Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

21 wks and the end of summer

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 21 weeks

Size of Baby
: ~10.5", ~3/4 lb

Total Weight Gain: ~15 lbs

Maternity Clothes: LOVE having a closet full, but can't wait for the weather to cool down so I can wear ALL my clothes and not just shorts & short-sleeves and capris & tanks

Best Moment this week: ultrasound, of course!  I could have laid there forever watching that cutie.

Gender: BOY!  Now it's time to get busy on the nursery.  In the next couple weeks I intend to get the dresser sanded/primed/painted and set up, and maybe buy the crib or shelving system with our Target gift cards.  And we haven't made a purchase yet, but found these cuties online that may make it into the room :

Movement: sometimes I'm too busy to notice, but when I sit down and get still he usually gives me at least a tickle and sometimes stronger.  He also seems more likely to move when I'm QUIET, which doesn't happen that often either ;-D  The movements are gradually getting stronger and some are sudden.  The doc said my placenta is in the back, which means I can feel his stronger kicks from the outside already too!

Food Craving: none... though I would still love a real mojito.... mmmm.

What I Miss Most: eating french fries without feeling sick.  Even with medicine before I ate it, I regretted eating the fries in my happy meal (I ordered apples, but they were making all sorts of mistakes that day).  But like I was telling a friend, not being able to eat greasy or fatty or chocolatey foods is helping me be healthier.

Sleep: I've been having VERY vivid dreams.  I had some stressful dreams Saturday morning and it took Josh stepping in to help me with my to-do list and pointing out I was over-stressed to calm me down (it really is nice to have someone do in 10-15 min what would have taken you hours to do!).  Last night I had a dream that I was driving in a car that had some sort of u/s or x-ray machine that let me see my tiny baby.  He was proportional, but only an inch or two long, and he was scurrying around my insides.  I woke up laughing at that one.  I wonder if he was moving and my brain translated that into a dream... ??

What I am looking forward to:  Dave and Shelia come on Saturday!  I can't wait to see them... it's been 1.5 yrs and we miss them.   It'll also be fun to have Josh off work and relaxed.

Belly Button: same old same old

Symptoms: the reflux as usual. Sometimes when I forget/get too busy to eat, I don't actually feel hungry, but I get lightheaded.  Trying to remember to stop and eat lots, or at least have snacks in my purse for when I'm on the go.

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