Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 21 weeks
Size of Baby : ~10.5" (head to toe) & ~12 oz
Total Weight Gain : ~9.5 lbs, more than 5 lbs less than with Ash and right on the low end of the weight gain chart - right where I want to be. That's mostly b/c of my treats fast since I haven't been to the gym this week, but I'm happy to be seeing that nice slow gain I was aiming for. Gaining for sure! I keep having these achy-belly days and overnight growth spurts.
Maternity Clothes : I'm wearing over-the-belly pants, tho my belly STILL isn't the greatest at holding them up; I often tuck my undershirt in to give the belly band some resistance. I also get a lot of mileage out of my one pair of under belly pants which are mostly only uncomfortable when I slouch or bend over. I've put away almost every pre-preg shirt I had still hanging in my closet. I also hit the local JBF sale this week and bought a few more summery maternity items for when I get huge - 2 pairs of shorts, a skirt, a dress, a shirt & a swimsuit top. All for about $20! Yay consignment. :)
Best Moment This Week : Saturday we had so much fun taking Ash and the pups to the park for some good active playtime. Josh and I both enjoyed it so much we've decided to try to do it every other weekend or so, weather permitting.
Gender : It's a boy! I've spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks looking at ideas for baby names and nursery ideas. No decisions yet; I'm one of the world's worst decision makers when it's a little decision, so much worse when it's something I'll have to live with for years. I need to go spend a day looking at fabric stores for something to fall in love with too, but I'm in no big rush.
Movement : Movement is getting more regular, with his most predictable active time when I'm trying to fall sleep at night. He is still small enough to mostly just tickle, with occasional moves a little more forceful ... so far.
Food Craving : Treats. Pregnancy may have been the best and WORST time to give up treats for Lent! I want sweets and junk so bad. A milkshake would be fabulous, or some ice cream. Or Starbucks. Or cookies. Or brownies.... You get the point. Afternoon is the hardest (I call it chocolate hour), but the rest of the day is pretty hard too.
What I Miss Most : Energy and my old center of gravity.
Sleep : I've been spoiled my whole life with a foam pillow for my head, so most pillows hurt my ears if I lay on them for a more than an hour or two. Most pillows includes my pregnancy pillow. I miss my foam pillow, but the snuggle nest is too cozy otherwise to give up yet. Also, Colorado has conspired against us and we've had some ridiculously windy nights where the wind woke us or kept us awake. And when Ash was sick I was extra sensitive to every little sound he made AND he was more likely to cry out. He seems to be crying out more often lately, but often falls back to sleep on his own; wish I could say the same for mommy who wakes up and struggles to fall back to sleep. Needless to say, this wasn't the best week for sleep.
Also, I had a crazy delivery dream this week where we ended up finding out at a last minute ultrasound (while I was in labor) that he was a girl, not a boy after all. Hah! There was a lot more to the dream, but that part cracked me up.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Honestly, it's been a very hard week with Jack struggling to adjust back to us after spring break & moving into a new home over the break too. So I'm HOPING next week will be better; but with no guarantees, anticipation isn't really the word I'd pick for how I feel about it. And I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym, which I forewent this week for Jack's sake. I REALLY miss my workout and me time.
The most exciting things on my calendar this week are a movie date tomorrow (Captain America of course) and a phone date Monday w/ Chellie.
Belly Button : same.
Symptoms : same. Plus a little hormonal and extra tired makes me pretty emotional by the end of this long week.
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