Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How did we get here!? 38 WEEKS!

My apologies; I didn't snap a picture this week.  We did a lot of being lazy this weekend and I wasn't even thinking about belly pics.  You can just go back and look at my maternity pics again, and imagine me just a smidge bigger.  Or check out the pics I posted yesterday of Ash's nursery with the curtains up and the glider cushions covered.  It's really ready for him, and it's making me all the more eager for him to come.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 38 weeks.  This is the beginning of the on-call period with my doula and the beginning of my maternity leave... dates that have been set for months and somehow crept up on my unexpectedly! :-O  We're now in the month of "any day now", which is going to make me crazy!! :)

Size of Baby : averages say ~19-21" and 6-7 lbs.   

Total Weight Gain : ~30 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  Some of my maternity tops are getting too short to cover my whole belly.  This thing is getting out of control!! :)

Best Moment This Week : getting to see Dan & Michelle & kids was such a treat!  I wish we had more than an hour with them, but I'm looking forward to Michelle's visit in March.  Christmas with friends was also a blessing, since otherwise Josh and I would have spent a slightly depressing day at home alone :)  On a lesser note, crossing these off my to-do list felt pretty good too: getting the curtains up in Ash's room (thanks to my hubs), getting my birth plan printed out (to be discussed with my dr today), and getting the ingredients bought and organized for my make-and-freeze dinner-cooking-marathon this week.

Gender : boy

Movement : you know, I'll go a day where I don't feel him moving much and start to get a little concerned, and then the next day he's going nuts all day.  But in general, the movement is still generally predictable.  After breakfast and dinner are still his busiest times.  And during contractions, I can feel his movements more sharply.

Food Craving : Chocolate of course.  I have a couple C-mas chocolate goodies packed in my hospital bag to snack on after he's born.

What I Miss Most : the light, energetic feeling of not being pregnant.  I'm getting SO heavy and sore and tired.

Sleep : I've taken Tylenol a couple nights, which helps some.  A four day weekend threw off our sleep schedule a little bit, but I'm expecting to feel a little "thrown off" for the next few months, so I guess we just started early ;-D

What I Am Looking Forward To : I can't wait to meet this kid!  I'm not overwhelmingly grumpy about still being pregnant (I've still got two weeks till my due date... I'll probably get grumpy after that!), but I'm just so ready to SEE him and start the face-to-face bonding process. 

Those who don't have dogs might not get this, but I'm really excited to get the dogs groomed today.  I haven't cut their hair in a couple months (due to being too round to get through the task) and they haven't had a bath in a couple weeks and they've been romping in the snow that still hasn't melted in our backyard, so they are scruffy and stinky and dirty.  Today they go to get professionally groomed (I should be able to do them myself [aka FOR FREE] by the time they need it again), and they'll come home washed and cut and pedicured and slightly more lovable! :) 

I'm also excited about being off work so I can truck through my to-do list, I'm eager to discuss a few more details of my birth plan with my dr, and I'm also glad that Josh only works three days this week so I get another 4 day weekend with him soon. :)

Belly Button : you know, I've been saying out b/c it does show under my clothes, but I feel like I need to clarify that it's just a little tiny nub of my belly button that doesn't even stick out very far.  But for someone who's always had a neutral belly button, I'm still going with outtie.

Symptoms : reflux, general aches, fatigue...same old. 

The new symptom is what I guess I'd describe as pain in my groin area, especially when I'm trying to move my legs certain ways.  My educated guess is that relaxin is doing its job on my pelvis and it's just starting to get loose.  My hips (outer thigh) have already been hurting (esp at night), but now it's in my inner thigh area as well.  I'm not ~excited~ about it, per se, but I'm glad my body is doing its job. :)  But it's just one more thing to slow me down b/c I have to be really careful about how I move.

