Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby: 13-14" long, ~1.5-2 lbs
Total Weight Gain: ~19 lbs
Maternity Clothes: exclusively
Best Moment this week: It's been a rough week with Josh sick and very little sleep. I've missed him at night as he's spent most nights on the couch, and day-times aren't much better for connecting since he has had very little voice (and recently dr ordered vocal rest). Yesterday after the dr put him on vocal rest he started scribbling (usually jokes) on note pads or typing notes on his phone. Last night I was "complaining" about getting kicked when he picked up his phone and started typing. With a sweet kiss he handed me the phone and walked away while I read : "I'm glad I could give you a baby. I know how happy it makes you. I love you." This may be my favorite pregnancy memory ever, seriously :) I love my hubs, and he knows he totally made my day with that note.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: I keep forgetting to mention that Ash loves church. I am guessing it's the combination of me singing (since he can hear my voice more than anyone else's) and the bass and drums (the lower frequencies are the ones that get through the amniotic fluid the best). He always dances while I sing on Sundays. I love him :-)
Food Craving: again, not at all pregnancy related, but I went and bought some Einstein Bros pumpkin cream cheese (and grabbed some bagel thins and cinnamon bread at the grocery store to put it on). What I've really been craving is chocolate (in all its forms... mocha, ice cream, cookies, candy), but it gives me HORRIBLE reflux. So reflux is keeping me relatively healthy... :)
What I Miss Most: being able to eat whatever sounds good without thinking of what it'll do to my reflux. There is so much I can't eat. A lot of it is unhealthy (greasy fatty foods), so it's nice to have innate discouragement to eat those things... but some of it is good for me or neutral (like Italian or Mexican or non-skim dairy) and I can't wait to eat what sounds good again.
Sleep: ATROCIOUS! It's been such a rough week. With Josh sleeping on the couch b/c of his cough, I've been pretty restless in bed. I just don't sleep well with him elsewhere. I miss my hubs.
What I am looking forward to: spending some time with my little brother and his girlfriend this week while they're visiting. What I'm NOT looking forward to is my 3 hr glucose test on Monday morning. Fasting for 12 hrs, going in and drinking a drink with twice the glucose, and three blood draws (1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr). Not to mention the anxiety I have over failing and having to eat a GD diet. I don't know if I can live without sugar AND carbs :)

Symptoms: reflux, carpal tunnel, sore back. I've started wearing the brace for carpal tunnel when I sleep at night and when I'm relaxing during the day/evening. It doesn't cure the problem, but days when I don't wear it much my tingling is closer to pain, so I'm going to keep wearing it.
Hang in there! Love you guys! :)