How Far Along: 16 weeks
Size of Baby: avg size: ~4.5-5 in
Total Weight Gain: ~10 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing more and more maternity clothes. Plus I bought new (bigger) underwear and will be borrowing some bigger bras from a preggo friend who can't wear her old ones right now. But I still hardly look pregnant. I've had two people (a friend and the RNP at my appt) say that I'm carrying high already.
Best Moment this week: my dr's appt Friday when I got to hear baby's heartbeat again, and got some questions answered. Nothing like peace of mind.
Gender: undetermined for 4 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)... the weeks are dragging when I think about how long 4 weeks seems :)
Movement: none. yet. I'm lying in bed trying to feel it at night, though. :)
Food Craving: none this week.
What I Miss Most: my clothes; more than half my wardrobe has been set aside.
Sleep: has gotten so much better this week thanks to my new bff - ZANTAC 75!! Finally I can sleep on one pillow again without burping acid into my mouth. I have an ulcer in my mouth for the first time in my life b/c of the stupid acid. So glad for something that takes care of it finally.
What I am looking forward to: I leave for FL in just over a week, and I'm getting SO excited about seeing family and friends. And I've been DYING for the water lately... the beach, a pool... I'm not even feeling very picky :)
Belly Button: normal (in)
Symptoms: Since I started taking the Zantac, I've been feeling so much more normal. I'm still more tired than I should be. Weeding (in the hot sun) took ALL my energy this weekend, and I've been crashing mid-day for naps. But otherwise the nausea is GONE (after weeks without B6 I'm ready to claim it), the reflux is under control, the peeing has balanced back out to just slightly more frequent than normal. The round ligament pain is only occasional now that I know to be super careful about every movement, cough, sneeze, and laugh. :) Basically, I'm starting to feel the peak they call 2nd trimester. Now I just can't wait to start actually showing... Here's my pathetic little baby bump. You, my friends, recognize it, but strangers still don't know.
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16 weeks |
Funny, I was thinking 'holy cow only 4 weeks til gender?' :)