Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of Baby: avg size: 6 in crown to rump OR almost 10 in head to toe, which will soon become the new mode of measurement as baby can now stretch his/her body to its fullest
Total Weight Gain: steady ;)
Maternity Clothes: I spent some more time this weekend trying on and putting away some of my old clothes. It's 100% maternity now, except a few "long and lean" stretchy tanks I bought at the beginning of summer at Target b/c I knew they'd accommodate my big ol' belly.
Best Moment this week: see "movement"
Gender: 1 more week to wait!! I can hardly contain myself. :)
Movement: I've been feeling little flutters and tickles inside almost daily at random times (usually relaxing on the couch or lying in bed), and that has been fun. Sunday night I was lying on my side pressed up against Josh with my belly against his arm/hand, and started to drift away to sleep. Suddenly there were FIREWORKS in my belly. It was almost like the craziest muscle spasm ever, only it wasn't my muscles. It felt so strong, I asked if Josh could feel it on the outside against his arm/hand, and he said YES! So the first time I felt really strong kicks was also the first time Josh got to feel the baby move. What a special moment! I wish I could somehow have recorded it and play it back when I want to... but so far baby has shown no desire to do more than tickle me since. :)
Food Craving: apples and milk and burgers... the cheeseburger happy meal at McDonald's is always good for fulfilling multiple cravings at once :)
What I Miss Most: lying flat on my back or my stomach. Lying on the floor flat on my back is how I usually stretch out my back and relax my body, but that's a no-no unless I want to cut off blood flow. So I can do it for a few seconds, but that's not long enough to relax. I keep forgetting and lying down and remembering and having to roll to my side... not nearly as relaxing. I'm also a stomach sleeper and miss being able to comfortably lie flat on my stomach.
Sleep: still waking every 2 hrs (give or take). I wake up in the morning and eat breakfast, and if I don't have places to go or things to do (which happened a couple times this week) I like to lay back down and sleep for another couple hours.
What I am looking forward to: ULTRASOUND! Aug 24th is 8 days away, not that anyone's counting ;-D
Belly Button: it's getting closer and closer to the flat cinnamon bun I had in high school, except stretched side-to-side a little :-)
Symptoms: the reflux as usual, and all the same old minor complaints: easily winded, easily full, feeling stretched and squished... I don't think any of this is going to change during the whole of my pregnancy. I have yet to experience any of the skin discolorations that are common with pregnancy or some of the other side effects that my pregnancy apps say I could be having... overall, except for my big belly, you'd never know :-D
My dr. said not to worry too much about laying on your back. I wake up on my back all the time. He said whatever is comfortable for you, is comfortable for the baby, and that I would know if the blood supply was being compromised before it caused any problems :) Love the Update, Nell! Can't wait to hear what you're having!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of maternity clothes, Daddy sent your "packages" today all $100 bucks worth! You better really get your wearings out of them! Sorry it took so long to get them off, just been busy checking online for tickets to see you.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that the first FIREWORKS was something you got to share with Josh!
I can't wait til Aug 24 either! Please call asap!
The waking every 2 hrs is natures way of getting you ready for those late night feedings.
Love & miss you already, can't wait for Thanksgiving!