Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 31 weeks. Sunday puts us only 2 months out from our 8/15 due date. What insanity is this?!
Size of Baby : ~16+" long & ~3+ lb
Total Weight Gain : ~18 lbs
Maternity Clothes : 100%.
Best Moment This Week : Monday was awesome. Not every week can you say that sentence! :) I started the day with BodyPump, which I've missed for weeks, and I felt strong and pushed myself to "next day sore". Always a good feeling. Then a friend came over to drop off an audiobook for me and chat a while. On my way up to Denver to meet Jordan, I got to talk to my mom AND Michelle on the phone. I met Jordan for a photo shoot at a park in Denver and spent a few hours taking pictures and hanging out; so soothing for my soul. I love that girl! Then I drove back home listening to my audio book and ended the night watching Game of Thrones with my sweetie. Of course I was EXHAUSTED on Tuesday, but it was worth it! Especially when I got to see this :
Then Tuesday I had my regular OB appointment. I couldn't believe it when Dr Weary walked in and handed me the reminder card to call and set up my pre-registration appointment at the hospital. And at the end of the appt he reminded me that my next appointments go 3 wks, 2 wks, 1 wk till the end, so I went ahead and scheduled appts all the way out till my due date (it's easier to snag those morning slots that work with toddler schedules if you get them in early). These two things made my due date seem so much closer than it has. Later that day I also met with Tiffany, my doula. Talking with her made it seem more real too, and talking thru some of the details helped me settle my mind and refocus on what still needs to get done before baby time.
Then Tuesday I had my regular OB appointment. I couldn't believe it when Dr Weary walked in and handed me the reminder card to call and set up my pre-registration appointment at the hospital. And at the end of the appt he reminded me that my next appointments go 3 wks, 2 wks, 1 wk till the end, so I went ahead and scheduled appts all the way out till my due date (it's easier to snag those morning slots that work with toddler schedules if you get them in early). These two things made my due date seem so much closer than it has. Later that day I also met with Tiffany, my doula. Talking with her made it seem more real too, and talking thru some of the details helped me settle my mind and refocus on what still needs to get done before baby time.
Gender : It's a boy! We've been so busy this week, and Jack came back to us on Wednesday, but in spite the busyness of the week I've managed to finish a few projects for the nursery (see pics). I still need to do the last bits for my roman shade, but got the sewing machine work out of the way. I also have narrowed down a few more things to register for to finish the nursery out, so after my shower in July I'll know what else I need to buy. It's starting to come together - at least in my head - and that's always fun.
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Growth Charts for both boys |
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Roman shades |
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Ash painted this series, my favorite thing going in the room |
Movement : What a wiggle-worm! He's starting to get more predictable with his movements: morning when I wake up, after meals & snacks (esp sugary or caffeinated), anytime I lay down to sleep/nap, evening TV time, and of course the 10pm DANCE PARTY! :)
Food Craving : Sweet tea. Yep, still. Been loving watermelon. Also craving cream cheese pastries or donuts, bad news!
What I Miss Most : Energy. Sleep. Freedom of movement, clothes that fit, ability to eat a whole meal without regret.
Sleep : same old - waking at least once to pee, more often to roll over. My hips are really starting to loosen up and bug me, so I can't sleep on one side for more than a few hours. I've also been so busy I haven't been getting ENOUGH hours in bed. Need to remedy that :)
What I Am Looking Forward To : I'm starting to really look forward to visits from family. I miss them so much! Also, I can't wait for my shower in July, mostly for the fun of hanging out with girl friends for the afternoon :)
Belly Button : same, getting more shallow by the week
Symptoms : So, Monday afternoon I picked Ash up into my lap while I was having a B.Hicks, and the force of his body against my contracted muscles shot PAIN into my uterus. The kind that made me go check the mirror for visible damage, hurt sharply for a while, and even when it faded still felt tender and hurt sharply if I tensed suddenly or moved certain ways. It felt mostly better by Tuesday, but I still asked Dr. Weary about it. He said it was probably a charley horse in my uterus or abs, nothing to do for it, but no concern about baby's well being. You can be certain I'm going to be even more careful about ANY impact to my belly from now on! :-O
And completely randomly last night I got suddenly intensely nauseous. I barely managed to keep my dinner down as I stood by the kitchen sink waiting for what felt like the inevitable. It passed almost as quickly as it came on, and I still have no idea what caused it!
Also, I've been having a lot more tenderness in my belly lately. I think possibly b/c Cole is scheduled to gain 1/2 a pound every week and my belly is having a hard time keeping up with the growth. It's like I've been bruised and battered just under the skin. Most mornings I wake up ok, but by the end of the day I'm so tender.
Anyway, the rest is the usual - reflux continuing to increase (and me not the best at saying no to trigger foods), aches and exhaustion grow as my belly does. But I'm a boring patient for my doctor (he likes that) and overall feel pretty good for 31 weeks. Everyone says I look good too (b/c I'm only carrying out front; pregnancy wears well on me, lucky genes), and no one believes I still have months to go or that my belly could possibly get any bigger. Haha, just you wait, people! :-D
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31 weeks |
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