Also, the contractions are getting stronger.  They're not regular enough for me to start timing yet, and they're not ALL strong... but I have been having more that hurt, make me catch my breath and stop me in my tracks for a second, especially in the evenings.  I "like" the practice, or maybe I should say I find the practice oddly comforting b/c I feel more prepared for an event you can't possibly be prepared for ahead of time.  I'm learning to breathe through them and how to relax - by doing it with the big ones.  I've also found that massaging my belly afterward along with a few deep breaths helps me recover pretty quickly.  I'm still nervous about the real thing, but excited as they grow in intensity b/c it means that we're closer to d-day.  It increases the feeling that it could be any day, which is both a relief and a frustration.  Josh and I are such planners, this unpredictability is killing us! :-รพ

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My labor verses

My doula asked me this weekend what verses she could use to encourage me during labor.  At first I could only think of Jer 29:11-14 (a passage that spoke to me through my miscarriages) and Heb 12:1-2 (my favorite verse from Challenge - I wrote it on my bike helmet! - that also applied to my half marathons).  Now I've expanded my list to include a few more.  What about you?  Do you have some verses/passages that bring you comfort and encouragement in times of trouble?  Maybe I could add your verse to my list!

Ps 9:9-10
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
   a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you,
   for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Ps 139:13-18
For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
How precious concerning me are your thoughts, God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.

Jer 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will restore your fortunes."

Heb 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Heb 12:11-13
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

Monday, December 19, 2011

37 weeks

I know many of you clamor regularly for pics, so if you haven't already, check out the maternity pics that Amyssa Sherman posted on Facebook of our shoot on Saturday.  She's tagging me in them as she posts them, so they show up on my wall/profile for all to see. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 37 wks - this makes us full-term.  He could come anytime he wants, though I told him he has to wait till after Christmas! :)  I'm not expecting him to at least January, though.  BUT, if he chose to come tomorrow, there would be very little concern about his well-being.  YAY

Size of Baby : averages say ~19-21" and 6-7 lbs.   

Total Weight Gain : ~29 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  Some of my maternity tops are getting too short to cover my whole belly.  This thing is getting out of control!! :)

Best Moment This Week :  There hasn't been just one.  I'm so glad to have the last critical things on my to-do list taken care of : picked a pediatrician, pre-admitted at the hospital, finished our childbirth classes with our doula, solidifying our birth plan, and finished our C-mas shopping for the kids.  It was also a fun Saturday taking pictures with Amyssa, and cheese & chocolate fondue with Mark & Melissa was also a blast (if regrettable when the reflux kicked in later)

Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)  I can't wait to see what he looks like and start to get to know him.

Movement : while he's definitely still on the move regularly, I'm getting a lot more squirming and a little less "kicking".  He's starting to get cramped, and likes to spend a good part of the day pushing with his feet.  I don't like as much as he does, since he's pushing my organs and my ribs and my tender belly.

Food Craving : CHOCOLATE!  I want hot chocolate, I want a box of chocolates, I want chocolate cookies... I just want chocolate.  I'm counting the days, even though I don't know how many there are :)  And tomato based comfort foods like lasagna and chili, but not nearly as bad as chocolate.

What I Miss Most : breathing.  And being able to eat "normal" foods without regretting it later.

Sleep :  horrible!  I've been waking up every 2 hrs almost without fail, and I'm SO tired.  We're definitely getting closer to the end.

What I Am Looking Forward To : I only have 3 more days of work left... which makes me sad, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up.  And I've been so tired that I'd love to be able to sleep in, take naps, and get some things done around here before Ash arrives.  But REALLY what I'm looking forward to is FRIDAY... we're driving up to Denver to meet Dan & Michelle (& Emma & Caleb) for lunch.  What a GREAT way to start my maternity leave :)

Belly Button : out 

Symptoms : reflux as usual.  I've also been pretty breathless lately, which is slowing me down significantly.  And of course the expected aches - ribs, back, hips, boobs.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 36 weeks!  How did we get here?  I swear, I've been posting every week, so I shouldn't be so surprised.  But 36 wks is only 4 wks left.  Which immediately turns into 3 wks  __ days. :-O  It's less than a month.  The "good" news this week was the discussion we were having about the correlation between the full moon and the spike in women going into labor, and so I looked it up.  The full moon in January is the 9th.  My EDD is the 10th.  If the moon is any help, I might actually have this baby on time.  We'll see :)

Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 6+ lbs.   

