Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 21, 2011

33 weeks and pics

Here are a few pics.  If you want more, I'll be updating my albums on FB soon.

This is my belly bump at 32.5 wks.  After my shower, I was starting to droop a little.
I need to call JoAnn's and find out why they haven't called me to come pick up Hobbes yet... He's the only major thing missing on this wall; minor items are a container for our wipes and the cloth wipes we'll be using on the right hand shelf.  We've got the hamper, the diaper pail, the trash can, the changing pad cover, the super heroes and bear... It's coming together!!

This is the book and toy shelf getting full.  L-R top : "lovies", books, hard toys; bottom : board books, soft toys, stuffies.
A pic Elijah took at the shower

I have no idea what I was talking about but the way I'm sitting cracked me up.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 33 wks

Size of Baby : averages say ~17-20" and 4-5 lbs.

Total Weight Gain : ~26 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  nothing new this week...

Best Moment This Week :  my Saturday was full of fun if a little exhausting.  Our meeting w/Kari (our doula) went pretty well, though she had just assisted in a delivery overnight and only got 3 hrs of sleep, so she was a little out of it, poor thing.  My shower was a blast!!  It was so fun to see people I haven't seen in a while.  And then topped the day off with one more shower for Josh's coworker.  I was pooped when I got home, but it was so much fun.

Gender : boy

Movement : Well, it seems like he's finally switched sides and is hanging out on the left side mostly now.  That whole insanity last week was apparently his efforts to get over there.  Congrats, baby, you made it :)

Food Craving : always chocolate.  I'd LOVE a peppermint mocha. 

What I Miss Most : I talked to Jenna this weekend about running next year.  I think we're going to sign up for a local fall half so we've got a goal to work toward, and plenty of time for me to get back in shape.  I can't wait to start running again.

Sleep : I tried out a wedge pillow and after 1 1/2 nights I'm taking it back.  We have a soft foam topper on our mattress and the pillow was so hard/stiff I just couldn't get comfortable.  So it's back to just sleeping on an extra pillow.  Oh well.

What I Am Looking Forward To : Mom comes Wednesday for almost a week.  I'm really looking forward to the time together, Thanksgiving with her and Linds and M&M, finishing up the nursery, and maybe spending a little of my Target gift card money on things that I haven't gotten and still need.

Belly Button : still just poking out a little bit.

Symptoms :  reflux, back pain, occasional breathlessness and fatigue... I mean, pretty much all the unavoidable third trimester symptoms.  But overall I still tell people that I'm lucky that reflux has been the only consistent issue, and I've been relatively "comfortable" (for a preggo) this whole pregnancy.

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