watch a couple shows
together. My favorite is Mighty Machines, so most Saturday & Sunday
mornings you'll catch us together watching a couple episodes and eating
cereal on the couch. It's pretty much the only time I watch any TV.
I woke up from a nap fussy and tired, so daddy got some snuggles |
Mommy's favorites: Mommy loves the way I say things. She's posted a couple of the funniest ones on FB, like my comment about her empty feet or her eyes covered in water. It's always interesting to hear how my little brain perceives things.
Playing with daddy's hat |
Upcoming: This Halloween I'm going to dress up in a home-made backhoe costume, so that should be fun. Also, that night Aunt Chellie is coming to visit for a couple days.
Me with Lightning & Mater @ Miller Farms |
Fun times!!! We may have to check out Miller Farms.