Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Size of Baby: avg size: 5.5-6 in
Total Weight Gain: undisclosed... I just got back from vacation, so more than I should have gained in one week and more than I'm telling you! ;-D
Maternity Clothes: What an exciting find... Michelle's maternity tub. She had a HUGE tub full of her old maternity clothes and let me go through it. I probably spent 2 hrs trying on clothes. Caleb was born in January, so most of her clothes overlap with the fall/winter wardrobe I'm going to need, and I walked out of there with 3/4 of her clothes. I only didn't take a few dress pants (I don't need those) and a couple pieces that didn't fit quite right. Shipping a huge box of clothes across the country is still cheaper than buying a new wardrobe! I doubt I'll ~need~ to buy a single thing besides what I already have and what she gave me. LOVE hand-me-downs from friends.
Best Moment this week: HAH, it's impossible to pick only one! Seeing friends and getting to spend one-on-one time with many of them. Lunch with the adorable Benders. Beach with Michelle and kids. Beach with Jeanna. Relaxing with mom. Intimate Jax shower. Fun Bton shower. Having friends hang out longer than they intended just b/c they miss our family silliness. Being completely myself and completely loved. Getting TOTALLY spoiled all week long - barely paid for a thing, opened a door, helped with a chore or lifted a thing all week!! :) Seeing my dear hubs after a long week apart. Puppy lovin'. The oh-my-goodness-I-missed-you excitement of Elijah when I got back and had b-fast with him and Lindsey. It's been an incredible week FULL of memorable moments... I'm grateful for all of them.
Gender: undetermined for 2 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s... Aug 24th!!). I can't wait to see my baby again!! Josh is excited to see something that looks human; he says our ultrasound pics so far are a grain of rice and a gerbil. :-D
Movement: maybe! In the still of the nighttime before I fall asleep, there have been moments I was pretty sure what I was feeling wasn't gas or blood pulsing through my abdomen. Nothing so distinct as a "kick" yet, but that stereotypical "quickening" feelings of tickles and popcorn.
Food Craving: an apple a day :)
What I Miss Most: FL loved ones and the beach, but not the heat & humidity! :) Also, celebrating this little one did make me miss blueberry and poppyseed a little too.
Sleep: waking up every 2 hrs with hurting hip/shoulder/ear and numb/tingling arm (time to roll over), and/or the need to pee. Sleeping with a full sized pillow to put under my leg and supporting my growing belly. I went shopping today for a cheap pillow so I can put the one I've been using back on the guest bed since we'll be having guests almost every month from Sept till spring.
What I am looking forward to: Dave & Shelia coming in a couple weeks. We've got plans to do the touristy stuff with them, and maybe some fishing, and a spa day for us girls (massages and pedis!). I've missed them and can't wait to spend some quality time with them. Plus I'm going to commission help from Shelia to paint the dresser, so I'll finally start putting things in their places in the nursery!! :-D
Belly Button: it's getting closer and closer to the flat cinnamon bun I had in high school, except stretched side-to-side a little :-)
Symptoms: the reflux as usual. Additionally I feel sore in my abs every other day or so (and after big meals) from all the stretching that's going on. Also, after I pee my round ligament hurts, but my mom pointed out that once your bladder is empty your uterus can descent a little further, putting strain on the ligament. Smart mom, I think that's why!! :) I've also been uber-emotional, tearing up at the slightest thing... which has only been compounded by the hellos and goodbyes and lack of sleep a busy week in FL brings.
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