Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 14, 2014

14 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 14 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~3.5" 1.5oz

Total Weight Gain : ~3 lbs

Maternity Clothes :   I've been wearing maternity pants exclusively for a couple weeks now. A few of my tops are still fitting for a few more weeks, but the majority are maternity.

Best Moment This Week :  Touch A Truck was fun for Ash, and the first time someone assumed I was pregnant.  (The shirt I was wearing probably helped)  We also had a blast celebrating Elijah's 5th birthday with free breakfast at Chick-fil-A with Lindsey & gang.  I've also really been enjoying the gym this week; I think the increase in energy is helping, and I can feel myself getting stronger with consistency.  YAY!

Gender : hopefully we'll find out in March - only 4.5 weeks away!  (somehow we got in earlier than 20 wks; I'm not complaining)

Movement : not yet

Food Craving : I haven't really had any lasting cravings. From moment to moment, day to day, certain things sound good or not, but there's no one thing I've craved above others.  This is still mostly true, but I have had a random craving for "Italian" - spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, even pizza.  Apparently cheese and tomato sauce are awesome :)  Also, there are still times when something sounds distinctly disgusting, even if it sounded good yesterday.

What I Miss Most : not feeling like I look fat.  I'm starting to push my belly out when I'm in public so I look a little more pregnant and a little less poochy.

Sleep : I wake usually once a night, sometimes have to pee.  I'm generally sleeping with a pillow between my knees.  I had one morning where I woke up with serious hip pain this week.  Also, since I got pregnant (right away!) I started having very vivid dreams.  They are often random and switch gears quickly multiple times a night, but there's a stark difference in pregnancy dreams from non-pregnant ones.

What I Am Looking Forward To : today is Valentine's, and I'm looking forward to an evening with my sweetie.  And next week I have a twice-postponed (due to illness) mommy-date with Melissa.  YAY

Belly Button : normal

Symptoms : The nausea depends on the day.  I just finished off the last of my latest box of B6, so I'm going to see if I can survive without them now or if I have to run to the pharmacy for another box.  The reflux has picked up enough that I'm just taking Zantac twice a day as a habit.  It's even worse on days when I have coffee or chocolate or that tomato-sauce I've been craving.  I am starting to feel the 2nd trimester hunger occasionally.  And I've also been struggling a lot lately with circulation issues - feeling lightheaded, especially upon standing, and even sometimes winded.  I've had some issues with allergies this week too, specifically my right eye itching and getting irritated; random!

Compared to last time : I still have gained less weight so far (less than half), but look much bigger still.  At this point last time I was still having to take the B6 3x's a day, so we'll see how being off goes this week.  And apparently I have no photos between 13-16 wks from last time, so you'll just have to settle for a picture of me now, compared to a picture of me pushing my belly out like I do in public :-D  Thought you could use a little laugh.  Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

13 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 13 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~3" 

Total Weight Gain : ~3 lbs

Maternity Clothes :   I've been wearing maternity pants exclusively for a couple weeks now. A few of my tops are still fitting for a few more weeks, but the majority are maternity.

Best Moment This Week :  I got a couple incredible compliments at the gym this week. I feel like I look possibly the worst/heaviest I ever have. 10 lbs of extra weight plus the early ambiguous stage of pregnancy has done a number on my self image. In the locker room as I was getting dressed an older woman said, "you have the perfect figure! How do you do it?" Hah! Cracked me up and left me flustered, but put a little bounce in my step. :) Then the instructor from one of my favorite exercise classes noticed me making modifications and asked if I had some news. When I told her I was heading into 2nd trimester, she asked if this was my first baby. I said I have one, and she looked at my belly and said "you'd never know! You look great!"  Thanks, Eve. :)

Gender : we'll find out in March

Movement : not yet

Food Craving : I haven't really had any lasting cravings. From moment to moment, day to day, certain things sound good or not, but there's no one thing I've craved above others.

What I Miss Most : energy. Not worrying about feeling nauseous or reflux.

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, sometimes have to pee. Sometimes I have trouble getting back to sleep. I've already started sleeping with a pillow between my knees.

What I Am Looking Forward To : tomorrow we're taking Ash to Touch a Truck. He's gonna love it, and I'm so excited to enjoy that. Also, I can't wait for our ultrasound in March!

Belly Button : normal

Symptoms : at least half my days still include some nausea. The reflux is picking up; I have to take two Zantacs a lot of days. I'm starting to feel hungry more often too.

