Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

16 weeks and counting....

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Size of Baby: avg size: ~4.5-5 in

Total Weight Gain: ~10 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing more and more maternity clothes.  Plus I bought new (bigger) underwear and will be borrowing some bigger bras from a preggo friend who can't wear her old ones right now.  But I still hardly look pregnant.  I've had two people (a friend and the RNP at my appt) say that I'm carrying high already.

Best Moment this week: my dr's appt Friday when I got to hear baby's heartbeat again, and got some questions answered.  Nothing like peace of mind.

Gender: undetermined for 4 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)... the weeks are dragging when I think about how long 4 weeks seems :)

Movement: none.  yet.  I'm lying in bed trying to feel it at night, though. :)

Food Craving: none this week.

What I Miss Most: my clothes; more than half my wardrobe has been set aside.

Sleep: has gotten so much better this week thanks to my new bff - ZANTAC 75!!  Finally I can sleep on one pillow again without burping acid into my mouth.  I have an ulcer in my mouth for the first time in my life b/c of the stupid acid.  So glad for something that takes care of it finally.

What I am looking forward to: I leave for FL in just over a week, and I'm getting SO excited about seeing family and friends.  And I've been DYING for the water lately... the beach, a pool... I'm not even feeling very picky :)

Belly Button: normal (in)

Symptoms: Since I started taking the Zantac, I've been feeling so much more normal.  I'm still more tired than I should be.  Weeding (in the hot sun) took ALL my energy this weekend, and I've been crashing mid-day for naps.  But otherwise the nausea is GONE (after weeks without B6 I'm ready to claim it), the reflux is under control, the peeing has balanced back out to just slightly more frequent than normal.  The round ligament pain is only occasional now that I know to be super careful about every movement, cough, sneeze, and laugh. :)  Basically, I'm starting to feel the peak they call 2nd trimester.  Now I just can't wait to start actually showing...  Here's my pathetic little baby bump.  You, my friends, recognize it, but strangers still don't know.

16 weeks
 Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, July 18, 2011

15 weeks

I plan to take pics next week.  16 wks seems like a good time for pics :)  I'm still not much bigger than I have been.  Belly looks huge to me when I look down at it, then I look in the mirror and realize that strangers still wouldn't know the truth.  *sigh* :)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 15 weeks

Size of Baby: avg size: ~4-4.5 in

Total Weight Gain: ~10 lbs

Maternity Clothes: my bottoms are almost exclusively maternity; a couple looser pre-preg pairs I can wear with the bella band.  My tops are almost exclusively still regular, though I've had to set aside some of my shorter and/or tighter shirts till next year; I'm looking forward to the days when I can wear the cute maternity tops and fill them out :)

Best Moment this week: Harry Potter 7b was a great way to start our Saturday.  Also when I realized it had been 24 hrs since my last B6 and I was still feeling fine. :)

Gender: undetermined for 5 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)

Movement: none.  I was reading on some message boards about women feeling things this early, but I haven't noticed any yet.  I'll probably start paying more attention in the upcoming weeks, though.

Food Craving: I wouldn't call it a craving, but coffee/tea has started sounding good again lately... though my new Keurig could have something to do with that ;-D

What I Miss Most: my clothes; at least half my wardrobe has been set aside.

Sleep: most nights I'm so tired I can't even remember when I get up to pee if I've already been up or if I'm remembering the previous night.  The past few nights I've started having hip pains that wake me up/keep me awake.  Yuck!  And I'm still having VERY vivid, semi-realistic and bizarre dreams each night.  I only remember them the moment I wake, though, usually.  And half of the ones I do remember I'd never tell anyone anyway ;-D

What I am looking forward to: Friday is my "16 week" appointment (a little early b/c dr's on vacation next week).  Josh was able to get off work and is coming with me!  It's just a listen-to-the-heartbeat appt, but I am looking forward letting go of the worry that gradually creeps in on me between visits.

Belly Button: normal (in)

Symptoms: The week started out nauseous, but I have hardly taken any B6 for the past few days!!  I've started actually getting rumbly-tummy-hungry from time to time too.  I almost felt "myself" a few days this week, with energy levels closer to normal.  I've also been feeling a lot of stretching aches low near my hips and have occasional pain in my hips.  It may be time to make stretching part of my nightly routine. AND I've been having to pee way more often this week.  A lot of what I've read said that was supposed to get better 2nd trimester, but I just feel like there's a rock sitting on my bladder!!  It's ridiculous that you can be walking out of the bathroom and feel like you need to go back again.  And yes, I'm doing all the lean forward, make sure you emptied your bladder tricks b/c I'm SICK of being in the bathroom.  But it doesn't seem to matter.  Silly baby, get off my bladder :)

 Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, July 11, 2011

14 weeks already? So hard to believe I'm 1/3 of the way there!!!

