Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ash is 1 month old

Today I am one month old. It has been a busy month!

I was born at 7.5 lbs, promptly lost a pound and spent a couple weeks gaining it back. At my 2 wk appt I was within an oz or two of birth weight and measuring in the 15th percentile for weight and 77th for height.  I'm still wearing NB size clothes and diapers. Since I'm so long, some of my sleeves are getting short and I might grow out of my NB sleepers at my next growth spurt.

I've spent the whole month improving my technique at breastfeeding and have gotten pretty good at it. I just moved to my "big boy" crib in my own room this week and even slept through almost the whole night.

I've just recently started spending more time awake and interacting with the world. I like to lay on my play mat (thank you great-gpa-Ted!) for 10-20 min at a time. I'm just beginning to find my voice and make occasional outbursts of sound.

My daddy's favorite thing about me right now is when I'm fed and happy and he can play with me in the evenings. He can't wait for me to be able to hold my head steady and start smiling and interacting more.

My momma's favorite things about me right now are my new ability to talk and the way I grin & chuckle as I'm falling asleep. She is sad that my hair is falling out and can't wait for the new fuzz to grow in.

My parents love to laugh about the bizarre positions I sleep in and tease me about the faces I pull, but I know they both love me so much.

 The things I'm looking forward in the next month are visits from my Moomer/Nanna Patti and my "Aunt" Chellie. I'll also start taking a bottle with daddy this month and start taking walks with momma when the weather's nice.

Don't cry, I'll be back next month with more updates! :-D