Compared to last time : I have gained less weight so far, but look much bigger already. I am having about the same amount and intensity of nausea as before.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Trimester - Baby #2

I've been wanting to get these things written down before life gets too busy and I forget the details.  Pardon if the details are too personal; I tend to overshare :)

I had my IUD removed at the end of June.  After a few cycles of tracking everything and not getting pregnant, I needed to remove myself a little from the process.  Not tracking my basal body temperature (BBT) means I don't know exactly where I am in my cycle, which helps remove the illusion of control.  And not having to take my temperature before I got up meant I wasn't forced to think about the fertility process first thing every morning, which was a relief for a while.  So on Thurs, Dec 5th I was 26 days into my cycle.  Even if I ovulated a couple days "early" (as I suspected, but w/o BBT so can't be sure), it was still early to be taking a pregnancy test.  But I just felt off.  I was lightheaded and easily winded.  I was tired and peeing a lot and just OFF.  I decided to take a pregnancy test that afternoon against all logic.  Especially if testing early, you should use your first trip to the bathroom in the morning to get the most concentrated dose of hormones.  False negatives are more common later in the day.  But after I put Ash down for his nap, I went to my bathroom and followed the instructions.  I set the closed test on the counter, looked away for a second to start the timer on my phone, glanced back at the test and it ALREADY read positive.  I sat in shock for a while, trying to let it sink in.  Obviously my hormones were strong if I got such a clear reading so quickly in the afternoon, which would account for how I was already feeling.  But WOW, I was NOT expecting a positive that afternoon.

Josh was expecting his PS4 bundle to come UPS that day, so I took a picture and made a cute little note I was going to slip into the box before he got home.  Unfortunately, UPS didn't come till like 6pm, so I had to just hand him the note when he got his package.  He was excited and hugged me, which is always an encouraging way for your husband to react to the news.

The first trimester so far has been rough.  Part of it is the typical exhaustion and nausea.  I've had two incidents where I puked.  The first was when I was still early (maybe 5 wks?) and wasn't in the habit of eating all day every day.  I felt the nausea build till I realized I wasn't going to be able to avoid it.  Miserable, but at least I felt better once it was over.  The second time came a few weeks later when I choked on some crackers, and the ensuing coughing fit led to a gag which turned into a full puke.  But otherwise I've been able to keep from puking by eating often, taking vitamin B, and eating often.  Haha, yes, I feel like all I do is eat :)  But what REALLY made this trimester rough was being sick.  First was one of those "colds" that's brought on by being too busy and not getting enough rest.  I was able to sleep that one off and avoid getting really sick.  But then Lindsey & kids brought us the flu for Christmas, and all three of us ended up with it, but I came down with it first.  I got sick between Cmas and New Years, when all the dr's offices are closed and just had to deal with it till day 5.  With the VERY few options for relieving symptoms that are left to a 1st trimester pregnant woman.  We went to the dr after New Years and tested positive for the flu (we forgot to ask, but we're pretty sure it was H1N1!), so the dr gave us tamiflu.  Which maybe have helped, though you're supposed to start taking it in the first 48 hrs... plus it made me nauseous, so I dreaded it every day.  In the end, I was probably sickly for about 2 weeks, with a VERY slow recovery time.  Then just when we were finally over the flu and coughing was an occasional event, all three of us got hit with a cold on the same day.  So we spent a weekend home together on the couch, miserable.  Again, taking just the minimum of medications to get through.  So, yes, I've been extremely tired and mildly nauseous almost every day, but it's all from a totally different perspective after experiencing the true misery of that flu.

Now that I'm caught up on the details, now that I'm public on FB and everywhere else, now that I'm heading into the 2nd trimester, I'll TRY to start doing weekly updates like I did with Ash.  It's been particularly fun to go back and read them to compare, and looking at pictures of my bump from the first time.  I started this pregnancy about 10 lbs heavier, and it's my second child - so I've definitely experienced the "showing earlier" phenomenon.  Of course, I still don't look pregnant enough for strangers to ask about it, but enough that none of my clothes fit and no one doubts me when I tell them I am and they make that furtive glance to see how I look.  But I'm definitely looking forward to the time when I look definitively pregnant, which I guess everyone thinks when they go through this stage.  I'm also looking forward to the boost in energy and passing of the nausea that should be coming soon.  Thanks for traveling this journey with me, and I hope you enjoy the updates :)

Ash's birthday party

Mom invited our small group, Aunt Lindsey, and Uncle Mark & Aunt Melissa to my birthday party. A couple of the families in our small group couldn't make it, but we all thought the size was perfect in the end with the friends that were able to make it. Mommy didn't get a chance to take pictures of all the kids playing outside, but the new sandbox was a hit with everyone! We served a finger food lunch with a veggie tray, a cheese & cracker tray, fruit salad and Chick-fil-a nuggets. We had a Disney Cars theme, with decorations and coloring pages and a cake from the grocery store bakery - yum! I got lots of awesome presents and had a ton of fun playing with my friends, and then crashed hard when everyone left. It was a complete success, and the best part was having people who love us come hang out for a couple hours to celebrate. Photo credit on this one goes to Aunt Lindsey, who took pictures so mommy could play hostess and mom for the day.  (For more pics, check out the album on FB)
We all loved the cool birthday card from Mrs Rachael
All my friends gathered around
Putting quarters in my new piggy bank from Lola & Papa
These are my fancy party clothes

The big cake (I got my own personal giant cupcake)

The candle blowing sequence.  Looking, puffing, smoke rising.

