Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

22 weeks!!! Time is flying.

I know I owe you a picture but I forgot to take one yet.  I'll make sure to get one this week (with my in-laws in town it should be easy) b/c I'm definitely undeniably pregnant.  It almost doesn't matter what I wear anymore, you can tell.  And strangers don't look iffy anymore, they know and sometimes ask the typical questions: when are you due? do you know what you're having? etc.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 22 weeks

Size of Baby
: ~11", ~1 lb

Total Weight Gain: ~16 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I am LOVING the break in the summer weather so I can finally make use of the cute clothes in my closet!  I'm starting to develop favorite outfits already.  I've also discovered the beauty of the bella band for making stretched out hand-me-down pants fit more comfortably.

Best Moment this week: hanging out with Dave & Shelia.  It's hard to be working while they're hanging out at home... I can't wait for the evenings and weekend!

Gender: BOY!  With Dave & Shelia here, we're (they're) going to get the nursery started.  The plan for the next couple weeks is to paint the dresser/changing table, hang the shelves, and order/set up the crib.  Shelia and I are going to have some girl time shopping for fabric and updating my registry.

Movement: He's still just small enough to move without me always feeling it, but his movements are getting stronger and more common.  Shelia was even able to feel him kicking on Sunday night. :)  He loves when I sit down, especially in the car or on the couch after eating.  Or at this very moment :)

Food Craving: raw fish.  I almost ate Josh's last piece of sashimi yesterday, but decided to be a good girl.  Also a mojito... I'm going to have to see if I can find a place that makes both for our first post-baby date! :)

What I Miss Most: feeling rested

Sleep: It has gotten harder and harder to get a good nights' sleep.  I have a feeling this is going to be the story of my life for the next half a year or more.  I wake up every couple hours and I often feel like napping during the day, though often can't indulge the desire.  Now that I'm just watching the baby during the day, I should be able to squeeze in naps when she sleeps from time to time... that'll be nice!!

What I am looking forward to: touristy things with the family... Garden of the Gods and the zoo.  And shopping with Shelia.  And my MASSAGE on Monday!!! :)

Belly Button: same old same old

Symptoms: the reflux as usual, though it's been particularly bad this week.  I don't know if it's getting worse or if I've made some unconscious changes to my diet that are affecting me.  I bought some pregnancy heartburn tea, so hopefully that'll help my daytimes.  Otherwise, I have been having some back aches, especially after walking or standing for too long.  Hehe, I'm pregnant!! :)

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