Size of Baby: avg size: ~3.5 in
Total Weight Gain: ~7 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I love my new shorts! They're so comfortable. The downside is that I have to do laundry EVERY weekend to make sure I've got clothes to wear that fit me.
Best Moment this week: being the coolest thing at Chick-fil-A; Josh's shirt was a total hit! And I had a pretty good birthday too :)
Gender: undetermined for 6 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)
Movement: none yet; I can't wait!!
Food Craving: it still changes from moment to moment. Saturday we were watching TV and there were a couple scenes where people were eating/cooking burgers and I HAD to have one, so we drove across town and had our first Five Guys burger. Good stuff!
What I Miss Most: not having to think so hard about what I can wear. I'm so frustrated that none of my pants fit. I think my hips are already starting to grow! >:-|
Sleep: still waking once a night to pee. I've been having crazy dreams, and I often wake up feeling emotionally overwhelmed. I remember them when I wake, but after falling asleep and waking again with a new dream, I usually lose track.
What I am looking forward to: HARRY POTTER! The last HP movie is out this weekend and we're going Saturday morning with Mark & Melissa. I've also booked my flight to FL for August to visit and for showers, and am starting to make plans for when Josh's parents come to visit in September. (can anyone say spa day with Shelia?!)
Belly Button: normal (in)
Symptoms: the new trifecta: heartburn, reflux, and nausea. MISERY! I hate it, and it's almost constant. Doesn't matter what I eat; I just had an APPLE and it's giving me reflux. I keep hoping that "any day now" I'll see an end to the nausea. I'm out of progesterone at the end of this week, so my latest hope is that I'll start feeling better after that. They were out of the green apple B6 lozenges, so I got stuck with the cherry lollipops - ICK! But if I don't take them 3 x's a day religiously, I always regret it.
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