Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

32 weeks and no pic yet

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 32 wks

Size of Baby : averages say ~17" and 4 lbs.

Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  nothing new this week...

Best Moment This Week :  Josh had a four day weekend (I had a 3 1/2), and it was really nice to hang out together this weekend.  We picked up a game he's been looking forward to (Skyrim) at the midnight launch on Thursday night, and he played a lot while I read and knitted.  We also hung out with friends, toured the hospital, shopped for our small group Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, went out for lunch... it was just a fun, productive AND relaxing weekend.

Gender : boy

Movement : as he grows and the amt of amniotic fluid surrounding him decreases, I'm feeling more and more movement.  Though he can't get enough space to get in a full kick, so most of the movements are more like squirming and more gentle kicks.  He's done some strange things in the past day or two and I'm not fully sure what position he's in anymore.  I THINK he's still head down.  He also still spends most of his time on the right side, but when I wake up from sleeping on my left side, he's switched.

Food Craving : I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner!  And we're having a mini-Thanksgiving with small group this week, so I get TWO :-D  I'm just excited b/c it's a whole meal of things that shouldn't trigger my reflux, and that hardly ever happens.

What I Miss Most : life without reflux and the ability to exercise... this week I didn't even have the energy for a walk most days.

Sleep : waking up lots at night to pee; I really do feel like breast feeding through the night will hardly be different.  The VERY worst experience of pregnancy sleeping so far was this weekend, though.  I snuggled up to Josh instead of my preggo-pillow and ended up falling asleep with him for the first hour Sunday night.  Then after about 80-90 min of lying almost flat (instead of propped up on pillows), he moved and I started awake and realized my throat was full of food and acid.  I don't know if I vurped when he moved and I started awake, or if it had been sitting there for a while.  I DO know that the horror, the taste in my mouth, and the burning sensation were atrocious; and after getting up for a drink of water and some Tums, and of course settling back into bed with extra pillows under me, it took forever to get back to sleep, and my throat still burned when I woke up Monday morning.  Josh says maybe it's time to get a heartburn wedge; I think he's right.  I wake up every morning with a little burn in my throat. :-รพ

What I Am Looking Forward To : this weekend is super busy but fun.  Saturday is our first appt with our doula @ 9:30, my baby shower @ 12, and a shower for one of Josh's coworkers @ 3.  Sunday is church, groceries, and a pampered chef party.  Monday is last minute prep for mom's visit.  Woohoo!! :)

Belly Button : Just barely poking out, and only one little part of it... as small as the tip of your pinky finger.  Nothing visible through my daily clothes b/c I always have 2+ layers on my belly, but you can see it when I only wear 1 layer.

Symptoms :  they seem to come and go, so one day I'll be saying how great I feel and the next I'm miserable.  The reflux is still bad from time to time even with the med increase, though worst in bed or after eating a know trigger.  I can only eat tiny frequent meals most of the time now too b/c my stomach is squished and gets backed up quickly.

I've started getting really shaky if it's been a couple hours since I last ate as opposed to getting hunger pangs which only happens maybe once a day.  I'm taking the shaky, lightheaded feeling as a cue to eat.

I'm noticing Braxton Hicks pretty much every day at least at some point.  They're definitely worse if I am active - either going for a walk or just being too busy with errands or chores.  But doc says keep walking even if it triggers them, so weeks when I'm feeling okay and the weather cooperates I'm trying to get out every day.  Exhausted days sometimes I choose naps over walking. :)

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