The cake demolishing - or should we say frosting demolishing since that was mostly all I ate

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ash - 24 months

Two years old!!
 My apologies on skipping my 23 mo post, and on being so late with the 24 mo post.  As you may know, it's been a busy, crazy couple of months in our house.  First there was Thanksgiving week with Lola & Papa.  Then was the two weeks where mommy was watching two kids (plus me), while fighting off being sick.  Then Nanoo, PopPop, and Uncle John came to visit for a couple weeks.  After Christmas we caught the flu, so we all started 2014 sick as dogs.  Then we were healthy for a week, just in time for my birthday party.  The weekend after my birthday we all came down with the cold.  On top of ALL this, mommy is pregnant; I'm still not clear on what this means, except she complains about feeling sick and being tired a LOT.  Needless to say, it took a long time to get her to sit down and upload photos & type my post for me.  Thanks for your patience!
Chicken noodle soup during the flu
Size:  I'm wearing all 18-24 mo clothes now.  12 mo pants still fit my waist, but my legs are way too long for them.  At my 24 mo appointment, I weighed 23 lbs (3%) and measured 34" (39%).  I'll be 3' tall soon!
Eating oats on a breakfast date with mommy
Physical development:  I've gotten pretty good at going up and down the stairs by myself, so mommy & daddy don't even supervise anymore.  I can climb up on the furniture by myself.  I'm starting to jog a little.  My fine motor skills are still exceptional.  I can use my spoon to pick the raisins out of my oats and I love doing puzzles and playing with toys.  For Christmas, Nanoo & PopPop got me a sandbox, so when the weather allows I love playing outside in the sand. 
My new sandbox
Verbal development:  I'm talking up a storm, of course.  I'm getting better every day at expressing myself and what I want or don't want.  I'm getting pretty good at phrasing very specific requests.  I'm starting to make up stories about my toys.  Of course, my sense of humor is developing nicely as well.  I had a blast with uncle John when he was here b/c he loves to teach me new things.  He taught me all the parts of an airplane and a truck, he showed me his ukelele and played songs for me, and he even let me load his hands full of sand at the park playing construction vehicles. 
Lola & Papa got me a cool new hat like daddy's
Routines: Since the flu, mommy has been trying to make sure to get to the gym at least 3x's/wk, so I've been spending M/W/F at the gym with the kids.  I moved up to the bigger kids, so I get to rotate rooms every 30 min.  At first I had a hard time with the new setup, but I'm starting to adjust.  I love playing with the trucks in the free-play room, and I've enjoyed being in the big gym too.  One day we played with basketballs, another day we had hoops, and this week we got to bounce in the bounce house like Tigger.
Playing in the snow
Also, Ryker's mommy got a job in Boulder, so we don't get to see him anymore.  And we watched a baby named Rayden for a couple weeks, but over the holidays his parents split up and he hasn't come back to us while they figure out who is going to take care of him.  So mommy took a job watching the kids for MOPS twice a month; between church with the family and mommy's volunteering on every other Sunday, plus MOPS - I've been spending lots of time at church.  It's a little hard for me to be there for so long on Tuesdays for MOPS (8:30-12:00 is a loooong time for a 2 yr old), and since it's only a couple times a month it's harder to adjust.  But it's good for mommy to have a little work while she's waiting for a nanny job to work out.
My fancy new clothes from Lola
 Special events: Obviously this two month period was full of most of the big events for the year - Thanksgiving and a visit from Lola & Papa, Christmas and a visit from Nanoo & PopPop and Uncle John, and my birthday.  It's been a lot of fun and a LOT of presents.  I've really enjoyed it.
Elijah & PopPop helping Isaiah open his presents on Cmas morning
My favorites: I love all the new toys I've gotten.  Whichever toy is the newest present is usually my favorite at the moment.
This dump truck was from Lola & Papa
Daddy's favorites: Daddy has enjoyed getting his voice back so we can go back to our nightly routine of reading stories before bed.  He stopped singing songs, and added an extra story or two to the routine.
Elijah opening presents and Uncle John in the background
Mommy's favorites:  Mommy's favorite joke this month was when I was eating a veggie mix and said "eh-da-MOM-eh" while pointing at her for the "mom" part.  I'm a funny kid :)
Opening my new Otis Christmas book
Upcoming: We've got no visitors planned in the next few months, so it'll just be hanging out at home, the gym, and church mostly.  But now that I'm two, I may not get around to posting every month.  Don't worry if you don't hear from me so often; I'm just busy having fun!
Mommy lit candles on a cupcake on my birthday so I could practice for the party