Total Weight Gain : ~28

Maternity Clothes : I'm trying to decide which clothes to wear for the photo shoot I've got tentatively scheduled for this weekend... I never thought I'd have so much trouble making this decision!! :) 

Best Moment This Week : it's been a pretty stressful week... we've heard from multiple people that last week was just kinda crazy for them too.  BUT, getting my thank you cards all written was quite an accomplishment.  And we had a blast playing Settlers with Mark & Melissa and Sam & Jenna on Friday night.  Plus I really enjoyed our time with Kari this weekend, sitting at our dining table going over childbirth class info.

Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)

Movement : he's been moving like a champ.  I still haven't bothered with kick counts b/c he's active every day, and seems to even have a little routine.  After breakfast and late evening seem to be some of his busiest times, though he generally squirms in the car too.  The down side is that as he gets bigger and stronger, and he has less room for stretching out, this has become more painful for me.  Sometimes he stretches his feet right into my ribs or organs, but even just stretching them into the wild blue yonder of my belly (usually just below my ribs in the right/upper quadrant of my belly) makes me feel tender in that area.

Food Craving : cookies.  I've been BAD about sneaking Oreos even tho they're bad for my reflux.  And I've eaten a few other cookies this week too.  The holidays are atrocious for too many cookies around.  And I'm getting ready to make puppy chow for small group Thursday, and know I'll eat way too much of that too...

What I Miss Most : my old body.  I'm telling you, I really can't wait to do the things I used to do without even thinking about it.  I'm so grateful for a healthy body in my "normal" life, and the ability to do almost anything I want... I can't wait to have it back :) 

Sleep : I've been waking up every couple hours, but I've heard that's pretty common for this point.  Overall I feel like I've been doing pretty well on the sleep front.  My nightly dessert of Tums doesn't hurt either.

What I Am Looking Forward To : Friday I have an interview with another pediatrician.  I'm pretty sure this is the one we'll end up with.  My doc AND Molly both recommended the practice.  And of the profiles I liked, I ended up picking the actual doctor that Molly takes her kids to.  They also do in-office circumcisions, which was a relief after talking to the other doctor last week.  Then Saturday is our last meeting with Kari, which means I should walk away from that with my birth plan solidified.  Which I will cover with my doctor at my appt on Monday, and find out how close we'll be able to try to stick to my preferences.  AND I do my pre-admission at the hospital that day too, which will be taking care of the last critical thing hanging over my head.  I'm also supposed to get maternity shots done Saturday - fun!

Belly Button : out 

Symptoms : the usual reflux (which seems to have good days and bad days), occasional fatigue and back aches, and sometimes hip pain, but again I'm grateful to not have too much to deal with overall.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

35 weeks!

35 weeks (my belly is NOT square at the top... that's the toaster peaking out ;-D)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 35 weeks.  That's also known as 5 WEEKS LEFT!  That's ridiculous.  Saturday will be officially one month till EDD (the 10th).

Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 5-6 lbs.  All his organ systems are in place and functional, so his odds if he came today (which he won't) are 99%.  His main job between now and d-day is putting on fat (which he'll spend the next few years losing) and brain development (which he'll spend the next few years growing). 

Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs...  I lost a few lbs this weekend when I couldn't eat for a whole day and then spent the next half in the bathroom... and I haven't made it all back up yet, though I ate enough junk yesterday to close some of the gap.  Mmm, Starbucks and McDonald's :)

Maternity Clothes : a lot of my favorite maternity shirts are getting too short... I never thought that would happen!! :-O  I'm definitely reaching for all my longest shirts to make it to the bottom of my belly band nowadays.

