Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Melissa helped me figure out how to get my ticker at the top of the blog, so I don't have to put it in every post anymore; yay!!  Thanks, Mel! :)

So, I think it's funny that I'm celebrating the halfway point today for a number of reasons.  First, you don't even know you're preggo for a few weeks, so you actually lose a bit of the first half altogether.  Second, you don't actually know you're going to deliver at 40 wks exactly (highly unlikely actually), so what we're calling halfway may actually still be a week or so shy of the actual halfway point.  But thirdly and most importantly, I don't feel like it's already been 20 wks!!  Crazy!

I meant to get pictures yesterday when I was off and forgot, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow for a 20 wk pic.  Yesterday was a busy day with doula interviews and nephew babysitting and watching my chick flick from Netflix.  Tomorrow is a busy day with half a day of work and half a day at the dr's.  Of course I'm exaggerating; it better not be half a day at the dr's.  But I WILL be on the phone/emailing/blogging/FBing all night tomorrow night b/c there are TOO MANY people who want to know what we're having.  I REALLY hope baby cooperates.  I'm running out of time before work, so I guess I ought to just get to it:

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 20 weeks

Size of Baby
: 6.5" crown to rump / 10" head to heel, 10.5 oz

Total Weight Gain: ~14 lbs

Maternity Clothes: my big box o'Michelle's clothes showed up on Saturday.  I spent ALL DAY Saturday doing laundry (the maternity stuff plus a week's worth of regular laundry made 5 loads washed, dried and put away!!), but now I have an ENTIRE closet-full of clothes I CAN wear.  Yay!  Thanks, Michelle, for loaning; thanks, mom & dad, for shipping!

Best Moment this week: doula interviews yesterday, and knowing already I've found "the one"


Movement: I've had nothing like the spectacular fireworks (which Josh says only felt like gas bubbles from the outside), but a few tickles here and there from time to time.

Food Craving: none, really.  Starting to drink coffee/tea again, even though it's still highs in the 90's!  And I can't wait for pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, but that has NOTHING to do with pregnancy... that's a yearly craving :)

What I Miss Most: being able to run.  I can barely walk without getting winded.  I fake-run chase Elijah around, but even that I can only do in spurts.  I see folks out running on the streets and it makes me want to put my shoes on, till I remember I can't climb the stairs without huffing and puffing

Sleep: I'm up to 2-3 full-sized pillows at night.  2 is a good night with one under my head and one between my legs.  3 is a reflux night with 2 under my head to keep the acid out of my mouth.

What I am looking forward to: ULTRASOUND! 

Belly Button: same as always

Symptoms: the reflux as usual.  Nothing new to report.

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