Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 13 weeks
Size of Baby : ~3"
Total Weight Gain : ~3 lbs
Maternity Clothes : I've been wearing maternity pants exclusively for a couple weeks now. A few of my tops are still fitting for a few more weeks, but the majority are maternity.
Best Moment This Week : I got a couple incredible compliments at the gym this week. I feel like I look possibly the worst/heaviest I ever have. 10 lbs of extra weight plus the early ambiguous stage of pregnancy has done a number on my self image. In the locker room as I was getting dressed an older woman said, "you have the perfect figure! How do you do it?" Hah! Cracked me up and left me flustered, but put a little bounce in my step. :) Then the instructor from one of my favorite exercise classes noticed me making modifications and asked if I had some news. When I told her I was heading into 2nd trimester, she asked if this was my first baby. I said I have one, and she looked at my belly and said "you'd never know! You look great!" Thanks, Eve. :)
Gender : we'll find out in March
Movement : not yet
Food Craving : I haven't really had any lasting cravings. From moment to moment, day to day, certain things sound good or not, but there's no one thing I've craved above others.
Sleep : I wake at least once a night, sometimes have to pee. Sometimes I have trouble getting back to sleep. I've already started sleeping with a pillow between my knees.
What I Am Looking Forward To : tomorrow we're taking Ash to Touch a Truck. He's gonna love it, and I'm so excited to enjoy that. Also, I can't wait for our ultrasound in March!
Belly Button : normal
Symptoms : at least half my days still include some nausea. The reflux is picking up; I have to take two Zantacs a lot of days. I'm starting to feel hungry more often too.
Compared to last time : I have gained less weight so far, but look much bigger already. I am having about the same amount and intensity of nausea as before.
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