Best Moment This Week :  I think it's a toss up between my shopping spree at Target for all the miscellaneous stuff we still "needed" - I haven't bought that much stuff in a long time, though $10-20 items can add up fast - OR when Josh came home from work with a gift for me b/c I sent him a picture while I was shopping of a little temptation I passed up.  He's such a sweet husband! :)

Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)

Movement : with so little between him and me, when he moves you can always see it from the outside now, even hiccups... as a matter of fact, I'm watching my belly dance as a I type.  Friday when I was sick I thought I might cry every time he kicked me in the gut, but Saturday he was pretty chill most of the day... thanks, buddy. <3

Food Craving :  this week it hasn't really been anything, especially with The Bug.  Though since Josh came home with cookies, I have to admit I've been tempted by the Oreos... but knowing I have a month left to go, it's easier to just wait till they don't make me miserable.  And go buy double stuffs just for me.  Or mint ones.  One a package of each :)  Also, yesterday when I was out I grabbed McD's for lunch and was pleased to discover that happy meals now come with a baby sized fries AND apples... no more choosing.  And it's JUST enough fries to satisfy the non-pregnant french fry cravings I get.  Yippee.

What I Miss Most : being able to move and breathe.  A lot of the girls on my message boards for Jan due dates have started posting about their babies dropping, but no such luck here.  He's definitely way up in my ribs and stomach and lungs, even when he's not kicking me in them.  Add to that the end-of-pregnancy hip issues, and I'm a clumsy lumbering waddler.  It's not like I'm normally the most graceful person on earth, but I'm going to feel like it when this baby is out! :) 
Sleep : well, I lost an entire night to The Bug when I woke up vurping Thursday midnight and spent the rest of the night dozing in an upright position on the couch.  It has been so nice to get back to sleeping like a normal preggo after it passed.

What I Am Looking Forward To : since I was sick this weekend, we had to skip our childbirth class on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to having Kari over and her meeting the pups and showing off the nursery.  I'm going to have Josh hang the curtains this weekend and put away the pack-n-play we've had out for friends' kids or days I brought E home, and then the nursery is as ready as it'll ever be.  Minor changes, perhaps, but ready for anyday arrival.  I'm also excited to get a couple minor things crossed off my to-do list like pack my bags and reorganize my pantry a little (very early baby-proofing).  In longer-term, I'm looking forward to having a pediatrician chosen, being pre-admitted for the big day, and finishing work, which all happen in the next couple weeks.  I love E and will miss her to death when I'm done, but it gets harder every day now and I can't wait to just be home resting and preparing the last minute details for Ash's arrival.
Belly Button : ladies and gents, we have definite OUTIE!  I can't deny it anymore.  It's funny looking and pokes out gently (it's not hard), but it is undeniably OUT. 

Symptoms : the reflux is worse every day.  I'm taking Zantac twice a day AND chewing Tums AT LEAST once a day, sometimes more.  But I'm down to the countdown now, and I'm also grateful for the way it has kept my eating in check through the whole pregnancy.  I haven't been able to indulge in craving-foods, and I haven't been able to pig out in general, so I haven't gained a lot of excess weight.  Actually, after The Bug this weekend, I couldn't get my watch to stay on the right side of my wrist yesterday, so I'm ANYTHING but bloated.  Yes, I can't wait to get rid of it, but it has at least served a purpose.  We'll see in a month or so if it served the hair-growing purpose. :)  Have I mentioned I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!?

The latest symptom to pop up is occasional sharp hip pains.  Last night I could hardly get to the bathroom from the bed b/c one hip hurt all the way through to the back of the joint.  Things are definitely preparing to loosen up and let him out.

I've also been experiencing the usual breath issues, occasional rib pain (which I have come to believe is a FOOT pushing on the inside of my ribs), seems surreal that all of this will be over in such a short time!