Baby Progress

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 21, 2014

19 weeks - Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along : 19 weeks

Size of Baby :  ~6" (still using crown to rump) & 8 oz

Total Weight Gain : ~ 8 lbs

Maternity Clothes :  I'm starting to wear over-the-belly pants, tho my belly still isn't the greatest at holding them up. I often use a Bella band to help, but honestly I spend all day pulling my pants up :)

Best Moment This Week :  Of course seeing our healthy, growing SweetPea was the real highlight, but there was another high point to my week. I was in BodyPump doing endless lunges (after already completing countless squats earlier in the routine with more weight on my bar than usual) and feeling slightly discouraged that I still can't do lunges with any weight and make it thru them all. Then suddenly it dawned on me that 3-4 months ago I couldn't do ONE lunge without hurting my knees b/c I lacked the strength for proper form. This week I did almost every single one. I may not look impressive compared to others taking the class, but compared to myself (the only one that really matters) I've come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. I am significantly stronger than I was even at the beginning of this pregnancy. THAT is an accomplishment to be proud of!

Gender : It's a BOY!

Movement : Still just moments of flutter here and there. This has been a source of stress for me early in the week, trying not to let a lack of perceptible movement convince me something was wrong. Of course, a healthy ultrasound and lots of moving while we watched confirmed that there's no need for worry. 

Food Craving : Still crunchy. I even bought crunchy peanut butter!! Way outside my norm. Of course I'd love some chocolate and ice cream (or chocolate ice cream), but these will wait till Easter.  

What I Miss Most : Not feeling completely wiped every day. I take a nap most days, and can hardly keep my eyes open at bedtime. I'll find out from labs at my next appt if I should start taking iron, which may help. 

Sleep : I wake at least once a night, often with sore hips/shoulders, and occasionally have to pee.  I'm trying to drink most of my water during the day so I can make it thru the night w/o getting up. I was been sleeping in a modified runners pose, tilted toward my stomach with the little pillow at my chest or a foam pillow between my legs & against my belly to keep me from rolling too far onto my front. I kept forgetting to bring up the body pillow from the basement till crawling exhausted into bed at night, but one night I just made the trek down there at bedtime anyway. So now I sleep nestled into my little "nest", feeling snuggled all night long. 

What I Am Looking Forward To : Being able to feel strong movement & the peace of mind it brings. 

Belly Button : same. I can see now how it MIGHT pop out later. We'll see :)

Symptoms : I've been surprised by some serious leg cramps when I'm lying slightly curled up. I've also experienced more nausea this week than I'd expect. I thought I was past it, but it made a recurrence this week. Fortunately I still have some vitamin B on hand. Otherwise it's the usual : reflux (this one better come with hair too!), aches (esp in my lower back and round ligaments), exhaustion, etc. 

Compared to last time : Pretty similar, but more nausea still. No pics from 19 wks with Ash, so here's my pic from this weekend. 

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