Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along : 39 weeks. We're finally down to the home stretch. I told Josh last night, even if he waited till the latest possible to come, we're still down to the end now.
Size of Baby : ~20" long & ~7 lb. Of course we'll find out exact measurements soon :)
Total Weight Gain : ~24.5 lbs. Perfect. Exactly where I wanted to be.
Maternity Clothes : Wearing the same few outfits over and over. At home I can often be found without pants! :-D Comfort is key.
Best Moment This Week : Grocery shopping, a lady came around the corner and looked at me and said "you are so adorable pregnant!!" The lady up the aisle said "I was gonna say the same thing!" Never fails to make you feel good, even if it is just nice genes. :)
And we had a great play-date/mommy-date today at the park with Corrina & Nathan. I didn't get any pictures, but the boys had SO much fun playing at America the Beautiful park, and we had good fellowship.
I've missed Jack a ton, but Ash and I have had some good bonding time this week. I'm feeling a little bit emotional that we're at the end of our just-the-two-of-us phase. Tomorrow begins Josh's 3 wks home, and before he goes back to work we'll have added Cole to the mix, and it'll never REALLY be just the two of us again. Sure, special dates together and such, but not the easy day-to-day undivided way it's been. But then again, Ash interrupted the thing Josh & I had and we wouldn't have it any other way, so I know it'll be okay in the end.
Gender : It's a boy! Although I keep having these dreams that we find out at delivery he's actually a girl. LOL
Movement : He puts pressure all over the place squirming around in there, but he just doesn't have enough room for the kicks and jabs he used to do. I made Josh watch my belly last night to see the "alien" belly moving itself.
Food Craving : I've fluctuated between junk cravings and healthy ones. I'm trying hard to keep them in check so I can keep my weight where I want it, and also his. I don't need to deliver a 10lb baby! :-D
What I Miss Most : Moving like a normal human being. Fingers that don't tingle. Lying on my back.
Sleep : Waking up all night long. Peeing even more often. Reflux or hip pain also causing disruptions. Or Ash. Usually I can go back to sleep, but sometimes I end up staring at the ceiling for a while.
What I Am Looking Forward To : Meeting him. Nursing again. Seeing Ash be a big brother. Seeing Josh fall in love again.
Belly Button : same, little outtie.
Symptoms : The reflux is pretty bad, tho I haven't been avoiding trigger foods either! Last night at book club was quiche with tomatoes in it and cookies with chocolate chips in them... did that stop me?? NO WAY! :) I'm definitely at the max for Zantac, and probably overdosing Tums (I can't remember sometimes if I took them or not).
The cortisone shots ended up making the carpal tunnel bearable. My fingers still tingle all day, and I have to be careful not to tweak my hands. I'm still wearing my braces to sleep, and sometimes during the day (ie for driving), but at least I can go chunks of the day without them. I'm not crying at the end of the day anymore.
Otherwise, typical 39 wk back aches, hip pains, CONSTANT peeing....
Otherwise, typical 39 wk back aches, hip pains, CONSTANT peeing....
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39 weeks!! |
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