Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

35 weeks!

35 weeks (my belly is NOT square at the top... that's the toaster peaking out ;-D)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 35 weeks.  That's also known as 5 WEEKS LEFT!  That's ridiculous.  Saturday will be officially one month till EDD (the 10th).

Size of Baby : averages say ~18-20" and 5-6 lbs.  All his organ systems are in place and functional, so his odds if he came today (which he won't) are 99%.  His main job between now and d-day is putting on fat (which he'll spend the next few years losing) and brain development (which he'll spend the next few years growing). 

Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs...  I lost a few lbs this weekend when I couldn't eat for a whole day and then spent the next half in the bathroom... and I haven't made it all back up yet, though I ate enough junk yesterday to close some of the gap.  Mmm, Starbucks and McDonald's :)

Maternity Clothes : a lot of my favorite maternity shirts are getting too short... I never thought that would happen!! :-O  I'm definitely reaching for all my longest shirts to make it to the bottom of my belly band nowadays.

Best Moment This Week :  I think it's a toss up between my shopping spree at Target for all the miscellaneous stuff we still "needed" - I haven't bought that much stuff in a long time, though $10-20 items can add up fast - OR when Josh came home from work with a gift for me b/c I sent him a picture while I was shopping of a little temptation I passed up.  He's such a sweet husband! :)

Gender : boy, and I can't wait to meet him! :)

Movement : with so little between him and me, when he moves you can always see it from the outside now, even hiccups... as a matter of fact, I'm watching my belly dance as a I type.  Friday when I was sick I thought I might cry every time he kicked me in the gut, but Saturday he was pretty chill most of the day... thanks, buddy. <3

Food Craving :  this week it hasn't really been anything, especially with The Bug.  Though since Josh came home with cookies, I have to admit I've been tempted by the Oreos... but knowing I have a month left to go, it's easier to just wait till they don't make me miserable.  And go buy double stuffs just for me.  Or mint ones.  One a package of each :)  Also, yesterday when I was out I grabbed McD's for lunch and was pleased to discover that happy meals now come with a baby sized fries AND apples... no more choosing.  And it's JUST enough fries to satisfy the non-pregnant french fry cravings I get.  Yippee.

What I Miss Most : being able to move and breathe.  A lot of the girls on my message boards for Jan due dates have started posting about their babies dropping, but no such luck here.  He's definitely way up in my ribs and stomach and lungs, even when he's not kicking me in them.  Add to that the end-of-pregnancy hip issues, and I'm a clumsy lumbering waddler.  It's not like I'm normally the most graceful person on earth, but I'm going to feel like it when this baby is out! :) 
Sleep : well, I lost an entire night to The Bug when I woke up vurping Thursday midnight and spent the rest of the night dozing in an upright position on the couch.  It has been so nice to get back to sleeping like a normal preggo after it passed.

What I Am Looking Forward To : since I was sick this weekend, we had to skip our childbirth class on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to having Kari over and her meeting the pups and showing off the nursery.  I'm going to have Josh hang the curtains this weekend and put away the pack-n-play we've had out for friends' kids or days I brought E home, and then the nursery is as ready as it'll ever be.  Minor changes, perhaps, but ready for anyday arrival.  I'm also excited to get a couple minor things crossed off my to-do list like pack my bags and reorganize my pantry a little (very early baby-proofing).  In longer-term, I'm looking forward to having a pediatrician chosen, being pre-admitted for the big day, and finishing work, which all happen in the next couple weeks.  I love E and will miss her to death when I'm done, but it gets harder every day now and I can't wait to just be home resting and preparing the last minute details for Ash's arrival.
Belly Button : ladies and gents, we have definite OUTIE!  I can't deny it anymore.  It's funny looking and pokes out gently (it's not hard), but it is undeniably OUT. 

Symptoms : the reflux is worse every day.  I'm taking Zantac twice a day AND chewing Tums AT LEAST once a day, sometimes more.  But I'm down to the countdown now, and I'm also grateful for the way it has kept my eating in check through the whole pregnancy.  I haven't been able to indulge in craving-foods, and I haven't been able to pig out in general, so I haven't gained a lot of excess weight.  Actually, after The Bug this weekend, I couldn't get my watch to stay on the right side of my wrist yesterday, so I'm ANYTHING but bloated.  Yes, I can't wait to get rid of it, but it has at least served a purpose.  We'll see in a month or so if it served the hair-growing purpose. :)  Have I mentioned I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!?

The latest symptom to pop up is occasional sharp hip pains.  Last night I could hardly get to the bathroom from the bed b/c one hip hurt all the way through to the back of the joint.  Things are definitely preparing to loosen up and let him out.

I've also been experiencing the usual breath issues, occasional rib pain (which I have come to believe is a FOOT pushing on the inside of my ribs), seems surreal that all of this will be over in such a short time!