How Far Along: 14 weeks

Size of Baby: avg size: ~3.5 in

Total Weight Gain: ~7 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I love my new shorts!  They're so comfortable.  The downside is that I have to do laundry EVERY weekend to make sure I've got clothes to wear that fit me.

Best Moment this week: being the coolest thing at Chick-fil-A; Josh's shirt was a total hit!  And I had a pretty good birthday too :)

Gender: undetermined for 6 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)

Movement: none yet; I can't wait!!

Food Craving: it still changes from moment to moment.  Saturday we were watching TV and there were a couple scenes where people were eating/cooking burgers and I HAD to have one, so we drove across town and had our first Five Guys burger.  Good stuff!

What I Miss Most: not having to think so hard about what I can wear.  I'm so frustrated that none of my pants fit.  I think my hips are already starting to grow! >:-|

Sleep: still waking once a night to pee.  I've been having crazy dreams, and I often wake up feeling emotionally overwhelmed.  I remember them when I wake, but after falling asleep and waking again with a new dream, I usually lose track.

What I am looking forward to: HARRY POTTER!  The last HP movie is out this weekend and we're going Saturday morning with Mark & Melissa.  I've also booked my flight to FL for August to visit and for showers, and am starting to make plans for when Josh's parents come to visit in September.  (can anyone say spa day with Shelia?!)

Belly Button: normal (in)

Symptoms: the new trifecta: heartburn, reflux, and nausea.  MISERY!  I hate it, and it's almost constant.  Doesn't matter what I eat; I just had an APPLE and it's giving me reflux.  I keep hoping that "any day now" I'll see an end to the nausea.  I'm out of progesterone at the end of this week, so my latest hope is that I'll start feeling better after that.  They were out of the green apple B6 lozenges, so I got stuck with the cherry lollipops - ICK!  But if I don't take them 3 x's a day religiously, I always regret it. 

 Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Welcome to the 2nd trimester!

Sorry this post is late.  I've had the words written all week, but I haven't had much extra time in the evenings to get the pic on.  So I'm using Molly's laptop while baby E sleeps to pull the pic I took on my iPhone from FB to put on here... sheesh, who knew that getting this post out would turn so complicated!?  Regardless, here's the 13 wk mini-bump and details:

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 13 weeks

Size of Baby: avg size: ~3 in

Total Weight Gain: ~6 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I went shopping this weekend for maternity shorts b/c none of mine fit anymore except my workout shorts.  Which I was wearing for working out, sleeping in, AND daily wear; it was time to invest.  So I bought two pair which will hopefully get me through summer, along with the dresses I have.

Best Moment this week: registering for baby stuff, and then spontaneously deciding to have dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  I love dinner out with my hubs!

Gender: undetermined for 7 more weeks (if baby cooperates at 20 wk u/s)

Movement: none; I can't wait!!

Food Craving: nothing major this week.  But I've definitely been hungry.

What I Miss Most: not having to think so hard about what I can wear.  Sometimes I'll get something on before I realize it's not going to work (some of my shirts are already too short).

Sleep: still only waking once a night to pee.  Was not happy to be awakened by fireworks at 11pm on the 4th.  15 min of fireworks and a while to get back to sleep leaves me pretty slow the next day.

What I am looking forward to: this coming weekend is Cow Appreciation Day (Friday wear a cow costume to CFA and get a free meal; wear a piece of cow clothing and get a free sandwich; Josh's shirt is HILARIOUS!  Pics to come!).  Saturday is my birthday, a project in the yard, ice cream cake and my present from Josh (if he can wait that long).  Sunday is a pool party for the 5 yr old I watch during the week.  Busy fun weekend!

Belly Button: normal (in)

Symptoms: everyone keeps saying that the nausea should let up any day now (hello 2nd trimester), but I'm still just getting by on B6.  If I forget to take it, I start feeling sick and realize later why.  Otherwise the lightheadedness has started to be an issue occasionally, something I'm prone to anyway.  

 Pregnancy Ticker