Sorry this post is late. I've had the words written all week, but I haven't had much extra time in the evenings to get the pic on. So I'm using Molly's laptop while baby E sleeps to pull the pic I took on my iPhone from FB to put on here... sheesh, who knew that getting this post out would turn so complicated!? Regardless, here's the 13 wk mini-bump and details:
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of Baby: avg size: ~3 in
Total Weight Gain: ~6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I went shopping this weekend for maternity shorts b/c none of mine fit anymore except my workout shorts. Which I was wearing for working out, sleeping in, AND daily wear; it was time to invest. So I bought two pair which will hopefully get me through summer, along with the dresses I have.
Best Moment this week: registering for baby stuff, and then spontaneously deciding to have dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I love dinner out with my hubs!
Gender: undetermined for 7 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)
Movement: none; I can't wait!!
Food Craving: nothing major this week. But I've definitely been hungry.
What I Miss Most: not having to think so hard about what I can wear. Sometimes I'll get something on before I realize it's not going to work (some of my shirts are already too short).
Sleep: still only waking once a night to pee. Was not happy to be awakened by fireworks at 11pm on the 4th. 15 min of fireworks and a while to get back to sleep leaves me pretty slow the next day.
What I am looking forward to: this coming weekend is Cow Appreciation Day (Friday wear a cow costume to CFA and get a free meal; wear a piece of cow clothing and get a free sandwich; Josh's shirt is HILARIOUS! Pics to come!). Saturday is my birthday, a project in the yard, ice cream cake and my present from Josh (if he can wait that long). Sunday is a pool party for the 5 yr old I watch during the week. Busy fun weekend!
Belly Button: normal (in)
Symptoms: everyone keeps saying that the nausea should let up any day now (hello 2nd trimester), but I'm still just getting by on B6. If I forget to take it, I start feeling sick and realize later why. Otherwise the lightheadedness has started to be an issue occasionally, something I'm prone to anyway.
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